ITT: Gamer Grub

ITT: Gamer Grub

this shit taste amazing, but I only eat it once a month

t. /fit/


Mi Goreng Indomie is where it's at scruuub

Instant Ramen ranking
Thai>Indonesia> >>>>>>>>>>>>>no one else make these and relevant> Japan

i make my own ramen. lmaoing@your life

your ramen probably tastes like ass though dawg

nah, it's pretty good. better than instant shit.

do you have to go to Asian supermarkets to find these

This thing gave me food poisoning once. Never again.



cup noodle is best from the source

>eating while playing vidya
Literally why


Potatoes and water

>play vidya
>take a break and eat
>go back to vidya
is this a hard concept for you to understand?

unironically the best threads on Sup Forums

don't use toiletwater for your ramen senpai...

Don't be surprised, this is the same place that I had to explain to someone that you can put a pizza in a fridge for storage after grabbing slices for a snack instead of having the entire thing in one go. For whatever reason basic concepts fly right over the head of people who come to these threads

anything Nongshim is korean

three fried eggs, rice, a banana, and half an avocado

eat it with a bit of Tabasco or sriracha or mayo and you are all set and fueled up


Europeans don't have refrigerators or air conditioning.

Homemade spicy beef jerky.

No, my local Meijer has them.

The most powerful flavor.


Not bad.
But the Maruchan Sukiyaki is better.

>plant based

>you can put a pizza in a fridge for storage after grabbing slices for a snack instead of having the entire thing in one go

Why did I never think of this?

Fuck off Cosmo

>neutral flavor profile

so what does it taste like?

We only get original and sour cream and onion here. I like the latter.
Had yakisoba like this recently. Wasn't even similar to the real thing.
Does this turn you into a woman?


Don't do it, the pizza will turn into mustard gas

What's the best food to snack on that won't mess up my keyboard, mouse or controller?

show dick tranny

My penis

Ur nans gaping arsehole

I usually prefer to keep it out of the fridge. The sauce like fucking congeals in there, and it's fine for like the day I'm spending eating it.

The fucking point of yakisoba is the "fried noodle", why in the hell would you eat soggy yakisoba? It is best served on a bun.

Good luck transitioning.

Flamin hot cheetos

>mfw I used to eat 4 of those a week back in my freshman year
I got fat fast, that shit is almost 1000 calories a pop


I love yakisoba, I either get Japanese imported stuff, or make my own. Western attempts usually are cheap and unpleasant.

napkins to cover your shit while you're eating, since you won't eat at a different area

Where the fuck were you getting it from, it's generally 500-650 calories. Unless you were getting extra large portions or some shit.

my fucking nigger


>instead of having the entire thing in one go

I use to live off of these things back when i got out of highschool. Only thing that stopped me from continuing to eat them to this day was that for some reason they changed them. The ones i had back in the day tasted WAY different then the ones they supply now. i don't know what happened.

is it so hard to learn to cook? you can save a lot of money by buying fresh

>Neutral flavor

I honestly don't know why anyone eats ready-made meals. Just have a fucking sandwich if you don't have time for anything else.



>high energy plankton

Dude, Plankton was an active runner, how could you claim he didn't have high energy?

>buy $100 - $150 worth of fresh food at the grocery store
>spend one day making a shit ton of huge meals
>either freeze or refrigerate the meals in re-usable tupperware containers
congrats, you have food for a month or longer.

>tfw no freezer in my student's flat
It's really quite bothersome

>Buy $70 of frozen food at the grocery store
>Don't do shit
Congrats, you've got food for a month or longer.

It's made out of people.

I'm not a fan of any of the other flavors, but the cheddar cheese one is amazing. I like throwing in some chopped vegetables or lunchmeat before microwaving it to beef it up a bit (Adding a can of chili for chili mac is amazing, too).

I always buy a couple cases of it every time it goes on sale for 50 cents, for emergency laziness rations when I can't be arsed to cook.


Sup cracka.


>$70 worth of small-portioned overpriced shit
>better than fresh meals
i can't tell if this is bait.

Can we skip to the part where people post webms and then the thread gets purged?

Frozen food is almost always cheaper than fresh because it preserves so there is zero waste and a long ass shelf life. Fresh food has to be priced at a point where it can cover spoilage.

Grow up.


that's some cyberpunk shit

>pack of cheddar cheese and sliced ham
>bag of potatoes
>bag of sliced bread
>dozen eggs
you can make 12 of these for like 10$

I have a mini fridge at the end of my corner desk filled with these, water, milk, diet pepsi and dark chocolate almond nuggets. All of them ice cold/near freezing.

>diet pepsi
Cherry Pepsi Max is the only choice.

Cuties are the bees fucking knees

I loved eating this shit until I found out that it totally destroys you from the inside

>Cherry Pepsi Max
Might need to give it a try. I know diet pepsi is rather pleb tier but I find its taste strangely satisfying.

This little 80$ mini fridge is great though, I can get it substantially colder than my main fridge. Nothing like drinking near frozen coke or water during lan sessions

Most of us are already dead inside, there is nothing some jap trash can do to damage us further.

Fight me

Wait, are instant noodles bad for you? I know they aren't super healthy, but I was under the impression they were more or less neutral, not bad for you, but not a super food.

I mean, those japs subsist off them for the most part, and they all live as long as turtles.

sure, frozen food is cheaper if you're retarded. i'll give you an example.

>shopping frozen pizza aisle
>"whoa! $4.99 large pizza!"
>5 lbs of flour is $2.50
>4 lbs of sugar is $2.50
>4 oz yeast is $4.50
>17 oz olive oil is $4.00
>26 oz of salt is $2
>$15.50 for ingredients for dough
think about how much dough you can make with that. you can freeze the shit for up to three months if you make huge batches. or you can let it sit in your pantry until you want to make pizza dough.

I love lion bars, the peanut ones are pretty great too.

If shit's too soggy or dusty I just put it into a bowl and nibble it off of that.

Your not adding the ingredient to actually make the pizza.

and these

So what you're saying is I have to make batches of 20lbs of dough to break even on the price per pizza (because you forgot toppings you dolt) and then have pizza almost every night to get through it all in the 3 months I have?

Genius living.

For me, it's the wagner Schokoladenpizza.

As far as I've read into it; I think the fact that they deep-fry those noodles in fat is what makes them so awful. """food experts""" said even eating two of those in a week is bad for you. Who knows how it really is, but I mostly stay clear of this shit now, especially since it always makes me more hungry anyways.

30$ (adding for sauce and cheese) for maybe 5 Pizzas.
great deal.

it's an example, you dickheads. i'm not going to calculate the cost of an entire pizza because i assumed you were intelligent enough to get the point.

>So what you're saying is I have to make batches of 20lbs of dough to break even on the price per pizza (because you forgot toppings you dolt) and then have pizza almost every night to get through it all in the 3 months I have?
no. the nice thing about buying those ingredients is that you can do OTHER THINGS with them. like i said before, pizza dough is just an example.

Oh so your argument is pointless?
