What games, (Apart from the obvious like the SWAT series) Let you play as the police?
What games, (Apart from the obvious like the SWAT series) Let you play as the police?
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Anyone else played this?
Police Quest
True crime series
Cool game, but using a trainer shows how much RNG affects the outcomes.
LSPD:First Response is the closest you will get to a police simulator.
Sleeping Dogs
True Crime
LA Noire
Police Quest
Urban Chaos
Max Payne
Remember we're police.
The game is amazing too.
Mighty be nostalgia, but I played this year and is still great.
Yeah, shit was so dark and low quality that it was nearly impossible to fly. 10/10 cover though.
>Police Quest
This is a cool one. Follow police procedure or else, faggot. Shooting someone for looking at you mean is not police procedure!
>This still hasn't been posted
or else
Good job, Detective
Battlefield:Hardline is kommando kino
That seems pretty fuckin cool. How in depth is it? Worth reinstalling GTA 5 just for the mod?
what I wouldn't give for a sequel that didn't have GTA shit shoved into it.
>its another "fans make a mod to make the game actually good" episode
I only play GTA V for the mod.
You have TONS of addons like new callouts and abilities, even a mod that adds more vehicles so the highway patrol and the sheriff's office. You can play as a local, statie, fed, MP etc.
Dude play Max Payne 1-3
It's NY based Nu-ah
>playing as evil bad guys
nigga if I can't do actual cop shit I give no fucks. I want to press distraught husbands about shit I know they're lying about and then feel that rush of dopamine when I hear the "you got the question right" dingle.
>evil bad guys
what did he mean by this
This sounds right up my alley.
I'm not too great with mods unless I have a manager or something though. Is it easy to install or am I going to need to be messing with configs and such.
What are some games were I can play as Antifa or just overall faggots?
what about the evil good guys?
Police Quest, where a traffic violation becomes a multi-part puzzle for you to solve!
DOOM is a pretty good Brazilian cop simulator
Do cyborg cops count?
Wish I could post braziliandoomguy.webm here
Yes sir, you are being detained.
No sir, you cannot take your fedora with you, it smells of cannabis. We will have to seize it as evidence .
This, I want to drive around a beat to shit disgusting NY, following some rapist serial killer while dealing with drug busts in harlem and shit-ton of corrupt cops while my player character has a shitty porno stache, disco music playing and really bad coke habit that you have to do or else you can't focus on the interviews properly and the you misread the facial cues and they get unfocused.
Is SWAT 4 playable in multiplayer? Kinda want to try it out with some of my mates.
>really bad coke habit that you have to do or else you can't focus on the interviews properly and the you misread the facial cues and they get unfocused
Sounds like shit actually, but would be nice for story. Also he has to fuck some femme fatale whore at some point.
It'd just be like an inventory item that you have to have, you'd have to go pick it up and shit or 'confiscate' some during a drug bust, and you'd just snort-up before doing an interrogation.
Post it on another board and link it
>having cocaine consumption as an in-game mechanic
sounds cool and all, but do you really think someone can pull that one off?
Daryl F. Gates Police Quest 4: Open Season
It's way more fun with actual players.
will the souls of perps be able to dance too?
How do we link other boards again
why the fuck would you want to be a police? they are the scum of the earth
Oh god.
t. criminal who wants to break those cuffs
Sir I'm going to have to ask to search your trench coat and fedora for illegal substances, there is a very strong odor coming from you right now.
nigga this is safe for work you can post it here without fear.
how the fuck is that guy still walking after taking that shit to the chest. beanbag round or not that would fucking hurt.
Get out, Tyrone
It has sound.
ah! that explains why.
>ywn fuck a ladyboy prostitute in Whore of the Orient
It's not fair bros
Adrenaline, user. That guy is going to be tired for a few days after that.
Urban Chaos : riot response. It's the best one yet, you get to be capt america 0.5.
>*what games lets me play as the pigs
And is also a fucking console exclusive.
The Evil Within
Nope. I played it on PC.
How? tell me user i beg to you.
We need more actual police games. Not just some undercover cop or detective stuff where you only even know he's a cop because of the story. I want some cop games where you play as a uniformed officer going around arresting people. Can add some optional corruption and such too. Sounds a lot like True Crime, but I want something better and not undercover perhaps.
Oh. I see. The other guy mixed the games.
There are two Urban Chaos games.
The one with the black chick is the one that I played on PC.
The FPS Riot Response is console exclusive, but you can emulate it, can't you?
I never used emulation so i don't know what do to there.
It's not hard for the mainstream consoles. Just look at emulation.gametechwiki.
>a uniformed officer going around arresting people
Resident Evil
One of few ps1 driving games which I like physics of.
Hamburg addon when?
>double the police or double the gun
>german simulator garbage complete with garbage driving physics
How about no.
You can't have your cake and eat it too.
Other GTA games have drug consumption and also drunk driving.
Its an M-rated game what do you expect.
I credit my ability to write open door at blazing fast speed to Police Quest
You could always just type "o d"
...you never read the manual?
Why would you want to play a game where you're a racist pig gunning down innocent black people?
I read the manual, the Sierra 1988 catalog, the map, the back of the box, and everything else that came with it. I did the same for Kings Quest 1 and 4, and I never heard of that.
Huh. I guess that was amiga-version only then
>I decide what's fucking canon
Tumblr really is a sandbox for retards.
urban chaos
>those lips
L.A. Noire
Overwatch is, and always will be, an evil corporate mistake that tweens and waifu-fags bought into.
Gameplay is shit too.
True Crime series (including Sleeping Dogs).
Xenoblade Chronicles X (BLADE is more like a private military though)
True Crime Streets of L.A and NYC
>true crime
>dangerous loose cannon detective simulator with wonky driving physics
How about no.
I dropped it once Doomfist got announced. The community was already bottom of the barrel trash, I don't need to deal with Americucks and in their interracial cuck fetishes too.
The police mod for GTA5 is pretty neat, wish it was its own game and not a mod.
Don't blame your cuck fetishes on America. Look at Germany and Sweden, they aren't America's fault.
Twice the soup too.
I barely remember this game .
All I know is that one minute I was arresting belligerent drunks and the next I'm having a fucking death battle with Satan himself.
dude its like gta with fedoras :^)
Tumblr really does decide Overwatch canon