Why is RNG allowed in competitive games?
Why is RNG allowed in competitive games?
Because risk management is a skill.
choose option a 10% chance of failing
choose option b 90% chance of failing
You choose a and it fails and the enemy chooses b and it works
repeat 9 more times
Score 9-1 hurhurhurhrur game is broken
>person A does a thing
>it works and he wins
>person B does the same thing
>it fails because chance and he loses
Skill has nothing to do with this.
that's why games are not sudden death. That is why you have 6 pokeman instead of 1 pokeman
>I literally don't even have a fundamental understanding of what risk management means
Don't play Russian Roulette, play a game that let's you adapt and interpret.
why is her face melting off
Because casuals whine if they just get rekt all the time
>tf2 critical hits
>inb4 but you get more if you do more damage
it's still unfair and stupid, you shouldn't be able of oneshotting anyone just because rng said so
I don't know and it's bs. fuck "risk management" that's just about random number procs.
Battlerite has absolutely no RNG when it comes to damage and abilities, right? If I'm correct, then Battlerite is the rite way to go.
pnis fucc
what's the source fampai
Works fine in trading card games where both players are in charge of statistical distribution.
I have not seen it done well in any other genre.
the fuck is going on in that gif?
hey thats what happens IRL, just like nepotism
just 4 u
Randomness isn't random
4 cups top down
1 cup has knife or otherwise pointy object
I think you can guess the rest
>pseudorandom duuu xD
why is this acceptable,
when 'every x # of times' is clearly superior?
and does it have something to do with the 'skinner box' experiments?
Makes things more interesting for spectators
Its important for lowskill players to win sometimes, so they dont quit, especially in games like league/hearthstone/cs/dota where a big chunk of profits is from customers making purchases after already owning the game
Because even though it's objectively bad from a competition standpoint, these are still "games" and a huge chunk of the target audience likes RNG.
Good thing no one here plays "Coinflipping: The Videogame".
If you add even a little bit of skillful interactions to any given game with a large amount of RNG, after enough interactions, the most talented players always rise to the top. That's why poker champions exist and why people don't autistically bitch about the RNG of weather in pro football, you massive moron.
You probably should have paid attention in your stats course at some point.
"Do I fire this shotgun blast, giving away my position in the off chance that a large number of pellets hit my opponents head, or is it more likely that he'll get closer to me without noticing me"
It happens in virtually every shooter ever made.
That Scarface game is baller, to bad you can't buy it for PC anymore.
Maybe ill pirate it
Humans can't into randomness
People will bitch about missing their 95% shot in xcom or whatever two times in a row because a 0,25% chance for that to happen is just unfathomable in a game where you roll the d100 a thousand times in ten minutes
Ignore second quote
sO rAnDuM XDd
It's not random though. It's impossible to program a random number generator without using outside feedback.
in dota its to prevent ppl setting up a guaranteed bash in advance
Randomness doesn't exist
As long as the player can have an effect on the RNG then its competitive, hell Poker has RNG but I'd still call it competitive
That's because they play dozens upon dozens of hands. No video game, which last far longer than a single hand of poker, could never get away with that -- tournaments would take months to finish. It's mathematical law that the more RNG in your game, the more matches you have to play for the result to mean anything.