Why is Clem so sexy?

Why is Clem so sexy?

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Because you're a pedophile

Isn't she like 15 now? He's a hebephile

you know someone is a pedophile when they start to throw around the word hebephile

Blanchard suggested the criteria be split into pedophilia as sexually attracted to prepubescent children who are generally younger than 11, and hebephilia as sexual attraction to pubescent children, generally 11–14 years old.
Hebephilia - Wikipedia


They're not kids any more, fags

Truer words have never been spoken user. You have a great day.

nah, you're attracted to children because they're vulnerable

Clem is not vulnerable, Lee taught her well

Either that or he's 15

Clem can beat up everyone on Sup Forums

No one said it was better you autistic sperglords. Just different.
Also doesn't Sup Forums lose its shit to squid kids?

The better question is why haven't all the walkers decomposed yet?

Even if there were still "fresh" zombies from other people turning, most of the initial Zombie force is probably gone by this point. The Military, or what's left of it could gather up, form posses with surviving groups, and hunt the rest down to take America back while capturing lives ones to try to find a vaccine.

But then AMC wouldn't have it's money printer anymore would it?

Zombies shouldn't even be able to move with their necrotic brains and muscle tissue. The Walking Dead is one of the most pointless franchises ever. They don't even try to find a cure or get rid of all the zombies

Are they really rotting? They're functionally dead, and open exposure and injury would rot, but intact zombies wouldn't

Provided they were finding prey, they would have the nutrients to keep their muscles going.

S1 clem was the most breedable

S2 clem was fuckbuddy material

S3 clem was RUINED

TWD zombies are literally powered by magic, they don't try to make it logical at all.

There is literally nothing wrong with young fertile pussy
>living in some thirdworld shithole with an AoC above 14

Are they? Do you mind if I get a source?

I read the comic way back when it was released, up until magical black girl entered with a katana and killed three zombies in a single panel after riding in on her motorcycle, exboyfriend's head on her belt. I knew it was becoming awful with it's comic book logic.

>He isn't trying to earn the heart of 15 year old girls like in medieval times

They don't even breathe so they don't have oxygen to get their muscles going.

Stop trying to apply logic zo zombies, it doesn't work.


>Provided they were finding prey, they would have the nutrients to keep their muscles going.

But they're zombies.
Walking corpses.
Their interior systems are dead. They cannot process meat, and they NEVER eat greens.

All they would do is gorge on meat until their bellies busted, or went through their anus.

Unless the corpse had some form of preservation like embalming fluid, or freezing, then it WILL rot like your average biological being would.

I mean, they make noise and moan, so yes they do.

Secondly, if you use the parasite idea, it works. The body is hijacked, functionally alive, and not human.

Now, the greens bit I never thought of, you've got a point.

>body literally isn't fully developed
>this is better somehow

Have you passed 10th grade biology yet?

unless you're enrolled at the very moment, you're going to prison mate

For what, moron?

for trying to fuck underage children, you thick bastard

Holy fuck, you idiotic limey retard. You are pulling these ideas from you ass, whoever said they're doing any of that?


well, you said you were after underage children, who are undeveloped, and brought up 10th grade biology trying to justify how fucking kids was alright. I'm bringing up the fact that if you aren't actively 16 years old yourself, this is being fucking logged, mate.

How is a 14 year old going to provide better offspring than an 18 year old?

What African shithole do you live in with an age of consent that high?

s1 clem > anything else

I'm in the the US of Fuckin A, you sick fucker. Give me one more reason why we shouldn't manipulate the EU and remove another country for you to leech off? Scotland's next, so it'll have to be after that.


Is this season any good? I finished season 2 and was really underwhelmed. Haven't touched anything else TT has been putting out

>Sup Forums now get triggered for pseudo-pedos

What happened?

Clem has been the most capable and put together person in the walking dead games since season 2.

I thought it was better than S2, but it's still kind of shit. It does seem to have a lot of endings though.

What were the chances of brexit before the vote? They were favorable for you scumsucking leeches, weren't they?

Everytime someone says pedo this shit gets posted fucking kys

>but it's still kind of shit
How do we fix telltale, im so sick of their mediocrity

The characters suck dick. Lee really was carrying the game on his back

Counter-counter-counter-something you know whatever

For the same reason that an 18 year old will provide better offspring than a 25 year old.