What are some MMOs with good solo content?
What are some MMOs with good solo content?
Not a single one of them.
Play singleplayer games if you want to solo.
>massive MULTIPLAYER online
>solo content
for what purpose?
>solo content
its faggots like you that are killing mmos
tortanic, because solo content is all it has left
>be flames
>lose to maelstrom all year
>freelance into flames
>lose to maelstrom
>freelance into maelstrom
>lose to flames
Secret World
Or FFXIV, if you want a really shitty FF story drawn out over long periods of grinding with the shittiest combat system you've ever tried.
Just play singleplayer games, dude.
Every single one of them
try BDO its mostly solo content
I have a better question. What are some good RPGs with good multiplayer?
Every fucking time
Did you solo to 200?
Fucking kill yourself, you're the reason why MMOs are dead. I wish cancer upon you and your family
>2.5s GCD
slowest final fantasy game ever made
You mad?
Highest solo is rdm at 186.
Play monk and you don't have these problems
BDO is a Korean cookie clicker.
How the hell did soloers kill mmo?
Tales of Symphonia.
Being able to play the game along side 3 other friends was the most fun I had on gamecube outside of PSO.
And I'm still looking for a Katana that look like the Sealed J Sword of PSO in FFXIV!
No way, it's still literally impossible. The bosses from floors 120+ got nerfed, but mobs themselves still hit like a truck and are damage sponges.
You need to get extremely lucky, otherwise you simply don't have enough time to get through.
186 is the farthest someone got.
That's still slow, and the problem is, none of those flashy effects actually have any impact, and you're going to be doing them for 15 minutes whilst staying out of red areas because FFXIV does literally nothing interesting. It's a more bland, weeb WoW with half the content.
>constant bitching about SP, MSQ content
>no one plays the 72 man PVP MASSIVE MULTIPLAYER type content until they added EXP to it
Having four difficulty modes does not quadruple the amount of content.
By existing and forcing creators to cater to their special autistic needs. "Uh I'm mentally challenged and can't interact with other people online, give me a group finder so I can play like the antisocial robot I am"
There are tons of black katanas or katanas that you can jet black the shit out of them.
None of them have purple seals or turns into a generic giant blade, but at least you don't need to kill +10000 enemies to make it throw laser beams around (no mag or photon blast required either), just get two sens and you are good to go.
What's a good cheap MMO with good character customization that I can healslut in?
Not ff, I ain't paying 15 a month for that
Seriously nigga? BDO is the most dry shit for solo play imaginable, quests, especially main story quest, are barebones as fuck and doesn't even try to tell coherent story. Lore in general is either really dry or nonexistent, knowledge tiers literally doesn't matter for anything but combat bonuses.
It could have been a really great immersion mmo in mabinogi style, but it changed direction half way through production and so we get another korean grinder with zerg pvp and dolls to dress up
wowfags please get the fuck out of my thread, this is an undercover xiv thread
>until they added GARO gear/mounts to it
>antisocial robot
I wish group finder was full of robots.
But I did.
I actually miss a lot the time when it was scarce when we could get 24 man frontlines.
It was so much more fun and tactic based than 72 man, and stealing bases was actually worth it.
You can find tons of suggestions and "fap games" on /r/HealSluts ;^)
Because shatter is shit and they won't bring back seal rock
GW2, though not with the traditional trinity system, you can play dress up, spec for healing, etc. just have to buy the game itself
The 4.01 patch said it changed exp rates based on match length. Do frontlines besides shatter give more exp now or what?
I did PvP for the first time in SB and while I had a good time, I only ever got Shatter despite using frontline roulette exclusively, since people only queue specifically for it and not the others.
Can't tell you man, because people still queue only for shatter.
Fuck you I'm trying to find a decent solo grindfest, I'm sick of playing with people that can't handle more than two mechanics at time.
I remember getting one of these during Make it Rain event. I had to play with Badders, Flames decided to sit on our base for the whole match and force us to sit on spawn point like bitches while Mael got all ice for themselves. Fun times.
You could take away the last 4 WoW expansions and WoW would still double FFXIV's content with ease, not only in sheer size, but variety.
not really
provide proof of this. you claim this to be true, so show us.
They need to do some sort of EXP bonus thing and rotate it around. Like an EXP bonus for a certain PVP Map per day.
Obviously the answer is Runescape
Terrified to do it since
>last pvp match
>no idea what I'm doing just following the group
>log back in, no queue just cut off for no reason
>PLD comes over to me as I'm trying to run away to find the group
>one hit
>9002 again
Make it so that the majority of exp comes from Frontlines roulette instead of the map itself, with no daily limit on exp from the roulette.
>implying most people aren't queuing through roulette as is
It is always shatter because of sheer amount of people that are wanting to get it.
All of them.
Seize and Secure are 72-mans too. It's always Shatter because people queue for Shatter specifically.
Black Desert is the most solo friendly mmorpg, just don't expect "endgame" because all it's content is supposed to be played during leveling.
Shatter is the better EXP grind cause it's shorter per match. So, giving more EXP to the other maps somehow would even things out. I don't mind Shatter, but a change now and then is nice.
>So, giving more EXP to the other maps somehow would even things out
Is that not what they did?
From the 4.01 notes:
>Class/Job EXP gained from participating in PvP encounters has been adjusted to take match durations into account.
The change is less EXP for getting 2nd or 3rd place. The maps don't give different EXP, not that I would know since Shatter is the only map that pops when you queue for roulette.
That's a separate note.
>Victories and losses will now award different amounts of EXP.
How the fuck could you interpret as "takes match durations into account" as "less exp for 2nd and 3rd"?
I don't know how to prove it to you other than telling you to play the game, but.
Legion, WoD, MoP and Cata gone still leaves WotLK, BC and Vanilla. And the vanilla world in itself is at least 3 times as big as Eorzea.
Probably WoW. Only slightly cheaper than FF, but there's definitely a lot more slut clothing.
bigger world doesn't mean more content. see every open world game ever that has jack shit to do.
I've played a LOT of MMOs. Trust me, WoW has a lot more to do than simply questing through zones ala FF. Especially modern WoW.
What are some MMOs that let me conquer land, build towns and engage in guild vs guild pvp?
Not really anymore.
>WoW has a lot more to do than simply questing through zones
not really. world pvp is absolutely dead and discouraged because people can report for griefing, pet battles are really shallow, and if you aren't questing then you're wasting your time moving through a empty world.
And now half of those spells are on cooldown
>world pvp is absolutely dead and discouraged
>used to love raiding other faction towns and shit
>now max level guards endlessly spawn if you come within spitting distance of even the lowest level quest hub
I'l never not be mad about that shit.
Play Store is full of games like that.
I quite enjoyed BH and IA storyline.
But i'm a sucker for non force users in sw universe.
Lord of the Rings Online. It's really, really slow though.
>World PVP is absolutely dead
Yeah, it's not like we have an entire area dedicated to it, as well as world PVP quests. Stop talking about a game you've clearly not played in years.
What's the general consensus on Blade & Soul?
Great combat, looks pretty.
Everything else is very meh.
are you referring to the dalaran sewers?
I'm having this problem a lot lately.
Basically this It's also a giant grindfest with unbalanced pvp.
Isn't this game popular on the esport scene with tournaments being streamed and commentated by professionals?
Only because of tierlist and ban.
>get bursted before you can react in wpvp because balance doesnt exist due to instanced pvp templates being the focus
>they fly away and change realms
wow yeah wpvp is really fun and cool you DUMB FUCK
I like the idea of mmos because I like the progression, I like taking a loooong time to get strong in a videogame and really feeling that difference and feeling like I earned it and singleplayer games just don't offer that experience. But I hate the social aspect, I don't like multiplayer and I don't like to communicate while I play.
>play adders
>win 3/4 times
The word is bandied about wantonly on this site, but you might actually have autism.
Play OSRS and become a ironmeme you'll be forced to solo.
>""World"" with heavy restrictions in terms of area and no real rewards to compensate either
Gee I wonder why no one gives a shit.
Wouldn't need rewards if it were fun, anyway. When it's unfun shit you need stupid rewards to even keep it on life support, and that's what shit like Wintergrasp always has been. Artificial, no fun ""world"" pvp.
>restricted to an entire AREA
kil yourself my man.
Honestly just sounds like you're bad at it. Which doesn't surprise me. Learn how to play or fuck off, retard.
Probably. But nevertheless I enjoy what I enjoy.
>People actually read a guide and watch a video for story mode content
Did Stormblood finally crank up the difficulty?
People have been asking for others to watch videos since vanilla. Only idiots ever did.
I can respect that.
people usually ask to watch videos for savage/extreme content, not story mode.
Shinryu does not have any difficult mechanics, he is just punishing if you do fuck up. If you don't move to the edge for Tidal Wave, you'll die. If you stand in the wrong spot on meteors, you'll die. If you can't kill the adds fast enough, you'll die. If you repeatedly get hit by his highly telegraphed attacks, you'll die. None of these things are difficult to avoid, you just need a few braincells to rub together, but that is asking too much of this playerbase.
I can understand that, I also enjoy the non-multiplay features of MMOs (character progression, housing, weapon/dress-up/pet collection, etc) but unfortunately they are really rare on single player games. Other than these "Massively Singleplayer Online with optional multiplayer" games (like Phantasy Star Online, Warframe, Spiral Knights, etc), Terraria is the only singeplayer example I can remember right now.
I don't hate multiplayer that much, I just don't enjoy playing with strangers and my friends prefer fast-paced, match-based games.
No I've been playing since vanilla, I still remember people telling you to watch a youtube video of the last story encounters so you knew how to sneak past some mobs and shit like that.
i get you, definitely. i spent years in guilds where i basically took care of people, did a lot of stuff to help others, and now that i moved to a new server i made my own solo FC. i'm still helpful, i chat with some folks but I like having my own thing, not have to worry about events, have to babysit others, etc.
I play at my own pace now, and I'm having more fun than I ever did back in the day. I log on, do my dailies, gather, do some quests, work more on MSQ, make money, etc.
This is fun for me. It won't be for others, but damn I enjoy it.
I will never understand why people like you play MMOs.
What is the point of just seeing everyone around you but not doing anything with them?
You misread though, I still play with others, chat with them, but I like not having to have to organize events, help FC members with everything every single day I log on, etc.
I'm also an older player, most likely older than you, so i kinda put those days of playing MMO's traditionally a bit behind me.
I don't isolate myself completely, I still interact with folks and do duty finder/party finder. I just like the aspect of having my very own thing with no responsibilites, no commitments and at my own pace.
Kill yourselves
>Secret World
This. After the reboot, 99% of XP and loot comes from turning in quests now. Fighting random mobs is almost pointless.
You will with Riddle of Fire :^)
guild wars 1
Palace of the Dead.