I guess this guy was speaking some truth... or was Ulysses a jab at the players just wandering aimlessly, killing shit and doing quests as they go along?
what was this guy's endgame?
I guess this guy was speaking some truth... or was Ulysses a jab at the players just wandering aimlessly, killing shit and doing quests as they go along?
what was this guy's endgame?
Other urls found in this thread:
A mouth piece for the writers about how the Fallout world has to end, otherwise you get stupid shit like Fallout 3 and 4.
>has to end
in nuclear destruction?
I had a hard time deciding who to blow up at first
That's because you are a fucking dipshit and too dumb to understand simple words.
I'm sorry video games get you so angry.
The worst fucking DLC in the history of DLC and game expansions. At least you get to kill the cuntnugget.
why was fallout 4 so bad anyway? They had a clean setting but came up with the most boring story that makes no sense. They could have done anything....
hey I chose to blow them both up
I mean I guess he'd be right
I never did like following anybody
didn't think he was still Legion though
what with the missiles aimed at the NCR and shit
Bethesda writers.
in Spanish California they used to capture California grizzly bears and make them fight Spanish bulls in the arena
that's why >DABEARNDABULL is actually pretty good
nah I'd say Honest Hearts is worse
fucking fetch quests all over
at least Zion was pleasing to look at
>3: find your dad
>4: find your son
BGS gets some bits of the world and lore right, but they really should be asking for help writing something fresh
>oooh a reference
>better repeat it 300 fucking times
It's also good because burbuls is a meme argument.
Ulysses seems retarded because he's like literally every single terrorist in the world - fucking delusional.
Ulysses was a poorly written shit stain of a character, and his DLC sucked.
yeah he was obnoxiously cryptic most of the time
it's a video game, yeah, but come on, no one talks like that in real life
He was cryptic because he knew his own philosophy was full of holes, so he dressed it up in purple prose to make it seem "deep".
The writer is to blame more than anything.
The fucked up part is that they could have fixed it with almost no effort. At the script-writing level we're talking window edits. Pagliarulo's admission they don't even maintain bibles for projects from start to finish really was an eye opener - it almost entirely ties all the flaws in the game together.
yeah I can see why they cut him out of the main game
or maybe we can just say he got hit in the head after the Divide blew up
That's nice and all but it's a reference to the economic terms of Bear and Bull Markets, with the Bear being a downward trend (NCR is suffering in the Mojave) and the Bull being an upward trend (Legion is set to take the Dam if someone doesn't stop them)
But who is Fearless girl?
This is the writing team you're talking about.
The dlcs overarching message is to that of a fallout NV fan/classic fallout fan who knew full well obsidian would never get another shot at the game.
In dead money, they try their best to let go, but many of them try too hard to save relics if the past, that really don't deserve to be saved (gold bars, dean).
In Hh some become vengeful and try to fight back, while some realize what's going on and walk away.
In OWB NV fans are the think tank, purposely isolating themselves from progress to focus on their own on the form of modding, discussions on v, etc. They've gone crazy and lost touch with the original message of the game to let go.
In LR, NV fans go full bearandbull crazy and destroy everything. We see this now as NV posters baitpost fallout 4 threads. Instead of suggesting how it improve, they just post random info graphics and start fights that prevent meaningful discussion.
I learned to let go a while ago, you guys need to as well.
he saw the courier bring a package that royally fucked up the divide. And he sought an answer to why the courier did it, when of course he couldn't find one because you were unaware he couldn't fucking handle that something so event changing was without purpose.
That would imply that Caesar is the best option for economic growth in the region though
Legion money is worth more than NCR money so it's technically true
A terribly written pseudo intellectual that can't string together a coherent sentence.
Avellone is a one trick pony writer who can only write equally obnoxious pseudo-intellectuals, except you have no way to call them contrarian/bitter retards in the game so Avellone gets to write out the one universal response to his faggotry: "Shut the fuck up, Chris."
It's his own little wish fulfillment.
the Euro is worth more than the Yuan, yet nobody denies China is stronger than the EU
China is a gigantic house of cards. If you want to see what China will look like after its glory period, look at Japan.
is that woolie
Not necessarily my point. The strength of a nation's dollar is not necessarily an indicator of the strength of that nation's economy. The US Dollar is also weaker than the GBP
I'm printscreening this for future reference
not even for TES?
Am I the only one who enjoyed fallout 3?
What did you enjoy from it
It was a reasonably enjoyable game for what it was, but it didn't remotely live up to the series it was supposed to be reviving.
FO3 and NV >>>>>>>>>FO Erotic Fanfics>>>>>>>>>> FO4
the world was more engaging, at least
with iron sights it's better than 4
I enjoyed it too, even though I could see its flaws. I didn't enjoy the setting and atmosphere in NV as much and FO4 is fucking awful.
Reminder that Fallout is now too post-post apocalyptic and NCR should be nuked so the series can return to its purely post-apocalyptic routes
You know, like the first game where it was 80 years after the bombs and society was recovering so well that they had a reasonably stable economy with a single established currency. That's the kind of post-apocalypse we need. None of this "everyone's rebuilding and doing trade and having governments" shit.
Badly written self-insert for Chris Avellone. Of course I know there's that justification everyone breaks out of "he's supposed to be crazy!" except that's never demonstrated by anything he says or does in game.
>And he sought an answer to why the courier did it,
>when of course he couldn't find one because you were unaware he couldn't fucking handle that something so event changing was without purpose.
it was the reason I couldn't take any of Lonesome Road seriously
at least I got non-faction riot gear
But Fallout 1 still had large citites and there was areas that was rebuilt.
The marketing executives knew that the game would sell really well with normies even if their was no effort put into development. I imagine they were looking to cut costs and save time so screenwriting got assigned to a team of unpaid interns.
Fallout is supposed to be post-post apocalyptic, not this Mad Max shit that Bethesda shoves down our throats.
the worst mary sue in fallout
chris avellone is a hack
or maybe they just tried to focus on making fun dlc?
>Avellone directed DM, OWB and LR
>Ulysses gets fellated hard in DM and OWB before the shitshow of LR itself
>Sawyer directed HH
>Ulysses gets a single line reference you'll miss if you're not looking for it
I wonder if that hurt Avellone's feelings
whats FO: Erotic Fanfics?
>U-Ulysses is a marisuee
So just like Cour 6?
Mad Max was one of the biggest influences on the original Fallout and was itself pretty post-post apocalyptic. I mean he's a fucking cop in the first one. The sequels had him venturing to less civilized territory but the first one made it clear there's still civilization.
The thing that really bothered me about Ulysses is constantly sounds like he's blaming you, yet whenever you suggest that he's like "no not really." Then goes back to how "YOU BROUGHT THAT PACKAGE, AND THAT MACHIIIIINNNEEEE, YOU CAUSED THIS, COURIER."
Also fuck off with him having 10 in all his special stats. I can understand why for the two named marked men at dry wells and long 15 since they're more just random bosses but what makes Ulysses so great? I want to know if they changed if he was always suppose to be like that when he was going to be in the base game or if Avellone changed him into what we got.
What I meant by Mad Max is that Bethesda likes to make their settings bleak and dead, with marauding bands controlling the land and normal people barely struggling to survive. Fallout is different from that, it's more about how humanity is able to rebuild after the apocalypse, but still hasn't learned their lesson from the war, and they continue to wage war with each other over small scraps of territory.
he is literally like soulsfags, seeking deep and meaningful reasons behind simple and mundane events
the whole game and plot is literally based on a half hassed side quest from fallout 3 lmao
caravans under caesar are never attacked and his lands are 100% raider free
This is my Courier OC Ulysses he has 10 in every SPECIAL because he's the best and he wears an American flag because he's dead smart about history and he's named after the Civil War not the Greeks and he talks in cryptic metaphors because he's so deep and intellectual and you better watch out because he's gonna nuke your house if you piss him off
i want to FUCK piper
It felt like a generic fps game because it barely holds any rpg elements Imo.
Because you believe everything you read on Sup Forums.
because bethesda has literally NO WRITERS
the entire fucking game just consists of random boring ideas that they were completely unable to turn into a cohesive whole
they literally came up with a plot twist, tried to built a story around it and then tried to fill the thousands of plotholes while overlooking million others
i wish new vegas was a dog so i could pet him
yet the Courier answered the call
yeah cause Legion are just organized raiders
just finished LR today
>The thing that really bothered me about Ulysses is constantly sounds like he's blaming you,
>yet whenever you suggest that he's like "no not really."
he was more like "lol no"
guy was a fucking scumbag
fucking sniped him on my way in
This flip was so butthurt about your reply he linked your post on another board for support
the scripting for Skyrim was a god damned travesty, they need to fire those programmers and dump the language
Ulysses was a terrible character too, most of his dialogue makes no sense. I'm guessing you were supposed to have known the character before you got amnesia but fuck if I cared by the time I could shoot him.
Filipinos, I swear
I thought he was specifically Avellone's mouth piece, and the direction he wants the Fallout universe to go. Nobody rebuilds, or they rebuild and it gets destroyed again. A world of perpetual post-apocalypse, there will never be civilization again.
Correct me if I'm misunderstanding but are you implying that the first Mad Max was post apocalyptic and in the same time frame as the sequels?
Keep in mind that society collapses between the first and second films meaning any semblance of original civilization is likely gone.
amused, really
video games get him so angry
I always thought the entirety of the story of Lonesome Road wasn't meant to be taken literally, but was supposed to be a parable about how people try to rebuilt the world to be the same world as before and how that is a pointless endevaour.
Just like the main game, but much more upfront about it. Like it isn't about you accidentally blowing up a city by delivering a package it is about you as a courier destroying this new civilization by bringing in the ideas of the old world. It wasn't supposed to be literal. but a metaphor.
Not saying that this was well executed or anything, especially considering how much it clashes with the rest of the game, but I do appreciate Avellone trying to do something different.
I thought he was there to break the fourth wall whenever he mentions your lack of allegiance
I did feel ashamed not really sticking to any one faction
I though the faction stuff was particularly cool, but it was just awfully implemented. The only way you could get the Yes Man options was if you were completely neutral towards the other three factions. That's basically impossible as far as I'm concerned.
>abloobloo you inadvertently blew up my home I hate you
Yeah that's great. Remember when you skipped out on a job and it got me shot in the head, allowing me to become a wasteland demigod? Or the time you told a crazy old bastard about a deathtrap casino and he started kidnapping people? Or the time you asked a bunch of insane brains in jars about history and almost let them out of containment? Or when you taught a bunch of tribal niggers how to fight and they wiped an entire town off the map?
Fucking hypocrite
the game encourages playing multiple factions and expects you to gain status with most of the side ones like the Boomers just to progress. The developers making a point about how you played the game the way they designed it is a shitty cop-out that plagues moralizing in writing.
Yeah, I know there is a mod that fixes it. It's still fucking retarded.
Not all economic growth is sustainable long-term.
So who usually won this Bear vs Bull fights? Talking about the actual animals here
what in the goddamn...
thank fuck I have a save file at home where I didn't touch any of the DLC yet
>The developers making a point about how you played the game the way they designed it is a shitty cop-out that plagues moralizing in writing.
oh yeah I noticed that right off the bat
>steal from Powder Gangers
>gain negative Karma
like wtf man is this game for real
>like wtf man is this game for real
there are like 2 instances where karma ever matters
karma is just a remnant of fallout 3 that they didn't bother to take out
That was an oversight
careful user
that mouth looks like a shredder
sure popped up a lot in places
might as well mod it out soon
jamie, pull that up
Fucking this. Didn't he also get triggered because they copied his hair bullshit without really knowing what it meant to his tribe?
What kind of shit is that anyway?
I mean his tribe was literally called the Twisted Hairs but I understand your point.
Can we all agree that Joshua was the best written
>When our Lord entered the temple and found it polluted by money-changers and beasts, did he {emph.} ask them to leave? Did he cry? Did he simply walk away?
>No. He {emph.} drove them out. It is one thing to forgive a slap across my cheek, but an insult to the Lord requires... no, it {emph.} demands correction.
In a modern setting he'd be a Muslim extremist shooting cartoonists
I get that, I just think the whole idea of recording your history and such through dreadlocks is fucking weird.
I wish there was an option to drop the nuke on the boomers.
>nearly kill you with fucking missile launchers just from stepping near their territory
>uhhh noo ants are fucking our shit up, even though we're heavily armed with explosives can you kill them for us
>user can you help us recover a plane
>wow user thanks we'll help you with retaking the dam
>the plane doesn't do shit and just makes noise
Fuck the boomers, I wish we had more places to drop a nuke on in the Mojave. I'd probably drop one on the raiders camps so they stop spawning and fuck off.
>missile launchers
Those are howitzers, user
They've been eating gunpowder and explode if you kill them with certain weapons, which they'll tell you
Just murder fucking everyone in the wasteland.
Has anyone actually done this? I mean, I know Raiders will respawn, but can you literally just clean out towns/cities and make the civilized world barren?
He was, that's why the same DLC has the bullshit about tunnelers. The series ideally isn't about the apocalypse, it's about people rebuilding afterwards and how society shapes itself, but Avellone says no, fuck that, everything is going to turn to shit because I said so and no one will ever leave their tin-can hutches.
Yes, it's just incredibly boring
What was the reason Avellone was so buttblasted?
In the past, Mormons didn't fuck around. Look up the Mountain Meadows Massacre. When Joseph Smith was alive they also raised up the largest standing military in the United States.
Yes you can. Basically monsters/raiders move in empty towns.
Yes, he is.
>Every day, we move closer to our judgment. We must do our best to walk in the footsteps of our Lord and teach others how to do the same.
>For many of us, the road is a difficult one, but the path is always there for us to follow, no matter how many times we may fall.
>Do you ever "fall?"
>Every day. Some days are... harder than others.