This is the target audience for Ubisoft and EA

This is the target audience for Ubisoft and EA

They look like they preorder

>be plain girl
>hang out with bottom tier uglies and fatties
>get railed all day because you're the most attractive one there
pretty genius


looks like they don't have a lot of young blood in their ranks

So glad I don't live in America.

>huge white chick with a black baby


reddit was a mistake

Have you heard of the high elves?

>That QT with the leaf

How does she even walk with a gunt that huge?

And like, where does the shirt end and the pants begin? It looks like she's tucking it into her pants.

>even dog is fat

>two girls bottom right
>girl behind red-shirted fatty
>girl hiding behind leaf getting rape stares from meth addict
I would let these girls have sex with me.

>that massive cunt whale with the black baby

god fucking damn it

>post YFW no fluoride in your drinking water

even the fucking dogs fat

Pink shirt girl is fat and leaf girl also looks pretty rotund

How comes Sup Forums meetups are filled with more normal people compared to leddit?

because we starve ourselves

what the fuck is in the drinking water

What's up with that woman?

Wait a minute, that child...

>not having healthy teeth
is like u want to be bad at life

maybes yous otta be better at human, yo living retart

>implying Sup Forums looks better
want me to find a meetup picture?

This is the target audience for Nintendo


I would let them park their THICC booties on my face and BRRRRRAAPPPFFF me into unconsciousness.

t. braindead Missouri


How the fuck can you live with yourself if you choose to look like that?

>every female is a fat shit slob
>nigger babies
>nu males
>that poor obese dog

Fucking drop a barrel bomb on that group

>pink girl

nigger do you see all the other fat women in the picture?

It's sad when the most intelligent being in the group shot is a dog.

sasuga america

These people are posting on Sup Forums RIGHT NOW

Looks more like a walmart meetup t b h

Do it.

jesus christ what a bunch of disgusting pigs holy flying fucks americans have the most disgusting gene pool you could possibly imagine

Do simple exorcises while playing vidya so you too can prevent yourself from looking like them.


Why is it so hard for people to stay in shape? I eat fast food once or twice a week and am able to stay in decent looking shape with only 3 hours of gym work a week.

i realize this is hard to understand for Brits and Americans, but your countries being fat as fuck does not drive up the cutoff point for when someone is fat
Even more morbidly obese people existing does not magically make a person thin
That goes for you as well, so stop feeling good about those people being even worse than you, fatty

ok, now post a picture of yourself.

But she is not fat?

>that fucking monster in the front
jesus christ have I stumbled onto fatchicksinpartyhats or is this still Sup Forums?

user why are you on Reddit if you hate it so much?


>t. someone who was there

also, here's my pic faggot

What r/ subforum is?

god damn that lady with the fat dog. Probably doesn't have a real disability and loves to scream at people that don't allow her to bring her fat fucking dog. The dog is probably more handicapped then she is.

>question mark
Are you asking me? Yes, she is. Glad we could clear that up

>mfw this took place in my city and one of them goes to my college


user some people just don't give a fuck.

i highly doubt any of them play western games desu

they all look like weebs to me



Im pretty sure it's the red haired girl in the center with the tongue piercing. Like a mailbox man, just open the door and shove whatever you want in.

>BRRRRRAAPPPFFF me into unconsciousness.


Okay looking chick into bestiality baka

wtf you own a city and you have your own college??


>Can't even read a response properly
She is not fat you dumb sack of shit.

>the Reddit logo is changed too

>the fucking dog

>the kid


>the black child

>That one girl hiding behind the leaf because she realizes she made a mistake


Why is everyone clinically obese?

You asked me if she was not fat (why else would you use a question mark?), and I told you that yes, she is

i hope his mom had a C-section holy fuck

Ya like cock?



Yeah but like

Why don't they care about their health?

For fuck's sake, man
I'm really sad now



Not bad

I hate when people say they're "triggered" by something but I'm triggered by morbid obesity.

Like don't get me wrong, americans as a norm are a little fat, we could all stand to shave 10+ pounds off our body.

And being fat doesn't make you hideous, like the chick in the front row making the "lol im so random funny face". She's in the realm of fat and approaching fatter, but still pretty cute.

But that hambeast with the front upper pussy area that is larger then most European countries should be paraded in the street by a leash for the disgusting animal she is.

This would also send a message to anyone else considering letting their weight hit this point.


Are you retarded?

I don't know, friend, she is pretty clearly overweight. I'd consider that fat, even if she's not super-american fat.

Yes I own shitsville Kentucky, and the only college there as well as Reddit itself


Fwahahahaha that's gold

Even the dog is fat.

Simple, they're retards who think doing a bit of gym work has any noticable impact on calories burned compared to their base metabolic rate, and think the portion sizes don't matter


I used the question mark to allude to the fact that she wasn't fat you dumb fucking nigger. Go back to Highschool.

If it's over 49 kgs then she is fat.

She'd have to lose 20 pounds to even get to the chubby stage. She's clearly fat, user, and I feel sorry for you if you think otherwise.

post the Sup Forums one lol

Even the dog is fucking obese

What the fucking shit

You gain 200 extra pounds once your feet touch American soil.



Saw this in /fit/ 3 weeks ago

me and my girlfriends

