Has actually never lost a case

>has actually never lost a case
>whoops phoenix's ass in the civil case
>arguments are well founded and doesnt rely much on miracle saves like his boss, who actually still fumbles and acts like a rookie
>has an actual ability thats available in trials unlock shit locks
>finally gets a game where he can shine and he's already better than his bluffmaster mentor
>will probably have to sit out aa7 due to soj's ending


Other urls found in this thread:


Apollo is literally the most popular male character in Japan. He WILL return to ruin Athena's game just like how Phoenix returned to ruin Apollo's game.

Shut the fuck up

>people like Apollo """"chords of steel"""""" beta faggotry and not Phoenix-Senpai
>thinking Phoenix's fumbling into a solution is not his ultimate technique

Guess that's what you get when anime fags start playing your favorite game series.

>Athena & Widget

I bet you fags like this shit too.

>he doesn't know about the unwritten rule in AA where the case's current protagonist will always be smarter than every other character involved
How to spot a pleb

>no counter arguments

As expected of phoenix fags.

I'll even give you another opinion that you cannot refute.

Apollo has the best objection theme in the game and every remix has only made it better.

Only a shitter with poor taste would disagree.

Maybe because Apollo cases don't feature crazy solutions outside of 4-4 in first place or...

Not that user but
>refuting an opinion
Apollofags, everybody

Phoenix keeps getting dumber though
He has too many dumb moments
>defense what the fuck are you smoking, your arguments contradicts this
>Oh I guess I forgot haha

Your shit taste is astounding senpai. So this is the power of bad taste......

This is my rebuttal. And CORNERED is best theme. This is the objectively correct opinion

Is it explained why Phoenix took the civil case or did he just want to troll Apollo

Hey guys, can I get some love too?

Did you even play the fucking game you dumb motherfucker?

>Hated Apollo when AJ came out
>Play trough DD
>Apollo is now my one of my favorite characters

I actually wouldn't even mind if he replaced Phoenix as the main character again now, desu.

>Never getting localized

Still hurts.

What Persona game is this?

Why would you hate Apollo in AJ? he does nothing to earn such a reaction

>fumbling into a solution

Need i remind you how many times in the original trilogy in phoenix's rookie years where he has had to pray for ghosts and literal miracle from out of fucking nowhere to save his sorry ass?

This is exactly what happened in aa4 when he expected evidence from a child from out of nowhere to be used as crucial information in court and it finally came back to bite him.

Literally stupid.

What people seem to forget about the Civil Case is that Apollo only won because he had the truth on his side and Nick had very little to work with. If the roles were reversed you bet your ass Nick would have beaten Apollo because the truth would be on his side.

Everybody fucks up sometimes, desu. It's what makes Phoenix a hero. He paid for his mistake and came back. What character defining events have happened to Apollo other than him being an insecure beta that lets his allies win cases for him?

>liking anything over a new chapter of trials

The first time i heard it i knew it was the one. Pure objection kino.

Apollo and Athena are much better than Phoenix and Maya, last game literally confirmed this, specially with Maya, god what a shitty character.

>he does nothing

Why can't Phoenix use the magatama on trials? I mean, I know they haven't used the mechanic, but is there anything stopping them from doing so?

How can one user be so painfully incorrect?

I think it was a combination of a couple of factors, not all of them the fault of the character himself. The way Capcom handled the transition, the actual writing of the cases, etc.

The only reason I disliked him specifically we because he felt like a boring protagonist that didn't do enough to stand out from Phoenix, making his character feel a bit redundant.

Eventually I warmed up to him though, obviously.

I dont understand why they keep making phoenix act so dumb at times.

Its like its ingrained into him to act shocked and say stupid shit every moment he gets a little pushed back. I know its there to put tension on the player but tone it the fuck down.

Phoenix is supposed to be a veteran of his profession, not some sweating monkey behind a desk.

>Phoenixfags seething

>liking Apollo means I don't like Nick
>liking Apollo means I like Athena

Playing through DD right now, I still feel this way about Apollo. He's simply unnecessary. Slightly Younger Red Phoenix.

Not seething Hombre, just saying. Apollo and Athena are redundant anime characters. If I wanted that I'd play Persona. I miss Maya.

I fucking loved turnabout revolution but im pretty sure there's a big plothole somewhere between all those bodyswaps that happened.

Can someone explain step by step how it all wnent down?

If garan couldnt channel shit, and had the queen do it for her, then she couldnt have channeled inga for rayfa to see him walk to tomb.

Or something. My head hurts.

anyone here remember user attorney?

c-come back pls ;_;

By the end of DD, I felt there were enough differences between their personalities to justify his existence.

I also think his relationship with Athena really helped, I enjoyed their back and forth a lot.

Neat, hope I'll be proved wrong by the end.

>If garan couldnt channel shit, and had the queen do it for her, then she couldnt have channeled inga for rayfa to see him walk to tomb.

The queen was the one who channeled Inga. Garan never channeled anyone.

>not localized

I dont even have the slightest idea what his personality is like.

I thought at the time that rayfa saw inga being channeled by someone, walking to the tomb, the "queen" was busy channeling some foreign guy in the palace. The one that the kid took a picture of.

Or do they happen at different times?

I think the series had a lot of growing pains outside the original trilogy. You see it a lot in any franchise that takes off beyond the original creator's first imagined scope. Ideas that were meaningful story beats become tropes fans demand.

Ace Attorney is so calcified in formula I don't think it will be able to match that original trilogy ever again.

Mia kicks everyone's ass, you pleb.

If I spoke Japanese I'd set up a paypal to do a fan translation and shake all you nerds down.

I don't speak Japanese, but I would throw money at this idea

>Implying Athena isn't a Lesbian

>still no new AAI game announced

That what happens when you make the perfect game too early.

Maya is such an overrated piece of shit

Garan can't channel pleb

Apollo is just a glorified animu tsundere

Rude and unnecessary. Your vitriol is a clear sign that your taste is lesser than a true patrician.

What? What does that have to do with what I said.

Regardless, her widget thing is REALLY cringey.

I miss him too desu. Wonder how his wrist is doing

Younger, more polite Phoenix basically. Kind of nervous all around the game and gets stepped on a lot. During investigations, however, he's much more like Nick

Don't really get this since he has a sword which = generally badassery. I thought he'd be a less edgy blackquill

Nah bro, you new to Jap-shit? Sword in that era just meant he was a stand-up dude.

Tell me more of this Phoenix.

Yes, happened at different times.

>Inga kills Dhurke
>Inga put Dhurke's body in the sarcophagus

Sometime later

>Ga'ran entered the tomb in her own clothes
>She then put on Dhurke's clothes from the sarcophagus and hid somewhere
>Inga enters the tomb
>Garan then kills Inga (his final moments shown in the water mirror)
>Garan put Dhurke's bloodied clothes back on Dhurke's corpse
>Garan left the tomb in her normal outfit (Rayfa saw this)
>During this time, Amara was performing the channeling in the photo.

Some time later

>Amara, ordered by Garan, then entered Inga residence and channeled him
>Amara who was possessed by Inga then ran to the tomb (Rayfa saw this)
>Amara then released Inga's soul
>Amara burnt Inga's clothes and waited for Dhurke
>Amara released Dhurke's spirit from Maya using the red magatama.
>She then put on Dhurke's outfit on herself and Maya's acolyte clothes on unconscious Maya
>She waited the guard invasion and channeled Dhurke right on time for him to be arrested

Man, AA cases got really convoluted as the games go on. I really miss the simplicity of 1-4 where the case just comes together naturally and doesn't feel forced. 1-4 was just perfect.

That's what I said dude

>Garan never channeled anyone

The queen I was referring to is obviously Amara

You take that back about Athena you imbecile.

There is a fantranslation already ongoing.
But the lead dev is a SJW german with ego issues and they still haven't even finalized Case 1 despite working on it for like 2 years now.

I haven't played AA beyond the first game, but I really like Apollo's design.

Might as well not be being worked on then. I thought I heard about a fan translation being C&D'd, but maybe I'm wrong. Here's hoping Capcom brings it over

Nah, a YouTube subbed playthrough got nuked, not the same as the fantranslation.
Also said fantranslation is actually using text from that YouTube playthrough, which is even more baffling they still have more or less fuck all done other than most of Case 1 and half of Case 2 after 2 fucking years.

>game is called Apollo Justice
>apollo is shit

>game is called Phoenix Wright: Dual Destinies
>apollo is shit

>game is called Phoenix Wright: Spirit of Justice
>apollo goes beast mode

he needs both names in the title to perform

Their names literally aren't even in the JP originals.
In JP the games are just called "Gyakuten Saiban " and that's it, no subtitles or extra shit.
Gyakuten Saiban stands for Turnabout Trial.
Blame Crapcom as usual.

I like Athena


The amount of contradictions, channeling, and everyone continously changing their stances on what happened really left me confused.

How good is SoJ compared to DD?

A massive improvement

Better, substantially.
Still inferior to 1, 3 and Edgeworth games though.

Do people not like DD? I'm doing playing it now. Not digging the emotion-reading thing.

>inferior to AAI1

It's alright.

It's average. Nothing that stands out from other games in the franchise.

Cases and story are average.
Athena is a horrible addition nobody asked for and Capcom's way of making a soft-reboot for the series by introducing a newfag character that newfags to the series can identify with, as well as waifu pandering obviously.
Emotion reading is the worst gimmick yet so far.

was it simply my weakness for chubby men that made me like him?

Don't forget, DD also ruined black psyche locks. The explanation made no sense and you know it.

There was no explanation for them in AJ though, Phoenix was just like "Oh shit black locks wtf"

I think DD's explanation for them is fine.

>he does nothing


>Gets another cross ex by talking about "balloons" with the Judge

Pretty funny

Is personally one of my favorite ones. Music is great, prosecutor is GOAT, cases are fun, Athena is waifu tier and witnesses are a lot less annoying this time around.

Liked it more tan SoJ.

It's not his sword.


Best cross ex theme. Dat bass.

Blackquill isn't edgy though

>The explanation made no sense and you know it.
>black psyche locks guard a secret a person is keeping subconsciously

Maybe he was so deluded that he started believe he really didn't have a motive to kill Zak?

Admitting it was because he was butt hurt for losing a client to Wright must be hard for his ego

More like AJ fucked so massively that DD had to come and fix it's mistakes the best way it could.

One of the worst entries in the franchise for sure.

wew lad

>Music and visuals are god tier
>Game is shit

What a shame. Only good thing about it was pic related and his case.

A lot better, even ignoring everything else simply for the virtue and investigations aren't completely neutered

>that color scheme
>hair over eyes
>"scarred" face
>*unzips katana* as a character gimmick

He is pretty edgy, but at least he has a reason for it.

Apollo wasn't bad in DD. He was in a perfect middle ground. Not only he got a badass confrontation with Blackquill (and the only carácter who had the balls to call on his bullshit twice) but he also faced off against Phoenix and almost kills his case. Not to mention he survived a court room fall over him.

5th case was all right, just the cliffhanger ending was kind of a dick move. 3 was great. Every other case was bad.

>Grim appearance = edgy
Mmm....really fired up my neurons.

tfw the only people that want this localized are the ones that haven't experienced how meh it was across the board.

honestly capcom saved money and low review scores by doing this.

I hope DGS2 is a jump in quality like how AAI2 was for the first.

The music at the very least is very good, so there is that

The entire game is just so baffling.
It feels more like a "proof of concept" that's the length of a full game.

Also are we EVER going to find out what the fuck was going on with pic related?

Respectfully disagree.

ITT Apollogists

>I opened the thread and replied without reading

It sure felt half-finished despite being fairly long. Very strange. Maybe if they didn't make that pointless and boring case 4 they could've done something with the plot.

Did you?


The gold trailer for DGS2 they launched within the last week has the foppish guy flailing at the witness stand as well as that irritating twitchy author fuckwit again, sadly. My opinion of DGS is probably stronger than most people's, I only really disliked Case 4. So naturally many of the ones from that pile seem to be returning.

>implying people are talking just about his appearance when they say he's edgy
Did you even play the games?

to be fair, he comes off as more of a british weeaboo in the dub.

he's fairly more edgey in japan due to his personality being played more straight.


anyone else feel like they need to end the series and start up a spiritual successor or something?

everyone's character arc is basically completed and i feel like it kinda makes the game boring and stale. i know there are a few standalone cases which are really good (i.e. 2-4), but those seem few and far between. i always felt like the majority of the best cases personally involved the main cast but there's not really much left to expand upon.