Open world game

>Open world game
>He uses fast travel

My time is next to worthless, but even I would rather do something in 5 seconds rather than 20 minutes.

>Open world games

xbox controller left stick is awkwardly placed and i dont like holding it up for long periods of time
wish ps3/ps4 controllers had native support like xbone in windows so you dont have to fuck around with 3rd party shit


I'll use whatever I like because it's a game mechanic.
F*CK YOU elitist motherflocker

Man, I feel like playing something open world now. But oblivions mods are such a hassle, even though it have done great quests.
Skyrim is flat out bad and boring, and goes for fallout 4.
I've already played NW too much, that goes for dragons dogma too.


Skyrim and Oblivion are built around fast travel

Witcher 3 fool

>accept quest in new jersey
>need to deliver to upstate new york
>expecting me to walk there instead of eating a loading screen


>Download one program
>Easy install
>PS3/4 controllers now work with zero problems

Fuck that 3rd party bullshit.

Not my fault if an open world game is designed to be so utterly devoid of activity between locations, that fast traveling is more interesting than walking through it.



Not everyone has 10 hours a day to play user.

I can't help it mgsv's open world is boring to traverse

Literally the only game I've never used fast travel in was RDR. Love traveling in that game.

I wanna turn a quest in an drop gear, amd dont want to get sidetracked like I always do.

>xbox controller left stick is awkwardly placed
No, it's perfectly placed. Simmetrical sticks are fucked.

Using ten+ minutes to walk between the same places multiple times is boring as fuck.

It's like if you are forced to play the same level over and over agains, especially if you meet the same enemies in the same places every time

The problem is that they designed the controller for humans and not 75iq neanderthal degenerates like you.

What does this have to do with the OP?

Limited fast travel is the best

I liked how Far Cry 2 made you take the bus between specific stops as a shortcut

I don't mind if there's a LITTLE bit of exploration room between Fast Travel points. It makes sense that I have to walk into town and gives me the opportunity to get rid of vendor trash and turn in sidequests if I need to, or even just stop somewhere and hit up a shop.

But no matter how fun the movement in a game is, even if it's pic-related and I'm playing a Richter run, I'm going to get fucking sick and tired of dealing with the same enemies and obstacles for the seventeeth fucking time.

The only game I wouldn't fast-travel in is the new Spider-Man game coming out if the webslinging is as entertaining as Spider-Man 2's and I can get across New York in ten minutes or less with him if I'm doing it right.


Their fault for making the travel distances several hours long at best and without any interesting content



I force my own morrowindy fast travel system into f:NV

I can only fast travel from certain areas to other certain areas. Camp mccarren is like a hub, I imagine they have a few working military flatbed trucks that occasionally go up and down the highway, transporting troops and supplies to that outpost with the big handshake statue. It doesn't "break my immersion" during the loadscreen I imagine a safe NCR convoy scattering small groups of raiders and creatures. Merchants hop on if there is room. Also I imagine that motorcycle in good springs works and easy Pete will give you a lift for some dynamite all the way to the police station. If I'm in the middle of nowhere I'm fucked tho and have to trek it.

Has anyone ever played gtav with the GPS turned off and learned the city by heart? I have its the superior way to play

Embrace the autism.

That actually makes a lot of sense.

I did that with San Andreas and I basically have the whole city memorized by heart.

Skyrim is only in the second half of your playthrough when you've been everywhere but Oblivion is literally from the start

The map is the perfect size for only allowing a few fast travel points. Having to pay the NCR to travel safe and fast would be great, I need more things to spend money on

Depends on the scale of the world. I rarely used fast travel in Arkham Knight. But I also unironically liked driving the batmobile. But now some games like... I dont know. Dark Souls? Any of them. Later in the game the amount of travelling you need to do just would turn into tedious waste of time if there was no bonfire warping.

Nigga, I have to do stuff around the house AND get at least a bit of sleep so I cam actually work the next day. I can't spend hours on end playing like a carefree NEET.

You think these games are for casual "kiddies" when they're mostly for married guys with jobs which are big part of the demographic.

Someone needs to mod this fast travel system in. How would it work if you were part of the legion? Which locations could they travel to without always exploding into battle? I'd imagine they would use slave powered, makeshift chariots and throw spears at anyone trying to get in their way

so its shit-tier level-design

I don't have unlimited time.