Games girls like

Every girl in my art class played this and loved it a few years ago. They seemed to identify a lot with the MC, What did they mean by that?

Other urls found in this thread:!tJVnTBxI!zeFaJLHjqhR4Cth9-LWbIw

Girls are insane

alice got pretty eyes

Animal Crossing

My best friend back in high school's favourite game was Dark Cloud.
Enough so that once at a sleepover, we were playing it taking turns. Eventually I got tired, and went to sleep, waking up roughly five hours later to see her still playing it. Walking against a wall in-game most of the time because she was pretty much asleep with her eyes open.

Fun times.

And I am a degenerate faggot so I am not even making this up for pity childhood crush points or anything.

>tfw still attracted to goth chicks but girls my age grew out of that phase

>girls my age
You already found the solution to your problem, user

They've all been child prostitutes with mental problems.

That was a dark game.

Well, McGee had an... interesting life.

>McGee had a number of stepfathers when growing up until his mother finally settled into a relationship with a transgender woman. One day when American was sixteen, he came home from school only to find the house empty and abandoned. The only things left were his bed, his books, his clothes and his Commodore 64 computer. His mother had sold the house to pay for two plane tickets and the fee for her girlfriend's sex change operation, leaving him on his own.

Is his sister still missing?

And he got the job at id because he lived in the same apartment complex as Carmack and they bonded over cars. Also, his name is "American".

presumed dead IIRC

Psh, that's nothing.
>He also mentions that his inspiration for the macabre tone of Alice comes from his disturbing, dysfunctional childhood. For instance, on McGee's 13th birthday, his father, whom he had just met for the first time, was "stinking drunk" and assaulted the young McGee by attempting to gouge his eyes out with the intent of either killing or molesting him.

>Also, his name is "American"

>"Yes, my mother named me that. She claims a woman she knew in college, who named her daughter 'America', inspired the name. She also tells me that she was thinking of naming me 'Obnard'. She was and always has been a very eccentric and creative person."

Women love cheesy plots involving family and sex, that's why every country has their own genre of soap operas

Besides that she wears pretty dresses, which is a plus

Why'd this get pulled from Steam?

The store page for it is still there, but you can't actually purchase it.

I hope McGee gets his second wind with his new kickstarter thing. Making unity games on macbooks while sailing isn't videogames.

The Chinese mafia will kill him first.

It's your basic childhood power fantasy, isn't it? People try to push Alice around, and she kills them.


He's pretty redpilled, kept dropping bombs on social media, wonder if he still does.

Wasn't there a lot of blood at the scene? She's probably dead.

It's just one of those girl games like Zelda and Skyrim. Easy but atmospheric and "story rich".

Every girl I know that plays vidya regularly enjoys mostly the same shit as everyone no especially girly games, but Assassins Creed is *the* girl game.

While guys may or may not like it, every non-nerd girl I have ever seen plays AC "at a friends" and then proceeds to buy a console, all parts of the series and is then le gamer girl xD

The establishment did it because American is a conservative and got threats over g*mergate

Original Alice is best Alice

Should I post the link again?

What Link? what are you up to user?

EA pulled it.

i still have a gift copy in my inventory.

Link with webms and pictures


Alice in Wonderland is pretty entry-level stuff for aspects of impossible space and varied combat

Do you really need to ask though why people in an Art class like something Alice in Wonderland related?

>art class
Pseudo intellectual, mentally unstable, art class sluts where my favorite in high school and college. Especially the goth and emo ones.


she's probably edgy n0t y0r 4ver4g3 g1rl ;;))
but the art direction, story and ost are pretty incredible, I wish it was a better game overall

I'd kill for a McGee's Alice game made by FromSoftware but that's fucking impossible

From Software doesn't even give a shit about it's own games, save for Souls

>from the words of a butthurt Armored Core fan

I just wish McGee would have ported Madness Returns to the PS4, maybe fix all of those ungodly frame drops and slowdowns. But given how awful his first Alice game was ported to the PS3 that's unlikely.

Want to trade?

>playing on consoles
You did this to yourself

There's still goth girls who are much older, like 50. My moms goth.

Good point. I meant using Madness Returns style in a soulslike/metroidvania game with the care of somebody like Miyazaki.

I wonder how did he not ended up here.

Don't be such an elitist twat, you'll make more friends that way.

It could work. But American would have to stop being a boat hobo and collaborate with people outside of former ID devs and Chinamen

>art class


I'm a huge alicefag, but hot damn.

Still not saving it tho for reasons

>buy a system with no backwards compatibility created by people who said you shouldn't want to play old games anyway because they're ugly
>complain about lack of backwards compatibility
>anyone who calls you retarded is elitist

>They seemed to identify a lot with the MC
They identified with a completely insane child?

My girlfriend never played video games, thankfully she also was not an artfag... But this was the first game she completed from start to finish. Tfw i got her to dress up as a sexy alice for halloween and fucked her so hard i broke a condom for the first time in my life. Good thing it was a safe day. mfw she called me her hatter

not your blog

>calls you her mad hatter
You better not fuck it up and lose control user