More games are coming to PS Vita this year than for Switch
More games are coming to PS Vita this year than for Switch
Gematsu and Siliconera feel like a weeaboo IGN. They never try to actually get answers that matter, like if Dragonquest XI will be in English.
It's doesn't count as a PSvita game because it's also on PS4
Leaked footage
>more games have entered and finished development for a 5 year old system than a 4 month old system
This is absolutely shocking news.
Zelda, Mario Kart 8, and other Switch games don't count because they're also on Wii U.
No one owns a Wii U
no one owns a Vita
yfw it'll never be localized and you can't read moon
Damn bros. I love my Switch but if this tanks Nintendo the only way I see it being saved is to be absorbed into Sony Worldwide Studios. I mean lets be honest, while Nintendo makes the nest games it would be nice to see them developed on more powerful hardware. What do my fellow Nintenbros think?
More people own a Wii U than a Switch, your comment makes no sense.
More people own a Vita than a Wii U or Switch
>tfw the first level will just be a dialogue with a still shot of the exterior of the building
So? Vita has been around for a bit now. Some of these games were probably in development for a little while now and these devs might not even have dev kits yet. enjoy the games you can get on vita and switch.
gintama shouldn't have action games
i love the joke openings/endings
>that one where the shogun is naked
you what
>i-it doesent c-count!!!!
Oh fuck off
>Gintama is ending
is this what death feels like