Looks up gaming video

>looks up gaming video
>awful British voice
>Oi, lads! London Bridge 'ere!

Every fucking time.
I admit that Brits seem to have great taste in older/obscure games, but, the moment I hear that disgusting English accent, I just can't.

Other urls found in this thread:



>Oi, lads! London Bridge 'ere!
This should not have made me laugh as hard as it did

Not British and not American. American accents are the fucking worst.

I'd rather hear proper English over American English personally

go brush your teeth reginald

>oi oi oi, ello sun, it's da gamin chav ere playin sum o' de ol' footie

Look up a gaming video (other than your boy crush Markiplier ) and you will see that I am right.

I'm trying to enjoy videos about vidya, not endure ear rape from some condescending fraggle tooth.

fuck off, go inject some haggis and die

>fraggle tooth

Some brit accents are fun, but the ones you tend to hear online are either chav kids or cocksmokers trying to sound "posh" like TB and John Oliver.

I still prefer them over some of those nasally jew accents you get in some parts of America though.

>play fantasy/history game
>American accents rather than British

i'm canadian and i find american accents gay and obnoxious, like someone doing that generic impersonation of a faggot but it's permanent.

Basically Americans sound like massive faggots

Yeah, American accents can be pretty grating.
Especially from the south.

Southern American accents are probably worse than any British accent (except for maybe a Scottish accent)

Also, fuck that sticky paddle guy.

Most brits don't even sound like that. It's more ah yes blad ah bad tings gonna happen blad. I hate chavs. Also hate the cockney accent.

You're describing a modern chav Cockney accent. (and not many like them either)

We have too many accents over here for the tiny island we share admittedly.

Dont forget they always have "brit" in there name somehow.

Its so obnoxious

>look up gaming video
>it's an irish person with an americanized accent

more like a closet fag trying to act manly

Italian accents are top tier
Prove me wrong


Top o tha mornin' to ya lads, what's occuring in this thread?


Italy, stop trying to be relevant, you never will be. I think even the French have you beat, at least some of the girls sound hot.

>mfw americans call picturised clickity-clacks "gaming videos"

I personally love British accent. It sounds so shitty and trashy it's hilarious


>Implying Larry and Stuart aren't comfier than any burger

Just like gamr girls and niggers, Brits always feel the need to add that to their name.

Just like that ass cancer faggot, total biscuit, the first part would have been enough, but, no! He had to add "cynical Brit".

English people are like the grandpa of culture.

>i'm canadian and i find american accents gay and obnoxious
>i'm canadian
You have no right to call anything gay, Pet Pounder.

Every word sounds the same and either ends in A, or I.

Also, fuck off, you're not relevant, Italy and your skin complexion is awful.

>hellllloooo procrastinators!

Nerdcubed best, besides Funhaus and NeebsGaming.

Oddly all the loud mouth brits seem to love having UK or Brit in their name.

As a Britfag that is a clear red flag for me.

Lack of personality replaced with "I'm english".

I'm sorry that you are surrounded by such filth.
You seem hopeful, though.

>awful British voice
you mean English dont you?

>is british
>says Irish phrase

It's the most obnoxious thing in the world to me.
Youtubers etc. think they're John Oliver and having an English accent makes them a novelty for their American audience, but they're broadcasting to the entire world along with thousands of other fellow Britons who sound just like them.

I like my southern (English) accent so you can fucking do one mate

>mfw other countries don't use GBP aka good boy points as their currency

American accents are terrible.

F's and Th's sound exactly the same.
-ILE words get butchered.
Weak As

It's just a really lazy way of speaking.

As a brit I hate cockney/southern accents and Yorkshire accent. They're the cringey britbongs. Others are fine.

There's no such thing as a "british" accent.

the average accent in England can completely change every 100 - 200 miles, and that's not including the other nations under the british umbrella, scotland/walves/north ireland

And all of those accents are British you fucking mong

I hate most british accents. The only thing worse is hillbilly speak. Fucking rednecks are the worst.

Italians are fucking disgusting.

Why do Brit's accents sound like they're trying to speak with missing teeth?

>Anons ITT ripping on accents when they probably have nasally, disgustingly whiny voices.

OP posted as if there's just one british accent.

That's not the case at all, it's an umbrella term.

I have a southern accent (american), I can assure you my voice is not nasally, nor whiny.

>Australian character
>Voice actor is an American doing an overly exaggerated, hand-me-down impersonation of Crocodile Dundee using made up slang that nobody has ever used.

This is true suffering lads

that's fucking funny tho m8

>being an aussie
Shut up, cunt.

>click on american video

the original is always better

t. northern knuckle dragger


as a brit, best voice for chatting with is Finnish, Austrian or Norweigan

as long as they have good english skills they are usually bro tier

>T. Manon

>click on american video

>British accent
You know Ireland, Wales and Scotland is in Britain, right?

>click on american video
>"ayo waz goin' on my niggaz? dis iz ya boi ghettogangstanigga619 commin' atcha with another video..."

You foking wot mate?

>Literally every fucking other Europe nations works like this

>click on french video
>ahhh oui oui madamoiselle bonjour je m'appelle claude le fromage frais hon hon hon croissant