You can marry your underage looking adoptive little sister and have her have your baby

>you can marry your underage looking adoptive little sister and have her have your baby
Never dropped a game so hard, why is filth like this allowed?

Is this (You)?

Sounds pretty hot desu senpai

People shit on waifufags all the time, but the ironic thing is that anti-waifufags who hate on a large, complex game - of which romance only constitutes a small part - are the ones more obsessed with waifus than anyone else.

Picked up

>Elise can still have a baby after Takumi spays her with an arrow in a cutscene

How does that work?

>waifufags have to delude themselves into thinking that nuFE is good or complex

I've played every FE from FE6 --> Fates except the DS games. Try again

>which romance only constitutes a small part
You retard? If game is waifu oriented the character design reflects.that, and so does the support link dialogue.

Bullshit. Waifu haters arent the ones spamming waifu threads, you weeb simpleton

One of the biggest complaints is how the romances only appear in the last support

Also when a spinoff game is made the focus is on putting in "favorites", from waifu games.

It's more that this board has a weird combination of misogynists and SJWs and it's kinda hard to tell which are the ones getting assblasted over waifus.

>One of the biggest complaints
By who?


She fucks before spay? Time travel fucking?

She's technically an adult.

Could you send it to me then?

based nips

may play this soon

Of course she is, mister representative of the ESRB, no way we could have implied pedophilia in our games, no sir!

Pretty sure Leo literally says that Elise is 'technically an adult" so he's not just making it up.

>Never dropped a game so hard
Uhh why?

Fucking picked up

See, we even put a line in the game to confirm it! So, it's rated "E" for everyone, right?


Op pic says it's rated T, but continue "pretending" to be retarded

>oldfags have to delude themselves into thinking their opinion still matters

>fictional people in a fictional world can marry fictional children

I don't know if you're serious or not, but the fact that people think this shouldn't be allowed is fucking stupid. Why does every world in every video game have to reflect western values in order to be permissible?

F-fine, Awakening sold well even if it had the same rating... Maybe we should have altered the script some more, an E rating could have led to a 3% sales increase...


And who, pray tell, made this very thread then? Hm faggot?

Yes? And? Why did you drop it?

>3DS poster
Get out.

this sounds amazing, to be very honest.

>tellius cuck is LITERALLY triggered by the piece of plastic that curb stomped his game


Stay mad, tellius cuck

That is just making official what people already did in their minds with the older games anyway.
If the series is going to change, I'm glad this is the direction they're going.

Now we only need some cute, romanceable traps in the next games.