ITT: We pretend it's 2011
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FUS RO DAH amirite
>vidya game starts
>party rock starts playing
Sony should just go 3rd party.
arrow, knee LOL
>For the next 6 years
>I wouldn't be on Sup Forums because of the few friends I made after leaving high school
>read all these threads about 'muh 2011 nostalgia' from people who went from 13 to 20 since 2010
>nothing from that period seems remotely funny or clever
fucking stupid teenagers
I used to be an adventurer like you...
*blatantly political comment is ignored, because being an obnoxious left or right winger wasn't the latest fad, and the thread would continue*
Man, Sonic Generations kind of sucks, wish they let Taxman make a new classic Sonic game, I mean they already got him to remake CD after all.
I can't wait for Skyrim to come out. You guys think they'll finally deliver on an open world? You think we'll be able to climb all those mountains?
>mummy just bought me new spiderman undies!
t. neo Sup Forums
>buy LA Noire
>get to the 2nd disc
>accidently kick Xbox over
>it eats the disc
>still havent completed LA Noire to this day
keep running in to RMP in arenas, guys
>Oh look, I have a full head of hair. It's so soft and thick. Surely I'll never lose it and become my ugly father!
Smug Pepes weren't a thing in 2011, you fucking mongs
haha wow these cartoons are great hope they don't end ;)
Man I hope NObama doesn't get elected again
blame youtube's algorithm
I sure hope GDQ continues to be a fun event where people can hang out and play games fast without having to worry about offending someone :^)
Other M was kinda bad, but I'm sure we'll have another great Metroid game by next year.
Guyz check this out
So le funny, amIright?!
>2011 game
>party house in the rock tonight
Pepe is one of the oldest still living memes out there fucknose.
You still mad we won the Super Bowl, faggots?
that was 2012 you fucking idiot
Man I can't wait for the next Zelda game
you're just a CALLE CALLE
I unironically want rage comics to make a comeback
The smug part wasn't true in 2011
It was a bleak time
If it's 2011 here I shouldn't be posting because at that time I was married with lots of money and building a life.
>being such a disgusting piece of genetic waste that your only """attractive""" feature is your faggot haircut
Than go to reddit, they still post advice animals for fucks sake.
what happened
its a low form of expression that encouraged people to simply draw their own things instead of using templates
He came to Sup Forums
>Sup Forums is so full of newfags that you can't even emulate 2011 Sup Forums
How can you call this a 2011 thread without a singly shiggy posted? Nobody has even posted Galo Sengen yet.
HARMONY, Gal o Sengan, 4am threads.
I miss it all.
I honestly don't remember when the different stages of Pepe's moods changed but that image doesn't really prove anything since the original Feels Good Man Pepe sure as hell wasn't around in 2004
I seriously hope you guys don't do this.
Turns out I married an absolute bitch who divorced me to go fuck some 70 year old millionaire while also winning a court case to get half of my income, three moths after that I got laid off because the company went under, before finding a new job I got cancer and went $30000 in debt treating it and paying bills while treating it.
>posts this trash
>no Party Rock Anthem In The House Tonight
Wow you wasted more of your life here than everyone else. Youre so amazing user.
The original boys life comic was 2007.
>there are people on Sup Forums who are so young that smug pepe was their first and only pepe
Never get married.
Oh please, if you think that being here since 2011 is a long time then you really are a newfag.
go away sage email person i'm tired of you shitting up every thread on Sup Forums seriously who they fuck do you think you are? you think it's perfectly okay to annoy people just because they like to post anonymously on an imageboard, well fuck you fuckface. I'm sure you're mother would appreciate her dildo back, as i'm sure you have it crammed deeply up your ass while you post in every thread but contribute to none. the funnny thing is your too stupid to realize that an email has to have a domain attached to it, did you knoww there is a difference between [email protected] and [email protected]? of course not because your an underage retard who doesn't understand the internet so you forget to put down your email provider after your nickname because your too busy taking a dozens horse semens from you're coworkors cocks every day because you're just that gay and will never amount to anything. you knoww i have a phd in psychology? i council scum like you every day and i make a living off of it, your autism is what feeds my family but i guess you dont get that because youve never even gotten layed before faggot
How did the party rockers meme start? Never saw in 2011 and now Sup Forums is suddenly bringing it up? They're always trying to dig for shit to turn into a meme. Buff Shaggy didn't last long.
Thank fuck SEGA finally got their shit together. First Colors and now this. I can't wait to see what their next game will be like.
I know that now.
I grew up in a small south east America town. I though marriage was everyone's end goal.
>when you realize that the people discussing politics here and calling others cucks are, in fact, mostly 15 year olds
I don't even argue with people here anymore for that reason.
Rape yourself to death
It is.
You and your whore ex both fucked up hard.
>there are people who don't remember when everyone called him feelsgoodman frog or feelsbadman frog instead of Pepe
holy fuck this was 6 years ago
did this dance get invented in 2011?
Why would you get THIS mad at someone suggesting marriage is bad?
Because it is bad.
Nah, marriage is pointless in all ways except the slight tax benifit if you are lower class or have kids.
Also all women are whores and bitches and I'm better off without that shit.
I know a lot of guys in your position would have eaten a bullet before going through all that. Good work rising above.
>making assumptions about an opinion on assumption
Hot take
>Goes into a 2011 Sup Forums thread
>Complains about other people being here since 2011
I shiggy diggy
GTA5 will be Project Cafe exclusive screenshot this
Dude that one Black Ops trailer with the Rolling Stones Music was fucking sick
>There are people in this thread who weren't on Sup Forums for Galo Sengen
2011 was a pretty fun year aside from general cancer.
who killed doge
>still playing wow
how can anyone be so pathetic
The ordeal turned me kinda liberal so to Sup Forums I should eat a bullet.
Whatever it is I hope they ditch their sorry attempt at making a multiplayer game like in IV and focus everything on single player content
Good luck user, hold strong. Stay alive to spite that bitch
t. roastie