Yo this game is fun as shit

Yo this game is fun as shit

I'll assume you just got it, it's a good time for a few pick up games with some friends but the devs abandon it for months at a time and give meme blogs rather than actual attention to the game.

Balance is fucking awful and the devs are tards

What game ?

There is literally not a single champion currently in the game that's overpowered, and apart from maybe Rook, everyone can be used at the highest level of competitive play. Prove me wrong, faggot.



Never heard about it

It' MOBA shit ?

Nah, it's not really like a MOBA at all, more like a Top-Down fighting game with simpler inputs and a lot of emphasis on positioning, quick decision-making and keeping an eye on the entire situation.

You move with WASD, there are no minions, no buildings to destroy, no 50 minute games, you just jump into a small arena either 2v2 or 3v3, and the matches are VERY fast paced, a round never takes longer than 2 minutes, and ranked games are best of 5.

It doesn't have lanes or minion/creep farming or stuff that moba's typically have like that, its an arena brawler. As far as I know I think the only thing it really has in common with other moba's from a gameplay standpoint is the isometric view

>There is literally not a single champion currently in the game that's overpowered
Poloma. Best CC, best utility and W O L F
dude just dodge or block it lmao and never get cc'd because then you can't dodge it and don't get near orb either because it bounces and does more damage than most ultis but it's on a 4 second cd and costs no meter
oh also it can root the first target
oh also it heals poloma
but other than that she's fine haha
? how
>everyone can be used at the highest level of competitive play
doesn't make some characters blatantly stronger than others
>Prove me wrong
I can't prove anything to someone who is set on disagreeing with me.
Way to personally get offended on behalf of the game.

also I thought you were calling rook potentially overpowered, my bad
just woke up

its more like wow arena with an isometric view than anything

I'm not set on disagreeing with you if you weren't wrong from an objective standpoint.

Poloma is completely fine where she is, her CC does exactly nothing at all if you just keep track of when she has it up, her heal per second is below average compared to most healers unless she sacrifices meter for it. Her only real strength is Other Side, which can save teammates from cc combos, which is pretty valuable in 3v3.
Other than that, there is nothing another support doesn't completely outclass her in.

Rook is slightly underpowered because he's basically completely useless if you don't let him go into Berserk mode, which can be somewhat easily accomplished by professional players, however, even though he's never been used in a Major tournament, there are still multiple top 100 players that play him in Grand Champion Matchmaking.

>her CC does exactly nothing at all if you just keep track of when she has it up
Yeah an aoe panic that she can use while you're mid cast even on your left clicks is nothing
>her heal per second is below average compared to most healers unless she sacrifices meter for it.
what else would she use meter on
You just completely ignored wolf and my winrate is higher than yours
This isn't a discussion this is just you waiting till page 10 to bump your thread about a shitty game

this game keeps me sane

It doesn't trigger if you just don't cast. Just like, don't do anything for a second or so after you close the gap and watch her waste it, then keep track of whenever she has it again, easy.

>what else would she use meter on
Her EX abilities, which are both amazing. Swapping places with an ally can save you both from an ult if he doesn't have any defensive.

Ghost wolf has a long ass cast time, and the damage really isn't that high compared to other abilities that have similar cast times, especially if you get hit from a bounce off the orb. Also, it keeps her stationary for a while, which is REALLY not what you want as Polo.

>my winrate is higher than yours
78%, in GC.

>Just like, don't do anything for a second or so after you close the gap and watch her waste it, then keep track of whenever she has it again, easy.
doesn't happen above bronze elo kiddo sorry to break it to you
she'll wait till you start casting a left click then immediately panic you
>Ghost wolf has a long ass cast time
well that's good because it deals over 50 damage on a 4s cool down haha
I'm 85% try again

>doesn't happen after bronze
I'm trying to explain it like I'm talking to a kid, of course it doesn't always work that way, but getting into your opponent's head and predicting what they'll do is what the game is about
duo queue stomping through gold/plat/diamond with a new mate doesn't count

If a Poloma actually plays like that, just cancel M1 immediately

this is the most accurate summation of what the game is. it's fun, but it's missing something to make it a truly great game.

Recommend me an easy hero to play
I always use the healer with the poison crossbow and she kinda sucks

Oldur is a very straight forward support
Blossom is pretty easy and strong

Rook crushes shitters
Bakko is pretty good for a new player as well.

For ranged probably Ashka

>cpu not maxed
>gpu not maxed
>can't get more fps