Square Enix is still developing ONE part of ONE game remake 2 years after it was announced

>Square Enix is still developing ONE part of ONE game remake 2 years after it was announced

>Activision releases THREE game remakes a year after it was announced

What the flying fuck is taking this so long?!?

They're pretty much rebuilding FFVII from the ground up into an entirely new game that just happens to share the same setpieces and sequence of events as the original. It's not really a remake so much as an entirely new interpretation.

And that's okay. I've played FFVII so many fucking times I don't know if I can stomach another go.

completely forgot that this remake exists. When was the last time they showed a trailer/teaser of it? 2016 E3?

This is Square Enix you're talking about, the same Square Enix that spend a full decade developing a single game.

if you haven't noticed, game development at square seems like a disaster.
honestly i wouldn't trust them with a ff7 remake at all anymore after they let ff15 release.

>one part of one game
>one game with 3 parts
Not to mention there's a lot riding on this so they'd have to pay a lot of attention to detail. You don't want it to be rushed, do you?

>one game with 3 parts
Lol we'll be lucky if part 1 lets you leave midgar.

This is more like a new game that has most of the same plot/cast/setting, the gameplay and structure seems to be completely different.

please understand

There's no way they're gonna get them all out on the PS4

Swear to God, if I get to the Nibelheim flashback and I hear the words
>Infinite in mystery is the gift of the Goddess
I am switching of the PS4 then and there
I will not suffer that extended universe shit
And don't try to pretend Genesis wasn't shit

They're painstaking calculating how many pieces of the game they can cut out to sell back to you as DLC.

I think at the very least, we'll see him as an optional boss. Hopefully he won't be included at all, but thanks to CC and the ending to DoC, he's alive and active.

>XV took 10 years
>distinctly average JRPG
Well how long's it going to take to make it good then? 25 years?

>Okay guys, we need a hook for Final Fantasy VII
>Plotholes closed?
>Improved gameplay?
>Better mechanics?
>Good VAs?
>Nope, we need Gackt. We're going to self-insert him into the game and make him a poetry-quoting nonce
>But sir-

>Comparing Crash to Final Fantasy VII

Good plan.

>And don't try to pretend Genesis wasn't shit

He was terrible, but there were five worse villains in the mainline games.

Actually it's a plot point that he isn't active during VII. He's asleep waiting for the Planet to be in danger and requiring his assistance, which naturally raises a ton of questions considering the events during his slumber.

He shouldn't be appearing.

I would say that they're developing it for a PS5 release ... but it's Tetsuya Nomura

>trusting square enix at all anymore

You should know better, just forget this game exists until it comes out

That obsession they had with Gackt was hilarious desu.

Is he even a thing any more in Japan?

>but it's Tetsuya Nomura
So all of his games now take 10 years to make because one of "his" games took 10 years? And while he is also to blame, a lot of it was also Square at the time with the fucked up development of 13 and 14 1.0. But you people always know better

But it's a thread about FF, they lead nowhere anyway

PSX 2015. But we also got two screenshots since then, so it's fine.

Weren't they remodeling the combat to make it play like FFXV?

The best games are made in 1 or 2 years.

Jews have connections and work together to destroy western society

Japs don't

Gee I can't wait having to sit down another decade and buying other two Sony™ consoles to play the full game, thanks a lot SE

a cutscene of cloud exiting midgar and seeing what seems to be an infinitely vast world to explore will be how part1 ends

you buy dlc at the golden saucer....for straight up real money

They're saving it so ff7 can be a tech demo on the ps5.

Gameplays already decided.

Party of 3, Ai but you can switch, menus, you can walk around, atb only for magic and item. You can freely attack with sword.

Something like jobs and equipment too. No turn based. Limit breaks are in. No random encounters or go to another screen.

Nitnsure if leveling is in

Seems like mana meets kingdom hearts. With atb for non weapon attacks.

Nothing from the extended series will be in. They're consideing selling the discs as separate games in 3.

No new characters either.

So we can skip the rest of the trilogy? 25 hour Midgar rebellion story is fine by me.

>thinking it will come to the ps4 and not ps5

It's made for ps4. The Tech demo for ps3 was just a demo.

Ops a retard for comparing platformers to big budget console rpgs.

>And that's okay. I've played FFVII so many fucking times I don't know if I can stomach another go.

This. What I never understood was the fans who had a big boner just to play a graphical update of the game, although such a remake would have been good for newer players who otherwise would have likely been put off by the blocky characters etc.

JRPGs are very long. The Crash games are pretty long, but not Final Fantasy long.

>game is gonna get delayed for PS5
>going to wow you for the first five hours, and then just like any remake, will become a dull going-through-the-motions of the previous game
>Worst of all, FFVIIR will be EASY. FFVII was not a very difficult game and didn't include a hard mode. The new battle system will probably be even more forgiving than XV's or CC's.

I just want it to be good

I just want it to be good

Is that so much to ask

user ask yourself how long did it take them to start KH3 and yet after the footage they've shown we still don't even have a release date. Hell I wouldn't be mad if folks labeled it as vaporware from now on.

They will probably port Crisis Core and Dirge Of Cerberus onto the PS4 then a couple months later to the PS5 to buy a month from fans

3 Crash games were remade in 1 year. The FF7 remake is not even gonna be the whole game but a piece of it because the game will be released in episodes. How many? We don't know.