ITT: Kino final boss fights

ITT: Kino final boss fights

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>the big bad villain was a pretty cool guy along and you can have a drink with him while discussing the misunderstandings that lead to your conflict

literally kino


You know, I hate how persona 3 on wards you defeat the final boss in basically a glorified cutscene using some special skill and not just beating the fuck out of them with you and your friends combined power, its also hilarious when you don't max anybodies SL
I will admit the nyx avatar fight is great though

>the arcana is the means by which all is revealed

what did he mean by this?

I remember playing that shit on the plane, couldn't care less if that cunt fell down

it was really good except the phase before it was shit


>Devil trigger at low health
>dies in 3 shoots

Dmc2 wasnt SO bad..

These were all bad btw

Fuck yes

To be fair, doesn't everything in the game get BTFO by that devil trigger?

The power of Christ compels you

way to contribute to the discussion, champ

forced kino

>Fight is 1 hour of tedium
>Boss gets a new attack that is basically pure RNG at 20% health
Fuck no, Nyx Avatar is terrible

>RE babby jealous that Giganoto shits on the scale of any final boss on his saga

You're welcome. Also a Kojimadrone is bound to post the Snake vs Liquid fight which I'd like to point out is just so atrocious in advance

Never finished this game, I have no idea where I left my disc. Always went with the Yellow deck.



You really do beat the guys though, both Nyx Avatar and Izanami (still finishing P5 so I dunno about that one). Sure, you need to use those special skills and whatnot, but you get full fights before the bullshit sweeps in.

That's fine, at least in my book. Also, its the last fight so albeit its a bit cliché its one I'm fine indulging on for a big sendoff.

Pure kino

The normal version of the battle theme is great, but the song changing to a musicbox as you deal the last few hits was true kino

That is some god taste you have there user.

it was actually challenging too




Doesn't get more kino than this

>HAHAHAHA, give it up!

the high arcana cards are usually the tarot cards fortunetellers use to "read" your fortune

it's not really some 2deep4u thing


>game didnt let you have the final bossfight before choosing to spare/kill him
They really fucked up

This boss isn't kino. This boss is some random mish mash of things. Kino is the german word for cinema. In other words it's a physical location. You can't watch movies inside of this boss so it's not a kino. No amount of TV shitposting and autism will ever change this simple fact.

Absolute kino


it's been years since I played a game with a final boss like this.

I swear I see these games praised in every thread like this
Whats a good order to play them in?



Does it count if they're not technically the final boss? Though I thought the whole Seneschal stuff was incredible too

who tf even played asura's wrath here no one talks about it


Mother 3 or Earthbound. I like Earthbound's better since it's a lot happier.

The tarot arcana represent facets of a man's journey through life
You some kinda retard boy?

Is kino Sup Forums's new meme word?

What the fuck is kino?


grow up kid.

spotted the newfag.
how's your first day?
however it was, you'd best get your retarded ass back to wherever the hell you crawled up from bitch

shitty Sup Forums meme

Everyone will tell you 4, 5, 0. And they're right.
But I think 0 isn't really that good, a massive step down after 5. 6 is a much better game.

Didn't DSP ragequit the game because of this boss fight?

I've never played a Persona game, but any boss fight that can mind control your healer and heal itself, belongs in the trash.

I'm not into your stupid fucking meme word.

back to >>>plebbit

>who tf even played asura's wrath here no one talks about it
Man what threads have you been going too? No makes threads about because there's litterally nothing to talk about anymore but they talk about IN threads all the time.

He meant that they wanted to pad out the fight with lots and lots of dumb phases.

>Set up that Reapers are made from the species they harvest and have unique looks that correlate with the species
>JK all squids


>they talk about IN threads all the time.
no way. i haven't seen anyone talk about Asura's wrath since like, 2012

this count?

Game is from day one: Prepare or not it's up to you. If Nyx was too hard you didn't prepare well enough. Would you really leave the end of the world up to chance?

My favorite.


Can't stand assholes on Sup Forums trying to keep their little memes a secret because they have nothing else to be proud of.

Kino is basically the highest form of art, the counterpoint to an action flick, for example.
Example: Bloodborne = Citizen Kane
Call of Duty = Predator


whoa what the fuck was that?
that's not Kino at all

He said tedious, not hard. Which, it is. You don't need that many phases for a fight when many of them are essentially sponges. You don't have to get so defensive for your nostalgic waifubait game.

Every time you hit him the section of the floor you hit him on falls out after about half a second


PTSD inducing fight


>spoonfeeding the newfag
a simple google search can give them that info you dunce. it's not even a Sup Forums meme

pleb detected

>Bloodborne = Citizen Kane
>Call of Duty = Predator

>pure RNG

The defence against this "RNG" is preparedness.

>he thinks that Predator isn't kino
What a pleb


I remember, both of us having 1 bit of health left, about 10 seconds left on the clock, so I ran at her with the knife and chanced it. Landed the last hit as the final "Snake Eater" faded out.
I was shit at the game but by God it was fucking Kino

Truly fucking kino. That final battle in the volcano was fucking amazing.

>Bloodborne = Citizen Kane



>Use the Fruit.......

And the true final boss was so shit


Mainly just for the music:

Stop trying to push the 'kino' meme. No other board is retarded enough to accept it.

Sup Forums needs to learn its place, too many faggots who love the smell of their own farts.

Don't cry ... Smile
My Wrath ... Is gone
b-baka asura !



My favorite boss fight.


I thought 5 was Kinoer.