Shootout kino

is there any other tps action game where the gunfights are as satisfying as the ones in this game?

dead space 2

yeah, the shooting in dead space is nice, but is there anything with real guns instead of space tools?

the last of us

fuck off

Gears of War
These are basically gunkino.

come on, man

no fuck you

the gunplay is average, but the combat against AI feels more desperate than in most TPS games and it is appropriately violent

Mafia 3


Unironically Uncharted 4, I wouldn't pay more than £20 for it though

>the gunplay is average
right so thanks for the terrible recommendation that you knew was terrible. you can go now

Kane and Lynch 2: Chinese Boogaloo

ignore kino threads
ignore kino posters

>Sup Forums - irrational hatred against good games



I wouldn't call the gunplay average, just different. You're experienced and trained in survival, not in using guns. It essentially feels like that, to me. Not that user, btw, but I also share his sentiments with how most set pieces worked in last of us. I think they're pretty great, there's just maybe not enough moments like that in a game that does them pretty well. But I guess that's what the multiplayer is for

Ok, user was asking for third person stuff.
Max Payne
The Club


Loved the ending of that game

>let's shoot up half of Shanghai killing hundreds of police and gang members
>then proceed to allahu akbar the fuck out of the airport
>stop a plane and board it on the runway
>we made it

Like that would fucking be the end of their trouble

not pubg

Spiritual sequel when?


nice try

Yeah I love that hobo killing simulator

Third person shooters similar to Max Payne and Stranglehold aren't really profitable nowadays unfortunately. It's all about multiplayer team-based shooters.

How mentally challenged do I need to be to be able to find slow motions satisfying? You're quite literally making the whole aiming process much much easier by doing that.


Holy shit, I never knew how much I wanted a game with stranglehold's over the top bullet ballet shit and Max Payne 3's "people getting fucking shot physics".

not him
but as a game, its shit
as a cutscene simulator B grade movie, its OK

but, we're talking games here, not movies for cucks who press forward and do rudimentary child like puzzles and stealth so boiled down a child could complete

chilli con carnage is pretty good, psp and all

Uncharted 4

didn't this get a PC release

Pro tip: don't try to criticise games you've clearly never played

having a cut scene, walking two steps then having another cut scene is unforgiveable and ruins any game that does it. mp3 is one of the worst for this that i could never play it again


It's only unforgivable if you can't skip them. Fuck Max Payne 3 for that. Not even SSD can remove them.