Sup Forums doesn't want paid mods

>Sup Forums doesn't want paid mods
>wants to support the devs and suggests donating

doesn't work Sup Forums. If I made a mod and 50,000 people downloaded it and only a few people gave me some bucks for my effort how is that fair? Do I go max jew mode and advertise my patreon page and scam my donators by giving a monthly micro-content updates?

>advertising your patreon is max jew mode
>but locking all of your content behind a paywall isn't

Mods shouldn't provide you with a cushy living. They are a hobby and you are profiting off of some other company making a full game while you edit in futa girls, you little bitch ass OP. Either use them as practice while being happy you got a few bucks or git gud enough to make full games yourself.

>can't make a living off a hobby

esports exists

I'm not saying you can't, you just aren't entitled to. Big difference, friendo.

Who the fuck would actually pay for mods though?

probably no one but then I again I said the same thing about skins and yet it makes riot and steam billions

Retards. Kids with their parents money. Furries. But I repeat myself.


You don't try to make a living off a company's assets, and mods don't abide by professional standards so they hardly qualify as a proper commercial product.

Console normies, that's why Bethesda spent the last year buttering them up with the console mods so they could charge for mods now.
And they'll succeed, too. Enjoy your dead community.

>Enjoy your dead community

you say that like ever modder and their mother will go the pay route. it won't.

>mods don't abide by professional standards

pretty much they do. when people start to bitch to a company and threaten to sue then they'll have to do something about it. in this case steam or bethesda would have to start doing some control

Doesn't matter, introducing the paid system will negatively affect the free community a great deal. Just look at what happened last time.


what last time? paid mods never took off. its was literally few days. not enough time for fresh talent to come in and make decent mods. during that time you still had the community hellbent to make paid mods a failure. if anything it strengthen the solidarity within the community

>goldsource/source era
heres some free games my dudes (gets bought by valve)
>modern day
so i caon barley make a game mod, never mind any good content mods, pay me $5.99 USD for some textures goyim

when did it all go so wrong???

It was enough time for the community to shit itself, for thousands of mods to get stolen and sold, for dozens of modders to take down their mods to prevent them getting stolen, and for several popular modders to try to monetize their mods by doing jew shit like advertising the paid version of mods on free versions, or trying to sell mods with dependencies on dozens of others.

Introducing the money factor into the community is poisoning it.

it's actually quality, fulfilling content I'd consider it, if it's just putting dicks on girls and 3 choppy humping animations, no because plenty of horny idiots already do just that.

no you're not poisoning it because the free factor is still there. do you automatically become part of the community if you become a modder or when you actually collaborate?

Uncontrolled capitalism.


Go to bed Dobson.

>ILL GIVE YOU $1100000 USD for that hat!

Putting quality dicks on girls is a service that cannot go uncompensated.

understandable, but it's usually just a low res, low poly 'quick hackjob so I can jack' job

I'd pay good money for well modeled feet with detailed arches instead of ugly wedge feet

>If I made a mod and 50,000 people downloaded it and only a few people gave me some bucks for my effort how is that fair?
Is not and is not supposed to be, fuck everybody who thinks they are entitled of making money of a game/tools/community knowledge that already exists with content nobody demanded from them.
How about taking commissions and get paid for stuff people ASK you to make?
I'm fine with that and you already can use paypal, systems are already in place, but that's work and every retarded who thinks paid mods is a good idea is a faggot who is waiting for the opportunity to repack somebody else work.

>commission for one person
>sell the mod to everyone else

yeah, I can see this.