Which game was more disappointing?
Final Fantasy VIII or Chrono Cross?
Which game was more disappointing?
No one played Chrono Cross
They're both awful, but Chrono Cross was the far bigger waste of potential.
Neither were disappointing.
Both were better than the games that came before them, as all true patricians know.
FFVIII was a decent game with some good mechanics and one of the best mini-games in an RPG (Triple Triad).
Chrono Cross is actual trash, compacted into a disc to stink up your console.
Both of these games were highly praised years ago. What happened?
Contrarians, remember that even FF7 and Ocarina of Time have people shitting on them and back then it was even popular to shit on them
Fortunately we are getting past that point
Ironically enough the contrarians are the exact same mindless sheep they hate so much. Ocarina of Time was unanimously considered the Game of the Forever until Arin made that video shitting on it, now every dumbass on the internet is autistically screeching over how "overrated" it is all of a sudden.
Chrono Cross because at least FF8 had triple triad and didn't take a steaming diarrhoea dump all over the story, characters, lore and legacy of another game.
>download Final Fantasy 8 soundtrack
>it's the PC version
Neither Ocarina or FF7 are masterpieces or perfect games and are vastly overrated by their fans, but they are part of the greatest games ever still
Imagine if FF8 was all about Laguna travelling the war-torn world with his bros.
>responsible for some of the worst written bits of Xenogears and FF7
>wrote the liquid diarrhoea that is Chrono Cross
>reached the new low with Sands of Destruction which rivals Motomu Toriyama stuff in terms of quality of writing
Here's your (you)
First post with any iota of truth to it. I like this user.
Both disappointed me in different ways.
Chrono Cross because it was a cluttered and unfocused follow up to a concise 25 hour JRPG
FFVIII disappointed me because it failed to live up to the hype of VII.
Both are still pretty good games, TBHWYMN
If they did that and dropped the level scaling it would have been the objectively best FF of all time.
>game is disappointing because its too complex for my little brain
As expected of Sup Forums.
I liked them both.
Cross because it was a shitty sequel
What went wrong with Chrono Chross exacty? (never played it).
FF8 literally rewards you for playing like shit
>What went wrong with Chrono Chross exacty? (never played it).
horrible sequel
way too many party members
convoluted plot
needs a guide for the good ending
shits all over Trigger by killing off cast between games
Neither. They were both decent games. Expectations were just way too high because the predecessors were already overrated. It's a matter of people going to extremes when describing how good and how bad the games can be.
>too many party members
Why is this considered bad exactly? Sure, not every member gets the same amount of backstory or character development but the sheer options of how to build your main team makes it so you can have vastly different play-throughs.
Everything else in your post I agree with though. Let's also not forget the exposition dump that occurs 3/4 of the way through the game.
FF8 still worse though
Completely new combat system not many liked I guess, it wasn't that bad in my opinion, loads of playable characters, which meant most didn't get enough or any backstory at all, everything else is also more or less completely new, no revisiting old characters or places, aside from that important plot point where the old characters explain to you that nothing you did mattered and that Dalton from Trigger build an army in Porre, destroyed Guardia and killed them all and that their entire timeline is gone and assfucked forever. The music is pretty good tough.
>Why is this considered bad exactly?
It's like 43 characters when your party size is 3 (technically 2, due to one slot having to be for Serge until NG+)
That'll definitely do it, shit. They they kill the original writing team or something?
>horrible sequel
>way too many party members
How is this a bad thing?
>convoluted plot
Just as convoluted as Chrono Trigger.
>needs a guide for the good ending
Never used a guide and got the good ending on NG+.
>shits all over Trigger by killing off cast between games
Not the same timeline. They're still alive somewhere else. Serge just fucked things up.
Okay, and? It's not like you have to level them all up individually. The point would be to have a variety of Elements Grids and Techs to choose from.
And having that fuck ton of options for team composition is bad why? Aside from most of them not getting sufficient character arcs.
I'm convinced this thread was made just to trigger me
It's not necessarily bad in my opinion, but if you do something like that it works if your party is bigger than 3 people, let's say 4 or 6, most people will take main characters anyway, it's been a while and I don't remember, but I think you had to play as Serge so that leaves two spots, it's not enough in my opinion and these two spots will more likely go to other characters relevant to the story, like Kid for example and not some dude like Funguy, even though Serge, Mojo and Funguy is the patricians choice in my opinion, I understand that this was done with a newgame+ in mind and all, but I wonder how many people bothered with that after the slap to the face this game delivered to the Trigger fanbase
>Just as convoluted as Chrono Trigger.
CT was as straightforward as it can get
>It's not like you have to level them all up individually
they don't have traditional levels. They "level" when you get a star. You would know this if you played the game
>Just as convoluted as Chrono Trigger
Nigger What? The only potentially confusing aspect of Triggers plot is learning about Magus past, where he came from, and the society he used to live in which is all pretty much explained in an exposition dump anyway.
I have no idea, seems like they either had massive hatred for everything Trigger or wanted to be innovative and went way overboard, maybe someone here actually knows what went so horrible wrong?
Cross was better than Trigger
Trigger was a like a saturday morning cartoon where Cross was like a self-contained graphic novel. Cross took more risks and respected your intelligence in a way Trigger didn't. It had a better soundtrack and much more thought put into it than Trigger did.
Trigger was great but it's really obvious if you tell someone Chrono Cross was bad, it's because someone else told you Cross was bad, and you either haven't played the game recently or you like to parrot things other people say.
I'm so sorry this game challenged your expectations too much that you had to decide it was bad. I feel so bad for you because I played Cross years before I ever played Trigger, and it was a fantastic game, one of my lifetime favorites.
>because I played Cross years before I ever played Trigger,
and that's why you prefer the crappy game because it had no value as a "sequel" for you
>I'm mad because my cartoon characters were delegitimized!
>CT was as straightforward as it can get
CC is not confusing at all. That's my point.
>they don't have traditional levels. They "level" when you get a star. You would know this if you played the game
Nigga, what did I just say? You just quoted me. Re-read it.
>I can't piece together a simple plot without an exposition dump.
Jesus your reading comprehension is shit. Never said I needed the exposition dump, just saying the only part of Triggers plot I've ever seen tards complain about is the stuff involving Magus which isn't even close to the shit in cross