This comes out in a couple hours

This comes out in a couple hours.

Anyone care?

First time I've even heard of it

It's Edmund McMillen's new game.

Am I supposed to know who that is?


you will soon because he payed for this thread

Yeah, OP is Edmund shilling his fucking game right now.

I'm cautiously excited because Meat Boy was great. This looks relatively slow paced though.

>Trusting Fagmund after Afterbirth and Afterbirth+

What am I, a battered girlfriend?

It's gonna be a shit version of meatboy isn't it?

>600+ levels

it screams lazy design

lol you died time to ramp up that muscle memory

>being a newfag

t. Edmund

i wish i was a fuckin millionaire from making shit flash games, i wish dude

Meatboy and Binding of Isaac.

This, sadly.
Whatever happened to the endless runner meat boy and the cat game?

I'm fucking over this brand of game.

Whoever started this trend of "le rogue-lite metroidvania xD" indie SHIT games needs to go back in time and make their mother swallow the load that gave them life

>Whatever happened to the endless runner meat boy
still exists I think, it was being shilled during SGDQ

>and the cat game?
indefinite backburner, I guess they couldn't figure out how to make it an actually fun game

>"le rogue-lite metroidvania xD"
but it's a level based platformer

>"le rogue-lite metroidvania xD"
It's just a normal platformer dude.

>Ridiculon soundtrack
>It's just covers of classical songs

You philistine...

oh so it's confirmed shit


super meat boy is good
isaac rebirth is good

indieshit can't be good by definition


Holy shit I pre-ordered this and completely forgot about it until now. I hope it's good.

Is Rich Evans actually doing voice work for the game, or just the trailer?

But I already played super meatboy and this looks exactly the same. Seriously look at this.

Steak-mund can go fuck himself

Super Meat Boy is like 7 years old. I'm up for an expansion pack.

He voices the character, but I don't know how much voice-over you'll really get, given what it is.

What ever happened to that cat game he was making?


When exactly is it out?

Look it up you stupid cunt how fucking retarded are you do you ask your parents to help you breathe? Fucking retard

1 PM EST according to the steam page preorder price timer.

Atleast I hope after playing Crash a decent platformer will cleanse my soul from that terrible game

Wait, Why is everyone treating Meatboy Guy like Phil Fish now?

I never really played a lot of Isaac so I haven't been keeping up with him.

So it's literally Super Meat Boy?

Thank you.

You're rude.

Latest Isaac expansion was pretty bad and Sup Forums likes to be a Negative Nancy.

>why would a developer make a pseudo-sequel to a very popular game which came out 7 years ago?

Hopefully they put in proper controller support and don't put a cringey "Xbox 360 > keyboard" splash screen this time. Literally any controller is better that x360 for this type of game.

he hates people who datamine his games for secrets, which has made him a lot of enemies

Mewgenics was canceled last year

Sure, but it doesn't look better, so what's the point?

SMB is one my favourite games but this shit made me want to punch Ed in his fat face.

maybe if you had some talent you could :^)

Gameplay looks like meatboy and gish fell into kitchen blender. Kinda meh.

No he doesn't, he said multiple times that he was just annoyed and people exagerated his words.
The Afterbirth ARG and missing content was the real fuckup.


Half of the Afterbirth DLC was kept from release as retaliation against data miners for figuring out a super secret character way earlier than they hoped in the vanilla game. It's partly that and it was 'originally intended' to release later because there was an ARG on unlocking the other half of the DLC. The DLC itself also wasn't as good as Wrath of the Lamb was to the original Isaac either.

Afterbirth+ was a buggy, lazy piece of shit rushed to launch but it's getting only slightly better because of bug patches and bimonthly "booster packs" of new items.

That's about it other than and people call him Steakmund because of an interview with him about The Lost had Tyrone, the other dev of the game calling it "swallowing a steak in one bite" and both reacting negatively about it. He doesn't seem like a bad guy but he really fucked up with one of his creations.

Dude, it's not like he's Kojima or Miyamato or something.

You're gonna need to mention his games along with his name for people to know wtf you're talking about.

he's one of the most famous indie devs

>It's just super meat boy again
What a fucking hack

Look, I've played/Liked Binding of Isaac, and even I don't remember the guys name.

Probably better to introduce him like this:

>Edmund McMillen's, the creator of such games as Binding of Isaac and Super Meat Boy.....

Or something like that. At the moment, his name is not cemented to his games like other creators I mentioned. It would be best if you were promoting him to keep his game names and his name in the same sentence until such time that it catches on.

>No he doesn't, he said multiple times that he was just annoyed and people exagerated his words

Motherfucker got so angry at the datamining he splerged out with shitty food metaphors and locked content out of greed mode for days after the release just so people couldn't datamine it to see what's inside of it.

At least he doesn't promote him with reddit spacing.

>He doesn't know Steakmund
ok buddy

I think the real question is; Will Egg play it?

Obviously, but Nick will be the one who goes full autismo about it

>it's meatboy 2
Newgrounds is making a comeback, lads!

>it's literally just meatboy

Wow, Edmund does it again

Is this that game that has Rich Evans?

looks like shit

>locked content out of greed mode for days
>people still datamined the content by viewing through the obj archives
He still hasn't learned from that time people criticized his leaderboard security (which got exploited a day after he said "lol nope") that he is an out of touch drag-and-drop developer. He reacts to situations too little too late because he was never disciplined to be proactive, or to just calm the fuck down instead of acting like a clown when somebody does something he couldn't prevent.

>slightly recolored meatboy

>He still hasn't learned from that time people criticized his leaderboard security (which got exploited a day after he said "lol nope") that he is an out of touch drag-and-drop developer. He reacts to situations too little too late because he was never disciplined to be proactive

That's because he's a game/level designer and not a developer. It's always someone else programming, but obviously he doesn't want to throw anyone under the bus.

>literally have been typing like this before reddit or Sup Forums existed.
>Reddit spacing meme

I never understood what "reddit spacing" was. I still don't.

edmund couldnt into game design if his life depended on it.

this article I'm looking at says it's a July 13th release date


oh, it's out right now

God dammit. What happens if you get through the beginning section?

>died on literally the first spike
I wouldn't know.

can you reach this guy?

and the shilling has begun

torrent when

/ourguy/ dauphong is on it I bet

How did McMillen manage to make this without anyone giving a shit? You'd think someone like him could make at least some waves when a new game is coming out.

>they put Mew-Genics on hold for a shit tier basic-ass platformer with 2-3 colors

Fuck you McMullen.

Am I the only one who still likes flash aesthetics? shame the performance is such shit

Go back to the beginning of the screen below
A spike will fall down so you can go up

I want to believe this thread is so bad only because everyone are too busy playing this

I will never give a single cent to Stakemund after the abomination that was Afterbirth+

I found him but he just said some shit and didn't give me anything.

Here I'll drop some hot opinions. People will compare this to Super Meat Boy but it's more like IWBTG in a lot of ways, at least in the way levels are structured. Also, It controls much better than SMB, the ability to do Spelunky-style fliphangs is tremendously useful.

gotta go to the restaurant right now, I forgot this was the launch night

played a bit, it feels challenging but fair, and some of those tumors require you to think outside the box, I like it so far

will play more tommorow, I'm sure there will be a thread for this

This is true
And just like IWBTG or IWBTG fangames I find it a lot more precise with a keyboard
Sometimes I even try to double jump when I can't

>found a cart where you start with 0 lives and every death sends you back to the first level
I can already feel the carpal tunnel setting in.

torrent is out



So are there bullshit traps with hair-pin triggers that you can't possibly predict until you die to it once?

From what I've played there's no power ups or moves you unlock, it's going to be the exact same game from start to finish. Which isn't a bad thing, but when you take into account the fact that all the unlockables don't really do anything besides give you more levels to play I feel like this game's going to get old real quick.

Also that Denial cartridge is fucking bullshit; make the levels in the carts more difficult then let me spawn every three levels or so, it's just muscle memory at that point

>Edmund still can't even spell "acquired"

nice trailer dipshit you really sold me on your quality game

Just played it for 15 minutes, it's like Meatboy minus the fast frantic movement. Hard pass. He literally bombards you with screens where you have to wait for 15+ seconds for the platform to drop so you can repeat the jump you failed previously. Movement itself feels very sluggish regardless of intent.

I hope this hack makes something like Coil or Aether next

No, it's not the Kaizo kind of difficulty. At least, it hasn't been the case in the first 2 worlds.

I miss when "literally" was a word with meaning that people used properly.

For those completitionist fucks out there, it looks like you have to beat every cartridge without dying to get a bonus tumor, even though there's no ingame "achievement" for it. Also, I can't confirm this because I haven't actually done it yet but I think you also need to beat them without dying and while getting every single collectible for 100% too.
No it was actually the first spike you could possible collide with, I wasn't paying attention.

But the fun comes from Steam achievments, how will a torrent help