Why is this guy so popular? His videos are 60 shitty acting and the rest is him talking about the game

Why is this guy so popular? His videos are 60 shitty acting and the rest is him talking about the game.


He barely fucking does game reviews, hes a fucking sellout garbage wetback

angryjoe. he makes reviews of games with absolute shit acting that is worse than paki movies


Why are reaction channels allowed on this board

Who cares, in 3 years his fans will be 13 and will have moved onto porn and he'll be living on the street because he has no education and is incapable of holding a real job.

fat shill

When he said that he liked Suicide Squad and didn't understand why people were hating it I lost all of my (little) respect for him

Joe only has seven dollars guys, leave him alone.

I can't wait for based Jim to put him out on the streets.

Are you talking about the small skits he has at the beginning? They are supposed to be bad and silly.

Raging Rodriguez

What was his name again?

I thought Trump was gonna deport all these wetbacks?

How young do you think his fans are?

Angry joe liked mass effect andromeda. It seems his reviews aren't very accurate if he is very biased in the franchise of the game.

He gave me:a a 6/10 regardless, i think he only said relatively positive things to avoid pissing off the rabid me fanbase

Jim quisition is also shit. he dresses up like a fucking idiot. no one gives a shit about his retarded acting. people want a review

Raging Jose

Pissed Pedro

I don't know what's worse
Him being a shill or with a shit taste in the first place

Gloomy Gomez

In 3 years he will be blind.

Perturbed Pedro

Angry Joe
fuck your shitty Sup Forums tier meme

Upset Umberto

>tfw his father look younger that him, and is more handsome too.

What the fuck?