Grimoire : Heralds of the Winged Exemplar - Thread
>Neanderthals are the most severely retarded hominids to ever exist
This guy is funny as fuck.
why did the last thread get deleted? it broke no rules
Is it out yet?
Because it's not video games.
I will release the game by the end of the week. At the moment I'm trying to fix as many bugs as possible, like a real neanderthal.
The man that saved cRPGs !
which week?
how recent is that picture?
keep the thread alive
Behold the face of Autism.
does he honestly think that this shitty bunker will let him survive for more than 2 days after nuclear fallout?
That would be extremely painful.
who gives a shit about this like what is there to say
some perfectionist fuckhead will never ever release a game that looks like trash to begin with
Mr.Sirotek i'm Cleveland
I sent the package to Steam. I'm waiting for their confirmation to publish the game.
did you break RPGCodex by doing that?
Nah i was shitposting. It's good that RPGCodex is in maintenance, so Cleve can concentrate on his game.
Codex couldn't take the incline that inevitable Grimoire release would bring
>tfw this is what the guy actually believes, when it's the publisher (himself) that just have to flick the switch, not Valve
he's just making up excuses as the days go by to not release it, because it's actually not finished, just half-done maybe
Obviously !!!
not in any sense or meaning remotely known to me
Stop making these threads until we get a new release date
I've been away for a couple of days. So it's not out yet? I really want to play it because of how batshit it all sounds
Its going to be amazing.
Just make sure you have a old computer when its released in 2030 or so.
>So it's not out yet?
user, I...
Codex is back
and nothing of any value was gained this day
Didn't know Al Gore made this game
Already preordered
A reminder that he just casually mentioned it on rpgcodex that the entire dynamic NPC feature will be cut from the first version because it's still not done after 23 years.
Here are "coding" examples from the demo. Here you can see how he has implemented a dynamic NPC conversation feature. If (this) then (this) ... if (that) then (that)... Looking at the spaghetti structure of these examples makes me think. Guy's insane and retard at the same time.
>There was one miniquest left that was just an enum placeholder, never implemented it. Always planned to but there was always something higher priority to work on. Implementing it now. Mother of all easter eggs, epic moment in the game, totally beyond the pale, like Michael J. Fox doing a complete barrel roll inside the tunnel on his skateboard at the end of BTTF 2. Must-have miniquest moment. This is the big Easter Egg I was planning for 23 years. Testing now.
Cleve was a Sup Forumstard before the majority of Sup Forums was even born
I don't speak code, so what's wrong with those?
He invented the wheel again.
GOLDEN ERA GAMES [developer] 15 minutes ago
Don't want to be too optimistic again. Best to simply wait until the game is uploaded to our depot and has been tested for download and install before confirming things are going well. The extra week has truly worked marvels, the game just needed it. Those of you who work against deadlines know it takes some crunch time to finally get in and fix the last nitty gritty parts. People who pretend it doesn't take serious motivation to complete crunch the last bugs have never done it. Everything is easy when you have never done anything. All software benefits from slipping a week, that's the truth
Okay so
If the demo had source code with it, why isn't anyone "forking" it? (aka stealing)
Is the code that bad? Notacodeman
Every dialog is scripted
And that means...?
He is working hard like an idiot.
It is getting humiliating.
funny, because Grimoire is not a cRPG.
He didn't invent the wheel, quite the opposite, if he had invented the wheel it would be great. But coding a huge 23 magnum opus with constants and if...else... statements and with variables which transfer through the game as switches is not good thing to do. He could write a single quest handler which handles the quests for example..
What the fuck is incline even
The demo doesn't have source code. These examples are from RPG Codex from discussion with Cleve.
Opposite of decline.
He's a fucking fraud
it's 5 fucking days since it should be released
Cleve is just an attention whore that eats crow
I think he's a sape
There's not a single software depot on the database. He has only adjusted store tags recently. He lies so much.
All of the lies are easily disproven by the fact there there is not even a single screenshot of the current build. There is no game.
Where did this come from?
>all those flags
Is this for real?
I mean this is not just some other shit right?
No fucking surprise he needed 23 years and a billion test iterations for that.
Holy shit, why would you keep something like "Flag_Killed_Kraken" in an NPC and not a centralized object / some mapping?
This thing is written in C++ after all.
I'm seriously amazed. This can't be serious.
I'm afraid it is. There was one very old post in which Cleve was boasting he recently transfered Grimwah to object oriented language (c++) and it has benefited enormously from it...
>There was one very old post in which Cleve was boasting he recently transfered Grimwah to object oriented language (c++) and it has benefited enormously from it...
Too bad he obviously has no idea how to use it
He's hard coding a class+data for every single NPC and placing the instance somewhere in the world. So unless he defined some interface for those objects (which I doubt) every single (!!) NPC interaction in the game has to be handled manually in the code, by casting to the respective NPC in order to have access to its methods.
Holy fuckin shit....
he use C++ like C
I've heard he ported his code from a different language, so I can assume that's the reason for the bizarre code.
But still, what the fuck did he port it from, Assembler?
He was probably using Borland's C.. environment to develop the original but it's still baffling how he completely ignores objects and even functions. It's understandable why it takes so long to check 'microbugs' in this case lol.
>const int Flag_First_Encounter = 0;
Wait. How can a flag be a constant? They are supposed to change over the game.
>Wait. How can a flag be a constant? They are supposed to change over the game.
He probably overrides those anyway. Who knows, it's really insane. I mean teenage Richard Garriott could program Akalabeth in 1979 with just Basic and I'm sure it's way more intelligent than this code here, done by an "industry veteran" with decades of experience in software engineering.
>industry veteran
what's that? something like the radiant a.i from oblivion?
Yeah, "industry veteran".
hahahahaha lol
>loop through NPC inventory when clicking checkout button
>if item is flagged as important, mark it as such and change the texture for its inventory slot
>have text somewhere say that critical items can't be traded
it's that fucking easy. how did he manage to break previous code for something so simple? all he needs is a loop that checks if an object has a variable set to true. is his coding style too much for my inferior sape mind to comprehend?
Cleve is the final boss of the internet.
don't you need that feature to recruit certain NPC's like the starting fairy?
the game is shit-coded