I only ever see this thing get bashed here. Why is that?

I only ever see this thing get bashed here. Why is that?

I picked one up and its pretty great. Uncharted 4, The Last Guardian, Resident Evil 7, and Wipeout Omega Collection look amazing in HDR. Resogun too, the explosions pop off the screen.

Aside from the HDR, the resolution bump on non-HDR games make everything look so clean and clear on my 4k television, compared to the original PS4. I understand its not native 4k (aside from Wipeout with motion blur off), but does that even matter when it looks so much better anyway?

What is the problem?

This is Nintendogaf, everyone has to be contrarian when ps4 is mentioned

Sup Forums has irrational hate for anything related to Sony

>Uncharted 4
"cinematic" shitware
>The Last Guardian
last gen is now
>Resident Evil 7
fuck off
>Wipeout Omega Collection
back to the future

Because if you wanted games to look good you buy a pc silly sony niglets

Ah, I see we have another one of those "real gamers" who doesn't play any games because they are all beneath him.

The Pro is solid. One X is going to shit all over it, but One X is going to be a multiplat machine, just like the original One.

I play games, alright. I just don't play BRANDS.

I bought the Pro and I honestly regret it. I do have a 1080p screen, but the framerate upgrades are really insignificant in most games. The price difference would be enough for two or three more games and it is waaay too big compared to the slim.
It's only pc gamers that criticize the ps4 because they say it has crappy hardware. Which is technically true but doesn't rule out the PS4's good exclusives.
Switch is the most bashed console here on Sup Forums because the sony shitposters are the most vocal and annoying group.
No only really likes the Pro though.

Because this PS4 "Pro" is what the actual PS4 should have been, and selling the same console twice is pretty much just a kick in the balls for anyone who actually bought the old one.
Also Sony shills their console through 3rd party exclusives (Bloodborne) and PS-exclusive content in multiplatform games (Jukebox in Tekken 7) because that's the only way they manage to cling themselves to existence.
Also paid online multiplayer due to the inclusion of the feature into PS+.
Which pretty much means that anyone who talks shit on sony is just reflecting the middle finger that they give to everyone.

Ok, lets say I buy what you are saying. So that rules out Sony. And Anything Microsoft has done clearly outclasses them in bullshittery so that leaves out Xbox and PC gaming aside from Linux (Dirt Rally actually works quite good on Liux).

So Nintendo only then?

>Because this PS4 "Pro" is what the actual PS4 should have been
This argument is so stupid
Did people spew this garbage when the 3DS XL or New 3DS was announced?

OP here. I do agree with him. It's shit I had to buy the same system twice.

I don't think its so much that this is what the next system should have been though, so much that the PS4 should have been out years earlier, and the Pro should have been 5, and came out when the first PS4 system did.

It's popular and that's kryptonite for Sup Forumsirgins

PC has better hardware
Xbox is about to have better console hardware
Nintendo will beat them in exclusives, like always

I have a PC, Vita, 3DS, and WiiU for this gen.
I can literally count on one hand the amount of games I want for PS4 and cannot get. That's not worth the price of this console, especially when patience might pay with 2 or 3 of those games leaving the console/in one case just also getting announced for PC. Which would leave me with literally just the Vita sequels on PS4, GR2 and Tearaway aren't reason enough to own a console.

>I only ever see this thing get bashed here. Why is that?
Sony is the top dog, so people bash it. It's that simple.

>but does that even matter when it looks so much better anyway?
>What is the problem?
Literally nothing. Sony didn't ever promise native 4K and Sup Forumsgoers are fucking retarded. PS4pro does everything it strives to do at a reseonable pricepoint. Since day 1 they said it was upscalled 4K, not native. But meme clickbaint channels like TheKnow and vidya websites are too stupid (or aware of our stupidity) and nonchalantly say "4K" instead of "upscaled 4K" in most headlines when talking about PS4pro, so when DigitalFoundry does a video and says the game runs at 1440p or 1800p upscalled, and the shitters acuse Sony of lying or something.

People took the 4K meme SO HARD that they forget there are other resolutions between 1080p and 4k (2160p), they seem to think it's either ALL or NOTHING, as if 1440p wasn't already a huge improvement over 1080p, and even more so with 1800p.
If anything it's Microsoft that dug a hole with their "TRUE 4K" marketing campaign, because just like the PS4pro, XboneX will also upscale at least half of its library, we already know both Anthem and AssCreed are upscaled on XboneX. I wonder how they'll get out of that self-inflicted PR nightmare and try to justify a $150 difference when both systems still upscale a lot of games.

> It's shit I had to buy the same system twice.
But you didn't have to buy the system twice. I have a launch PS4 and it will be supported until 2022 or 2023, just like the PS3 is still being supported to this day. Every single game you can play on the Pro I can play on my OG PS4. There are no exclusives whatsoever.

You made an OPTIONAL choice to get a PS4 twice.

>sony shitposters
At least half of the sonyfags that bash the switch are actually normal posters, and nintendofags just use "le sony" as a shitty rebuttal

>I wonder how they'll get out of that self-inflicted PR nightmare and try to justify a $150 difference when both systems still upscale a lot of games.

My guess is they think they can get away with it by pushing the Phil "Good Guy" Spencer image really hard.

Yeah I love how even on Sup Forums people buy that Good-Guy-Spencer bullshit. Does no one understand PR?
He's only pretending exclusives aren't relevant because higher ups at MS want to turn the Xbox brand into a living room PC, nothing more than a steam box, so his job is to pretend like a 100% multiplat platform is a good thing by saying "Play Everywhere!" instead of "Oops we fucked up hard". I think this was the first Xbox conference where there were ZERO Xbox exclusives. One of the last two big franchises remaining (mainline Forza games) also went to PC. There's nothing left other than mainline Halo games.
And all the little stuff like emulated backwards compatibility is also nothing more than a good PR move, it only exists because they need to mend their 2013 fuck up.

People seem to forget Phil Spencer of the Xbox and 360 era. They also think that if Xbone was this gen's 60 million seller it's exclusives would still go multiplat and that the fake backwards compatibility would still be done. No company is better than any other company. The underdog always needs to lick boots for a while before showing his real self again.

>resident Evil 7
>fuck off

No user. It is you who must be doing the fuck off.

>sony shills through 3rd party exclusives
Literally a console exclusive brought up by sony 1st until millions of you pcfags begged for it
>tekken 7
Literally a series made relevant by sony in a span of decades

Shilling exclusives? Looks like pcfags are projecting again

But you do user. You no doubt chose certain components for your PC over others and also get your game via preffered means. You literally do this.

Sick meme faggot.

This. PC fanatics have no sense of humility.