Why pirates ruined thr video game industry

DRM is not bad, so long as it doesn't affect the paying customer, yes. Some DRM does, and thats the bad kind. For a long time DRM got increasingly harsh while still failing to actually stop anyone. Then Denuvo fucked all the pirates while not hurting paying customers for a good while and everyone laughed at the thieves crying about how they are entitled to steal games, but then that got cracked so the good times ended. The future now is probably always online connections, like MMOs are, which really sucks.

Thanks pirates. Kindly go fuck yourselves

Other urls found in this thread:


>always online connections, like MMOs are

I bet you've pirated music, movies or TV shows before.

It's not stealing Shlomo.

>denuvo got fucked so the good times ended
>implying anyone will miss denuvo


>going to just keep pirating
>will play MMOs on pirate servers
>steal consoles from the backpacks of dumb college kids who leave them alone in the library
>hack them
>every game ever totally free
Only game I'm buying this generation is splatoon 2 to play on my "free" switch kek.

>It's not stealing

No its way worse. So imagine you invested your savings into making a game. You sell it on steam, then some asshole chooses not to buy your product and just copies it and he now plays your game for free.

Wouldn't like that now would you?


Don't give a fuck to be honest.

Pretty accurate

Damn dude that's some beyond nigger-tier shit, I mean most of the time they aren't stealing to actually play whatever they took, they just sell it.

I like you for some reason. Fuck the system.

When did this place got swarmed by moralfags?

I hate faggots like you

I don't just think piracy is okay, I think it's morally right.
The culture of piracy has been one of the main factors when it comes to keeping the internet and software free and open for the entire world.

That's about to end, but we had a good run.
Thanks, Piratebay

shitty devs either no-skilled indie hacks or overconfident AAA devs and bloated marketing did much more harm than pirating

case in point why there's rarely any demos anymore

You don't "choose not to buy", you specifically choose to buy. The former is the default state.

>pirate games
>nobody cares
>pirate music/TV/movies
>get threatening letters in the mail and get sued by mega companies
Why is there such a huge difference?

Don't you mean fuck people who buy things, the system still got their money

>get threatening letters in the mail and get sued by mega companies
That shit only happens in retarded countries, the same type of countries that have data caps on home internet

Pretty sure it's a shill not a moralfag

I consider piracy justified under a few conditions:

>deliberately refuse to resell game, it's been out of print for decades, so emulation is the only way to even experience it (since third party resellers deliberately make copies of games, so they're not even legitimate and could also be considered fraudulent)
>I already bought the game, and I'm not rebuying it just because you told me you deserve the money

Any other condition, I can't say I can justify it. And so I avoid all of it. If I may be super-specific here, if I loyally support your game, and you refuse to even release the sequel state-side, and then you have the balls to stop selling it period? What do you want me to do? You spat in my face as a paying customer.

Except pirates are responsible for drm in vidya. Anime, music, movies don't have drm.

But piratenibbers wont tell anyone that

>Then Denuvo fucked all the pirates while not hurting paying customers
stopped reading there

Weak bait

>Buy a $59.99 game digitally
>It's $20 more than the physical version on Amazon
>It's tied to a single account, that is subject to being banned due to online whiners
Pirate filth is no excuse for limiting/hurting customers.

Shit I should sell my 300 floppies if pirated games if they're worth that much

Assuming net neutrality dies the plan is to pirate even more than ever if we're paying a premium to access certain sites.

Gotta' get your money's worth

This is why I pirate all Atlus games desu. Being a europoor Trauma Centerfag was suffering

Brand shilling

>DRM in anime and music
How the fuck does that work?

t. degenerate thief and liar.

Don't you have some malware toolbars to distribute?

>travel around the country a lot
>sometimes have a sudden urge to play one of my old games, but my disc is at home miles away
>download an ISO so I can play it anyway

Ask Apple

piracy is illegal but it's not enforced to a point where people feel afraid. And why is that? Because it's not worth it for a company to go after individual consumers for the cost of games they've downloaded, especially in the current times where you can't justifiably say that someone pirating an NES game was a direct lost sale. You can argue that modern games will directly be lost sales (you'll be wrong but you can argue it), and companies try to find that one s ucker that will fight them in court to make an example of them. But generally people will just quietly take the C&D from their ISP and that'll be it, if there's any repercussion at all.

It's really an interesting thing. It's the same thing for music and movies. the MPAA tries a lot harder to claim a single person torrenting a movie is direct correlation to tens of thousands of potential ticket sales, and usually they win those lawsuits, it's retarded. Music has become a totally lost cause with music streaming, it's impossible to really even find people who pirate music with the amount of ways to listen to it through streaming.

Also if the game is an incompetently ported one like dark souls.

>make indie game
>put it on 1000 CDs and post them through random letterboxes
>sue 1000 of those households for $2000 each for illegally owning my game

>he thinks Denuvo helps


Reminder piracy is benefitial.

>I want to play game X but not enough to actually pay for it
Without piracy:
>Oh well, shucks.
With piracy:
>Hey this game is actually really good, I'll buy it afterall
>Well this game is fun, I'll tell other people to check it out

Which of these outcomes is better for the industry?

>But pirates never end up buying games!!!

Can only recall a handful scenarios where the game was liked enough to support

I'm a pirate and have never actually paid for games in the end, but I have shilled countless pirated games on Sup Forums or with friends. Free advertising is better than nothing.

its no piracy as you dont steal it you just make a copy, when i steal the master copy i am no a pirate but a thief, expect I have a sail ship a crew and a parrot and a eye patch and take your master copy of the game and put it in a trunk and hide it somewhere.

Sony installed a rootkit on your computer when you put a cd in to make sure to music was legitimate.

it didn't, it's 99% contrarians shitposting, just like this thread.

>always online connections
It already happened and it failed hard.

Piracy benefits devs retard.

That's not piracy, that's making a backup of a legally owned product. Same with old SNES and such roms. If you own the game, it's totally legal for you to download roms and isos.

owning pirated material isn't illegal. It's all about production, distribution, and sale.

This, if it wasn't for pirates all games would be DRM-free now

But without the pirates, where would I get the ISOs? They're doing me a service by uploading them.

And without piracy, that handful would have been 0.

>>Hey this game is actually really good, I'll buy it afterall

This happened to me with pic related.

Boy, good thing I (((own))) every game ever made

Consumers who bend over to devs who fuck them for generations are to blame for what haooened to vidya, not pirates.

As a thought -- there have been games that have been 'pro' piracy and allow piracy to happen for their game. They feel that that is self promotion. As a result games like Witcher 3 received more sales just by word of mouth. People who have the money will pay for a game and resist piracy or even respect a developer by paying for a game.

I know how to pirate any game just fine and I don't do so for most. It's company like EA and these other giant companies who consider piracy a blight. They count the number of pirated games and look at it like these are all potential customers they're losing.

No sir. They have already lost those customers. Or you are charging too much. No way piracy should be illegal and to say it should be legal is to circumvent the ability to pass information freely through the internet. DRM and other programs are programs that deny your internet freedoms and we should fight it if we can.

>steal consoles from the backpacks of dumb college kids who leave them alone in the library
what kind of faggot brings his console to the library my african american friend?

They're allowed to share copies of their own legally owned and produced backups with other people in the same situation. It's like how a library works.

Dumb college kids.

>Denuvo fucked all the pirates while not hurting paying customers
>while not hurting paying customers

If piracy hurts publishers/vidya how come GOG is still alive? shouldn't everyone have their non-DRM'd games already?

yeah i got that, i just don't get why you would take a fucking console with you, it's not like you can play it on the go

He couldn't afford my game in the first place and if my game is not shit he will buy it later. Your game is unpirateable? boo fucking hoo, there are thousands of better games

>look down the page
>sony themselves violated multiple copyrights with the open source software they used


Because Youtube loves switch and you're cool if you're seen with one
>people actually think this

I mean like 3DS/Switch

What is there even to play on the other consoles? Bloodborne?

Why are games the only medium that thinks 60$ base price is acceptable? Don't give me the time played for dollar bullshit, its about costs, making a movie or an album costs as much as a game, yet they don't charge you anywhere near as much.

More to the point every industry has to deal with piracy, yet apparently gaming is the only one literally dying from it. If games can't surive where they are now with piracy, like every other medium, then it deserves to fail.

You can't hack the switch, retarded nigger.

I probably would have dropped out of gaming a decade ago if I hadn't been able to offset the cost of the hobby with piracy, yet I've still spent a substantial amount in that period.

It's easier to stay interested when you have more options and not everything is an $80 gamble.

If they left it in their dorm room somebody else would steal it

Paradox games are DRM free and piracy basically entails a very basic steam spoof, but they're such jews it's kind of expected to pirate everything.

>Want to replay an old game from 20-15 years ago
>can't find it on steam and even if it was steam gets 100% the cut from old games now but thats for another thread
>can't find it on gog either
>can barely find it on the internet
>only way i can replay that game was searcing on the pirate bay
>only 2 torrents and one worked
>the uploader is a fucking bastad with ahuge ego that force the game to be played trough his own custom menu

Guess the game.

Jaws unleashed
Now leaving the 2 last lines of greentext aside, how do YOU get to play old games?

You can stop now.

lol. Just for anyone retarded enough to believe this retard, anime, music, and movies all have drm.

Good. I want the industry to fail. Triple A is triple gay.

How do you even get past old DRM like Starforce?
Virtual Machine?

>No its way worse
>proceeds to use an example that is actually way more lenient
good going
I know these threads are for funposting but at least try

>It's another piracy destroyed the industry that became the biggest entertainment industry beating movies and music by several hundred billions thread

>a 50 hour game should cost the same as a 2 hour movie

>50 hour game
HAH! That's some wishful thinking user. You're lucky to get 5 hours out of modern games.

I bought warband because that game was so damn great and it was also full of mods to choose, i pirated it first to try it on my toaster.

>DRM in music
Sony used to do that, didn't work well

>DRM is not bad
couldn't even make it past the first line without shooting yourself in the foot.

>being anywhere close to the budgets for AAA movies or games

>my unreal
>buy unreal tournament
>buy unreal 2
>but unreal tournament 2003
>buy unreal tournament 2004
>buy unreal tournament 3
>after all the feedback from the beta game was still shit and no worth playing for free
sure thing , we ruined gaming by supporting jews

yes its downloads and not on disk dlc, microtransaction, casual farmville oversaturation of medicraty, paint by numbers open world games, or games being made by people that dont know gaming payed buy people that dont know gamers, and people that keep bying this shit because of a marketing campaign that uses more talent effort and art then the game that they shill for.
yes piracy is ill that covers all.
piss off fuckknuckle

There are albums that have been worked on for over 10 years - the budget usually excludes the "working hours" of an artist.

If it cost the same to produce, why not?

>price is a function of cost

>spreading false bullshit
You are not allowed to make copies of the games you own. You are literally paying for that disc/cartridge. If you read the fine print on most video game discs it is clear that you're not allowed to make or sell copies of the game.

I'll raise you two situations, my man.

>I want to play Mass Effect: Andromeda because I liked Mass Effect before and surely it can't be this bad
>no demo because for some reason that's a dead practice
>it's even worse than I thought
>if there had been a demo, the devs would never have seen my money anyways
>no harm done

>want to play Stardew Valley because I loved Harvest Moon and heard good things
>no demo or any kind of free experience
>game is great, I learn more about it and find out it's a labor of love made by this one guy
>buy it

Now you're going to tell me I'm lying, because pirates don't buy games ever.

Don't worry fellow anons. I have a well paying job and buy games I never even have time to play, so it all evens out in the end.

They're both just offering entertainment and escapism, so if one gives that to you for longer it's worth more in that regard.

pirates are literally communists who believe everything should be available for everyone

SJWs have been invading the hobby for a while now.


so music and movie pirating isn't ruining THEIR industries too? why aren't THEY complaining about pirates on Sup Forums and Sup Forums?

let me state this:

pirate a game

buy a game

sell that game to someone else at a lower cost, 5/10$ less than retail


you get game

other person gets cheaper game

you only spend 10%

game gets sold at retail, so game store AND pub/dev gets a sale

this is IRREFUTABLE. it helps everyone and you still get to pirate your game while spending next to nothing.

its my secret pirate trick that i've been doing for a good decade now. faggots!


do you buy a car without test driving it first?
Do you marry a woman without test fucking it first?
Why should I buy a game without trying it out first?

the budgets for games are entirely the working hours of the creators
albums being 'worked on' for 10 years doesnt mean the musician is working 40 hour weeks on the album

>Do you marry a woman without test fucking it first?
But that's a sin!

you hacked the PS4 and XB1?