Pearl wins the first Splatfest

>Pearl wins the first Splatfest
Sup Forums BTFO.

What do you think it feels like to have your arms between Pearl's tentacles?

>popular slut gets overrun with idiot players again

lmao knew it

take that u dumb nigger

>ice cream is legitimately better than cake
>Marina is way better than Pearl

This doesn't make any sense.

>rock vs pop

It really wasn't even fair.

Congratulations Pearl! Show that Ocotslut who's the boss!

Both these characters look utterly fucking awful.
Easily the most unappealing females to come from Japan.



Marina was overflowing with players, as result they were put against themsleves, which doesn't give points.

Too far man :/

Japan was Rock vs Pop

Ice Cream is only better than Cake if you're a fat American whose taste buds are so dead that anything that isn't tooth-melting sweet comes off as bland.


Only faggots that watch e celebs and suck SJW cock like the brown octopus.

Is nintendo saying that niggers aren't even the same race as humans?

Today is going to be Pearl day.
She's already won the very first Splatfest and she's gonna win the other 2 as well.

Cake > Ice Cream

woah dude

go back to

Shut up Onsokumaru You're 100% right, though. I don't know how the fuck anyone can say Ice Cream is better than Cake

Wow, did they change pearl's model?

She actually doesn't look like an abortion in this pic

To be fair, when it's put between "Frozen milk" and "Sugar bread" cake definitely sounds better.

For anyone wondering what those results are. Top is vote percentage, middle is solo queue win rate and bottom is group queue win rate.

Those are hardly BTFO numbers. It looks like Pearl squeaked by because Marina got stuck with a shit category. Cake vs Ice Cream should be much more indicative.

Well shit, that was surprisingly close.

With all this J-pop shit Japan loves to swallow, you would've thought Marina would've won on popularity alone.

No that's the original

Pretty rigged. Considering how haphazard going solo is, it should count for 2 points over going in a group queue. Fake shit, Pearl just squeaked by due to Japan's shit taste.

Back in Texas, we always called ice cream "Frozen Cow Juice".

FCJ> sugar sponge

>I don't know how the fuck anyone can say Ice Cream is better than Cake
Ice cream is better than cake, I just said it

i remember being 14

Salty milk and coins.


I also remember last thursday

>marina better than pearl
Pearl is the only good design of the two. You like a slut with a trashy piercing. I bet she has a tramp stamp too. Let's not ignore that Marina isn't even a squid.

How will you complain when Pearl wins Cake too?

thanks for the (vous)

Holy fuck, can you be so assblasted this early in the day? You're going to experience some anal devastation after Pearl wins the EU and US Splatfests.

>Pearl is legitimately cute
>Marina looks like a hooker
>people think Marina will win

ice cream is better than cake
kys cakefags

>>Pearl is legitimately cute
Listen, I'm not disagreeing because art involving her is nice, but her model looks like shit.

>side with Pearl in the JP splatfest
>will side with Marina on the EU one
Who's with me?

Yes!!! The marinafag purge starts now!

Same here. Only autistic waifufags pick sides depending on the character rather than the actual choice.

Hime all the way.

Same. Marina is still best girl though

Pearl will win every splatfest simply because she's so unpopular.

Oh shit, I thought I missed ours for a second.

I agree. It's just twice as sweet when your girl of choice has the same preferences as you.
I would have picked Pop but I'm glad Pearl got her victory.


>named Hime
>doesn't have hime bangs
What did they mean by this?

Guys what time is our splatfest on EST?
Is it 6-10?

NA Splatfest is 6-10PM EST, EU is 12-4PM EST. You can download both by changing your region on Nintendo's site.


Jesus, Pearl's model looks like some sort of Looney Tunes Elmira thing. Jesus that is ugly. Her 2d art work looks nothing like her 3d model.

Right? I don't know how they managed to fuck up this bad.

>people decide on a side because of the girl instead of what their actual opinions are
Literally the 2 party system

>someone actually thinks this looks good
has anyone bothered to reverse color swap between marina and pearl? curious to see how they look swapped.

I really don't see what is so ugly about it, but whatever.

I mean obviously Marina gets the dick hard and looks better but I don't see any issues with Pearl.

I really want Cake to win, but something tells me there's no shot in hell.

I had to stop and watch part of their live exhibition when the Splatfest started. Was I the only one who did this?


>The atomic buttblast when Pearl does a 3-0 sweep today

Pearl is a super duper cutie!

>I really don't see what is so ugly about it, but whatever.
you can't be serious

Me too user, me too.

This miscarriage can't even trash talk. How the fuck people can even look at her for 3 seconds without having the urge to puke?

>caring about the idol and not the side of the splatfest
As bad as real idolfags in Japan desu.

We're gunna set things right

>le Pearl looks like Chucky xD
ebin maymay dude! did you get it from your buddies at ?

it looks fine.

>getting this shittershattered because people think your waifu is ugly

>she doesn't
you can eat shit, but stop pretending like you're not.

>rock music
>social rejects and the occasional cool scenster
>pop music
>normal well adjusted people

Is japan really this autistic?

she's named and designed after the northern pygmy squid, which is called the hime-ika in japan. very small squid blob


>implying that's wrong

Rock won though.

Pretty solid bants from both

I thought it didn't start till 6pm est tonight?

There are 3 different splatfests, the Japan one that ended, the EU one which starts in an hour and a half, and the NA one that starts at 6PM EST.

Pearl will be revealed as a girl (male)
This is why Pearl looks so weird to many.
You heard it here first


And we'll hear it last.

I wonder what it's like to have wanted to Remain, wanted Hillary to have her turn, wanted the Falcons to win the Super Bowl, and thought Marina would get a clean sweep.



>Jap wins the Jap Splatfest
>Nigger wins the NA Splatfest
>Close win for either side in the EU Splatfest

I live in Australia, my morning was already ruined anyhow.

Also its just facts, how is rock a popular genre in Japan? Its obviously a choice based solely on girl tastes, and Japan has proven time and time again that they have shit taste.

lel, if you werent good for translating I would have your retarded self filtered

Seems like you've never tasted original italian gelato.

Ice Cream > Cake

And this is coming from someone, who lives in a country where cake has cultural importance like ice cream has in italy.

Pearl already only edged by this win, I susupect the others will be even more close considering how many new players will be trying it out.


Google you fucking retard.
Video aint worth it anyhow

>barely won
>most likely because rock is inherently more popular than pop, especially today with garbage music being so overflowing

btfo where exactly

Just wait until they actually do Pearl vs Marina. Pearl won't stand a chance, it'll be a fucking slaughter.

top kek

Marina will most likely have popularity in NA, idk about EU. If Pearl wins by virtue of skill alone in NA, respect. Otherwise if its one sided rigged shit like JP, lolno.
Team Ice Cream has an uphill battle anyway, with Marina being so popular it will undoubtedly lead to more shitters fucking up matches and more mirror matches, which dont count toward the total. So its really unfair to Marina either way, pity

Thats more telling of what Google thinks of you than the image itself.
Its Brooke Lee Adams, you underage fuck