Achivement unlocked: complete the game on hardest difficulty

>achivement unlocked: complete the game on hardest difficulty
>it automatically doesn't unlock achivement for completing the game on easy and medium

fucking kingdom hearts.

I mean you didn't actually complete it on easy and medium...

>Achievement unlocked: Complete the game on easy, medium, hard or IMPOSSIBLE difficulty

>need to clear 70% of the game to unlock weapon/HP limits for online
>you have to finish every level with each class on 5 difficulties each
>finishing the level on Inferno doesn't automatically finish easy/normal/hard/v.hard

So just play it again. You'll get through it much faster now that you're familiar with the game, and it will be easier.

What's that? It's a waste of your time? All achievements are wastes of time, as is playing video games.

>it automatically doesn't unlock

>Get used to the attack patterns of everything in hard mode
>Easy mode is harder because you have reteach yourself the new attack patterns.

Guitar hero kind of fits this

>hard is actually easier than easy

fucking Stalker

A good example of this.

God damn, easy is so pleb but I just keep mashing from muscle memory of hard.

why? i've planned on playing call of p eventually

Nothing of value was lost anyway

>he sucks at games

Higher bullet damage

Enemies take more damage than on easy.

and mario kart 8
100cc feels fucking slow

>not backing up your save files

That's nothing. With all my autism, I managed to get this fucking trophy by writing a checklist of every fucking medal in the game. This was hands down one of the most frustrating trophies to earn through rng Bullshit and that's not including the black agumon/blue metal greymon quest. Any achievement where I have to earn anything through a fucking lottery is more painful than that situation.

Since when achievements are showcase of skill? 99% of them are pointless garbage. Games are literally treating you like a kid giving you a dog treat every time you manage to play properly.
Most skill based games are competetive and you don't need achievements there, you either win or lose.
Stop caring about dog treats you moron.

what difference would that make here?

>not liking the achievements that are there to acknowledge a single skilled play

i.e. >kill two people without touching the ground, instead of >kill 1000 people

Do I need a game to pat me on a back to know I am good? Why? If I can do something cool then it feels good, if it isn't cool then why bother trying?

Maybe im bad

But easymode in dmc is actually much harder to get S rankings for beause there's far less enemies and they die so fast you can barely pull off any cool shit

>Games are literally treating you like a kid giving you a dog treat every time you manage to play properly

Dog treats aren't for kids silly

>buy a game on Steam
>look up it's achievements
>separate achievement for each difficulty
>want to play the game on easy but don't want anyone to know I did
>lose interest in the game and refund it
>don't even have any friends on Steam and profile is set to private but still maybe I change that one day and if I did people will know my secret
I wish I was normal

>hidden trophies that aren't story related

Why do they do this?

>playing game for first time
>start playing after opening cutscenes etc.
>achievement unlocked! taking your first steps!
>progress 2 minutes further
>achievement unlocked! inspecting an item!

Very spooky, RE7.

>want to play game
>look it up on steam
>it doesn't have Steam achivements
>just pirate it