Evolution 2017 (EVO) Thread

Timetable (converts to your timezone automatically)

Results so far:
1st HuomaoTV|E.T.
2nd DouyuTV|Xiao Hai
>Tekken 7 Top 8 Qualifiers
Streamme|Anakin vs Knee
FOX|JDCR vs JEOndding
Suiken vs FOX|Saint
Yamasa|Take vs Taisei
>Guilty Gear Rev2 Top 8 Qualifiers
/r/Kappa|T5M7 vs Nage
PurePure vs KVOxTSB|Omito
Teresa vs Samitto
310 vs GGP|Kazunoko

Highlights (clips . twitch . tv):
>Ogawa gets double perfected by Tomo
>Daimon clutches KOF14 finals
>Zhi gets banned forever
What are you watching today lads?

Other urls found in this thread:




Did Low Tier God play on Street fighter V yet?

Don't tell me I missed Tekken...

You've missed all of pools and top 32, top 8 is tomorrow

Wish I could have gone so I could play fighting Layer EX. It looks pretty good which is impressive considering how little money Arika has right now.


>SFXT gems

Looking forward to GG top 8 today.

Jack will win EVO cap this!

I'm impressed no one died during KOF

Jam will!

>/ourguy/ playing on EVO
Fuck, I need to search youtube for that.

it was a Tekken 7 set which he won 2-1

the gameplay was incredibly mediocre



Rarity is best pony

God damn, Guilty Gear has had by FAR the best matches this Evo.

WAIT A MINUTE.... Is this this a SF EX game?

Is the story mode in Tekken 7 worth playing?

Are these computer opponents getting armor on their moves completely randomly and doing perfect dodges all the time or is that just part of their moveset?

>your typical /mlp/ user


It's the SFEX devs but they made a new one with just their original characters

>What are you watching today lads?
Jive pools and every other game finals exept smash

Day one purchase.

so this is one of the few times LTG is out of character?

I will fuck that horse if you don't gtfo

>GG has 8 different characters in the top 8
Nice, should be pretty good

Reminder that Super Autism Bros is not a fighting game.

Conoletely missed GG pools and semis, what were the best moments and were can I find them.
>GG top not on sunday while BB's is

Couldn't make out what Zhi says in the clip or understand why its gonna get him in trouble.

>Tomo double perfecting Ogawa
>Nage instant killing Machabo
>Ryan Hunter's venom setups
>Sato's amazing bait burst
You can watch the vods on twitch or you can see all the highlights on the guilty gear reddit


I'm a casual that trailed on from SGDQ, why are the commentators so bad?

I went on the smash bros stream and the asian guy was sperging out and the two commentators weren't even talking about about the match that was going on.


>guys says he did it fast like at GDQ
>Zhi says he thought he was being called autistic

by watching this footage you would have never guessed its actually a 3d game

I don't know, but the story is mode is still easy as hell


This is literally my first Tekken game but I don't know any of the moves that anyone has.

is skullgirls at this one

>kof is literally the most international finals with like 6 different countries
>fucking spics vs chinks race wars

>Are these computer opponents getting armor on their moves completely randomly and doing perfect dodges

Only a handful of characters are actually playable in the story. Also, in the story mode there's this thing called story assist that lets the player use all the best moves of each character with the shoulder buttons so it's no problem.

Maybe in a side-stream. Though, I don't know which.

>Zhi reads out all the sponsors really fast
>Sajam says "That was like GDQ" because of how he speedran the sponsors
>Zhi cracks a joke about GDQ being autistic


I hope Nage wins, but a Jack-O is fine too

you fuckboys are going to watch the small ST tourney, right?

channel is sharonasaurusX at 10 pacific 1 eastern.

Guilty Gear deserves to get the Sunday spotlight. The matches yesterday were consistently incredible.

Whens marvel?

pools are today and top 8 is sunday

who's going to win in /our game/ aka super autism bros melee

Has a webm been made of the guy who went apeshit after his SF5 pool win and Yipes screaming along with him?


the same 3 dudes, who cares about that shit game

And they put it even before injustass on saturday

>our game

go back to your smash thread thanks :^)


Keep going, user. l'm waiting for you to finish.

Can't wait for Evo Japan, and finally watch a real fighting game on display.

there's literally evo smash threads going up all day and you're coming into the fighting game threads just to try and talk about your game

this is why you are so despised. you have autism and no respect for others then whine WAAAAH WHY DO YOU HATE US.

When is Marvel starting ? When are melee finals ?

When is the announcement?

its funny how you tell me to go back to r/kappa
its confirmed a smash subeddit

Is EVO being streamed on Youtube at all or only Twitch

>take top smash posts
>rename them to something derogatory
>post them in sekrit kappa klub
>give (you)s everytime smash is mentioned
you're playing yourself

Nobody likes you Smash autists. Stay in your containment threads and take a goddamn shower

Looks boring.

Disney and ESPN

Stay fucking mad that EVO belongs to us now. Meanwhile your shitty no-skill button mashers die off within months LMFAO

It's not 3D

Was actually a pretty good reaction from LTG. Almost like he might be alright outside of the personality.


>Layer EX

why is this even a thing? fuck EX. i'm sure it presents a new opportunity for cosplay faggots.

He was holding back tears of laughter because of the fat fuck next to him.

>brony shirt
>wearing his autist Smash controller as a necklace
I really felt bad for LTG. Having to sit next to such cancer.

Is that only finals or today too

only smash and SFV top 8

Who's animevo here?



Are animefags the new smashfags?

went to bed before kov finals, did I miss anything fun?

Puyo was godlike

No, animefags actually play fighting games

Naw, most anime players take showers


The whole thing was good

>taking showers
this is your brain on smashhate

>spics vs chinks

ET prevented a bracket reset from Xiao Hai with a clutch Daimon super.

Where's the AnimEvo schedule? I wanna see Gundam and hope that the rumored LAN and western Premium G sound announcements are real

It looked like two Grand Master fighting each other and it probably was

How do these work though?

Fuuck, I missed them. Any good highlights (other than the Machabo and Ogawa loses?)

I think he enjoyed it, now he has something to laugh at, and an experience from EVO to remember.

Why did he get banned?


>Nage instant killing Machabo
Clip? I'm interested to see it happening

Don't get your hopes up, it'll likely just be Ruby as a crossover fighter in another game it better not fucking be UNIEST or I'll be pissed she got in before Fillia.

I heard Pokken was also being shown on Disney.

Koihime enbu was too long I couldn't watch HnK