Name literally one (1) game where you fight enemies.
Name literally one (1) game where you fight enemies
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well the older games that did that had decent hitboxes and did not fill their fans with crack to make then warriors for the game
Are you retarded? It's the way Dark Souls handles those mechanics that are being copied and being made into a "genre". Nobody said they were first.
Which way does Dark Souls exactly handle them differently?
What's even more retarded is how he compares 3d games to 2d games as if they can translate whatsoever. They are entirely different games and don't play alike anything fucking close. You can't call any 2d game a "dark souls" like game, it just doesn't make any fucking sense.
There were lots of games especially on the ps2 that did everything dark souls does, sometimes very similarly too
It's just that new tech allows this all to look much better and function better
if anything fromsoft were just the first to make an engine and a game that does this with modern graphics and animations that just weren't possible before, but they sure as hell did not invent stamina, dodging or third person melee combat
People called everything a "doom clone" because they were retarded, not because every fps in the 90s actually played like doom.
Well for autosaving, its mandatory and its single file, meaning no save scumming. Frankly that should just be an RPG standard.
remember when calling games doom clones was resurrected for a short period of times some years ago
also doom wasn't even the first being an fps
dark souls wasn't the first stamina third person melee game to do autosaving on a single file either
This needs to stop.
uhh, I remember this, people called fps games "doom clones" as late as early 2000s here in my country
Sup Forums please stop.
You can find retarded people on the internet if you look for them. Why do you care about this obviously retarded guy and his obviously retarded opinion? Just walk away nigga.
fuck you!
Name seven hundred where you don't
How so "no savescumming"? What prevents you just from copying the file to a different location and replacing the original if you die etc
but you don't understand
retard op here NEEDS validation from his favorite shithold dwellers, otherwise his miserable existence would be dven more meaningless than it already is
Im actually curious can you name one? besides the obvious DeS.
Thats outside the game, its like saying youre using cheats.
He makes an ok point but goddamn is it boring to watch. video essays like this put me straight to sleep. The editing is boring, his voice isn't compelling and his point is simply not well executed. I was watching it and realised at the 10 minute mark that I had no idea what the video is about, just a lot of blabbering.
this is a better example of how to make a more entertaining video essay about a similar topic
this video essay fad is the worst kind of videos to come out recently and most of them are just complete shit
Jackie chan
reminder that it was never meant to be on pc
How cucked are the consoles if you cannot even access the filesystem
Curious how silent the shitposter went.
how cucked was the system for having no games?
Just tell which one so I know who's me
? We are talking about playing within the confines of the game. That is game design.
If you want to talk about external things you can do to modify the game and make it different then we're not even talking about game design anymore, we're talking about external things you can do to modify a game. At end, the game is designed to have a persistent save file that follows you can cannot be save scummed. You can't save before a boss and attempt the boss infinite times with all of your consumable items until you win. Using a consumable item is a big deal for this reason because it never comes back. If you die you lost it without reward. The only way to chance this is to do something outside the confines of the game, but again, at that point you are just talking about cheating so what's the point?
It is not cheating because the game is made for a specific platform and the platform natively allows it. Cheating would be something like downloading a third-party tool and using it for editing memory or game code etc. Messing with save files is not nearly the same as cheating. It is the devs own fault if they don't invent a checksum hash for preventing save file copying and if they make save files generally easily reverse-engineerable.
Seriously, there are enough retarded opinions on Sup Forums without faggots like OP going out, actively searching for them elsewhere and then dragging them back here.
> Messing with save files is not nearly the same as cheating
yes it is you fucking faggot. it is literally cheating.
You can already do it on PlayStation with PS+ you fucking nigger
Activating an external application to give you benefits like infinite ammo, health, etc. is cheating you retarded ape
savescumming is literal cheating
You can savescum on PS3 and PS4. And probably on xbox.
Jackie Chan
>Watch garbage youtube """content"""
>Reee why is it garbage
Just don't watch it you fucking dunce, just like you don't watch gay porn videos the whole day if you're not gay
You're a literal retard
how the fuck is save scumming not cheating? do you know what cheating is?
saying save scumming isn't cheating would be like saying rewinding chess moves isn't cheating just because you can physically do it
You're a retard
What are some vidya analysis or review channels that don't waste my time or make their format boring as fuck in a laughable attempt to be taken seriously on an academic level?
I already watch accursed farms, mandaloregaming, LGR, and Btongue. Give me anything the exact opposite of the OP link