Why don't Mages, Wizards, Witches, Sages, Sorcerer, Magicians, Warlocks, Necromancers, Pyromancers, Cryromancers...

Why don't Mages, Wizards, Witches, Sages, Sorcerer, Magicians, Warlocks, Necromancers, Pyromancers, Cryromancers, Hydromancers, Aeromancers, Geomancers, Illusionists, Druids, Elementalists, Chronomancers, Shamans and Enchanters wear heavy armor?

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Those armors prevent them from feeling the ebb and flow of arcane, fire, earth, water, electricity, matter, antimatter, time, and space.


it makes them harder to rape

It encumbers their concentration.

Armor is heavy
It's uncomfortable
And it requires upkeep

A robe causes none of that, so the wizard can focus on their incantations.

Being intellectuals, they are aware the game is better balanced with squishy casters and surrender personal strength for a more just world

Varies from lore to lore.
>Can cut off the flow of magic
>Requires training that would take away from their study of magic
>Can be completely replaced with defensive magics
>Can hinder necessary movements (think martial artists and their stances/forms)
>Can be dangerous when mixed with certain elements and spells

Because cloth armor provides better stat bonuses for spellcasters, duh. How often do you see plate armor of intelligence? Not very often, but every set of robes on the planet gives +int.

This, basically.
In truth its a balance act.

>No explicit in-universe explanation for why magicka users don't wear armor
>The best wizards wear armor anyways
Pic related

I'd assume it's to do with weight limits in Morrowind. A full set of daedric armor weighs 354. That requires 71 strength to hold, which as a mage is probably a lot more than you have, especially at low levels.

Why don't they just wear high grade military bulletproof vest, then? It's stronger than armor but also lightweight.

Because the only place bulletproof vests and magic exist at the same time is The Secret World or Vampire The Masquerade.
In those settings they do.

because magic was invented before they discovered kevlar

Not enough STR to equip heavy armor

The Dark Eye explains it by iron being anti-magical in general and most heavy armors give you lots of encumbrance penalties anyway, they can wear leather armors and shit tho


I imagine wearing heavy armor for prolonged periods of time requires some degree of strength and fairly high stamina.

Because they're out of shape, pasty nerds and they're just not strong enough.

>What are Feather/Fortify Strength enchantments
You're right about the low level part

So when someone dispells your shit or you lack the time to renew it in the thick of combat you suddenly fall to the ground crushed by the weight of your own armor? Sounds like a great plan.

In DnD, arcane magic requires you to make verbal calls and somatic gestures, which armour typically gets in the way of. Divine magic doesn't require anywhere near as much of those two, hence why Clerics can loadout with heavy armour and give blessings and healing regularly using much more gentle or subtle words and gestures for their magic.

Fireball, an arcane spell, is powerful and demands you not only to shout in dragon language and to wave your arms around like a lunatic, but to also remember the figurative poem that is the spell's full verbal component. If you remember most of the poem, you can finish the last word of it to cast the spell anytime. This is why wizards keep a spellbook.
If you still want to wear armour, then you can, but it will be akward until you properly train (gain feats for casting in armour and so on).

Cure Wounds, a divine spell, is much less flashy and much less powerful, but the the ability to cast this spell is granted through faith, as opposed to rote memory. It's why Clerics, Paladins, and Druids, use Wisdom for their spell powers rather than Intelect. As for somatic components, you simply and gently imply you are going to heal your warrior's wounds, put your hand on his or her shoulder, and then the wounds heal. This means Wisdom casters can wear armour with no hinderance.

If memory serves, in Morrowind constant effect enchants can't be dispelled.

>be wizard
>want to cast fireball
>have to learn the language of dragons through rigorous study
>have to induce one's self into a seizure, waving limbs around
>have to mix together bat shit and sulfur
>finally get to cast fireball
>enemy makes saving throw

>be paladin
>want to cast smite evil
>imply that you're going to obliterate evil
>evil gets fucking obliterated right then and there

Paladin is a bit more complex than that. You have to completely devote yourself to a god and their laws. If you stray, you get stripped of your powers. If you get branded a heretic, you could get fucked up completely.

DnD can override this by you taking some perk, wizard/necro (neverwinter nights, I forget the classes) can tank fierce, but spell penetration suffers because of it.

Yeah pretty much.
But then you realize that Paladins, though they do get stronger, tend to only get stronger at smiting evil with their mace, or sword, or bare hands if they've brass enough. You done smite that evil if you get up to it and hit it one, and only if it's genuinely evil. (let's face it though, most quests worth undertaking include slaying evil so it's hardly amiss.)

Wizards, on the other hand, who can go as far as aging and ailing themselves and magically sacrificing vast quantities of wealth, can wish for anything to come true.

So there's this evil dragon flying way high up. You'd need a paladin to slay it right? Need him to fly somehow. And survive.
Or the Wizard can wish that the dragon was trapped neck deep in the moon. And then the dragon is trapped neck deep in the moon.

Paladins deal with problems right then and there. Wizards spend their whole lives preparing to do one cool thing and then do it.

This, Clerics and Paladins don't have much power of their own, they're just borrowing somebody elses. Not nearly as cool. Have there been any games/settings where gods actually don't want to be worshipped and cleric magic is used by essentially cutting off a piece of god? I'm curious now.

underrated post