What are your honest expectations for the new Bubsy game?

What are your honest expectations for the new Bubsy game?

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I have no expectations and I'm not going to buy it. I just wonder why it exists.

References to his MtFtM transformation.

Not a single goddamn thing.

I'm expecting mediocre and boring
And that sucks because I'd prefer either a good game or memorable cat astrophe

Nothing, as it'll probably be pawful

Who asked for this?

Everyone will buy it ironically just to say "LOL LOOK GUYS THE NEW BUBSY IS SOOOOOOOO BAD XD" only for it to be kind of okay and have nothing to really make fun of. Then the franchise will just fuck off again I guess

It'll probably be mediocre like the Giana Sisters game.

What could pawsibly go wrong?

This. "Bad" games these days are rarely as truly awful as bad games were then, for the most they're merely mediocre and do nothing to justify existing.

I mean, it has the same artstyle and looks almost exactly like it so probably.

A competent but mediocre platformer which is the worst thing it could be.
Imo, with Bubsy's notorious reputation the thing that it needs to be is some Conker's Bad Fur Day-esque game with edgy over the top humor, questionable, politically incorrect content and tons of meanspirited references to other washed up mascots.

absolutely nothing.
bubsy was one of my favourite games back when i was a kid, this doesn't mean i want a new one or i expect or want to discover what kind of stupid shit they could do with the new one.


>We live in a world where fucking Bubsy of all characters got a new game before Banjo-Kazooie

It's literally just a reskin of Giana Sisters: Twisted Dreams.

Enjoy your Super Lucky's Tale.

Chinese investors looking for a cash grab like what they've been doing with properties and land around the world.

If that's the case, then it'll be terrible.

Meme cashgrab that'll be forgotten about in a week.

Nobody ask for a bubsy game. You either make a shitty game that goes with the memes or make a good game that goes against the one thing you are popular for, and thus gets backgrounded by all the other good games in the same genre

Unless it ends up being fucking amazing, it's a losing gambit.

I can't help but feel they won't be making much of a return on that when they've so heavily priced themselves out of the market that most people now will never buy a house.

Oh, you bet I'll enjoy him all right.

I'm expecting a LOT of cringy and dated memes.

What were your expectaions when this game was revealed?


at least it's not a tranny