Play game

>play game
>it's good
>dev company gets bought by EA

>Dead Space 4 never

new BOTW had me in tears

Fuck off with your EA hateboner

Contrariness like this puts all of Sup Forums to shame.


Do I even need to tell you to kill yourself?
Oh fuck it I'll do it regardless.
Kill yourself.

>Game breaks new ground

I will never not hate EA for what they did to them.

This is the most stupid shit I've ever read.


Command and conquer was my childhood growing up, now it's dead thanks to EA.

I will never forget you Bullfrog

Gearbox is worse, at least what EA does is, while scummy, still legal.

EA is the god of death when it comes to video games. If they don't straight up kill a franchise they prop it up in the sharpie marked skinned corpse of its predecessor.

Are you saying it broke no ground?

> there will never be a dark cloud 3 as long as professor layton and yokai watch sells

They killed the only company who never made a bad game.

level 5 reduced to making handheld garbage breaks my heart. at least ni no kuni looks pretty good.


>take a look at the wiki for pandemic
>cancelled games: mercenaries 3
it hurts

>pillars of gaming
>annual sports sequels
>buys smaller devs and kills them
>bastardise franchises and kills them
>loves on disc dlc
Truly a pillar of why gaming is shit.

Also go back to redit-kun

>Brought people into causal gaming

i just want a fucking sim city game that isn't garbage


>one of the pillars of the gaming community
i'll only agree if you tell me that pillar is made of literal shit

EA is truly the worst.

Unrelated to pandemic but I'll never not be salty they turned Dead Space 3 into a co-op action shooter and killed the franchise.

>a version of Mercenaries 3 is on a hdd at the back of EAs storage shed

>EA will never pay any price for all the vidya crimes they have committed.