Which Persona game is the best overall, not counting 1&2?
Which Persona game is the best overall, not counting 1&2?
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5 > 3 > 4
3 baybee
3 best story and cast
5 best combat and gameplay mechanics
4 Worst cast (aside from kanji), mediocre mystery murder story, but comfy setting
I like 4 the best. Comfy setting, probably the best of the three soundtracks (overall, not necessarily individual songs), and aside from the intro it had the best pacing.
3's story and characters were 2edgy4me and 5's pacing was all over the place with the endgame especially being a tedious slog.
3 had best premise
5 had best music, aesthetics
4 had best social links. As much as I liked the cast of 5, the confidant storylines mostly fell flat in comparison IMO
>not counting 1&2
That's not fun OP
I agree with the weak confidant story lines although it was more of a case of them hooting themselves in the foot.
Most of the confidants' stories had to be rail roaded into "Intro"->"Bad guy in my life" -> "Bad guy leaves thakns to momentos." Basically, they had to limit the way they told the story for momentos.
It also doesn't really feel like they grow or learn anything at all because their problem was mainly "bad guy in life" so when that was out of the way they were okay.
Good point. I remember P4 storylines being surprisingly compelling, making me care about characters I thought were uninteresting. They were transformative and self-actualizing, the obstacles being themselves rather than a "bad guy". Played into the "journey of life" motif echoed by the use of the tarot, a motif I really missed in 5. The trickster theme was rad, but I think 4 felt more impactful and its themes were better arranged to set up the more satisfying conclusion.
5 > 3 > 4 overall
3 > 5 > 4 story
P5 since it reminds me of P2 the most.
>not counting 1&2
>not counting 1&2
13 year old detected. Have fun at your ACEN orgy.
Story: 2
Gameplay: I'll say 3 because i haven't played 5 yet.
Who the fuck would ever play 1 and 2 you hipster trash.
>it is another 3 has the best story coz of muh Jesus Christ ending episode
>higher than anything, even 1
>not counting 1&2
kill yourself unironically, faggot
My nigga.
1 and 2 are absolutely > 3. I don't have high hopes for 4
What the fuck is wrong with you VN loving faggots
How dare you call Nu-Persona is a goddamn social planner not a JRPG you pussies give me my 90 hours back
Maya Amano best girl
3 will always have the best cast and story. The only thing holding it back is its pacing, but let's not forget that every game in the series that utilizes the calendar has the same issue.
5 has phenomenal visuals and the best Persona combat. Not quite at the level of Nocturne, but still the best in this franchise.
4 is, although I hate to say this word, "comfy". It's relaxing, silly, and never takes itself too seriously. It is the defacto anime SoL game.
p5>p3>p4. After p4 I didn't have high expectation for new persona game but was pleasantly suprised.
>worst cast
Hell no. I felt a stronger connection to the investigation crew than I ever did to the PT. And compared to P4, P3 SLs are complete garbage.
Personally I liked P4G the most by a fair bit, although they're all good
It's amazing how two people with two opposite opinions can be both so amazingly wrong
>not counting the best one
Gameplay and combat wise 5 did everything better than 3 and 4.
>Not quite at the level of Nocturne
What did he mean by this?
It's not as good as Nocturne, arguably the Pinnacle of Megami Tensei combat. It's just prettier.
3 > 4 > 5
haven't even played P5 yet, and even i know that it has the best music by a mile.
Don't listen to anyone telling you 3 is better,the 2 other are mechanically better, better pacing, more interesting social link and event.
The big thing 3 has is the overall theme and ending.
5 and 4 are the same thing, with different tones.
1 and 2 are good games as well, and more persona fans should try them
Nocturne isn't that amazing, P4 and P5 are better, SJ had better atmosphere ect...
And also worst story ever.
Hi, I'm the most realistically written female in this franchise.
I tried 2 and it was pretty mediocre kinda of a worst than SMT and subpart persona= lmao, at least I am free from the P2 shiller since I know exactly what it is.
Still good to get some overall understanding on some theme but that's it, i wouldn't recommand it except if you have nothing to do with your time.
I was talking about combat.
Nocturne also has the best dungeons.
5. It's not even close.
But SMT4A has much better combat than nocturne anyway.
2 is probably the worst combat in the franchise for sure.
The only reason people should play it is because its plot and cast, at least in IS, are memorable.
Could you please explain why Nocturne has better combat than P5 or even 4:A?
Persona 3-5 are a completely different series than 1&2. If we include them we might as well include mainline SMT games too.
Compared to P5?
>Fully customizable party
>Press Turn is objectively better than One More
>Bosses don't have gimmicks that make them cakewalks, although most of them aren't needed anyways. See: Nobody knowing about Madarame's paint because of them killing him prior
>P2 posers who haven't played EP
What's your excuse?
>m-muh PSP
But we all know you emulated anyway and regardless of version, EP is an upgrade from IS gameplay wise.
I must be strange then, I kinda liked the combat with the fusion spell and stuff, even if it's a bit inconvenient and slow, it didn't bother me.
The problem was I didn't find most of the character that interesting, and the story did not really hit me, even if it was interesting premise.
I just remember punching the guy at the end to get me out of this nonsense.
when will they add H-Scenes? there is so much potential on some of the girls
5 best overall
4 best characters
3 best....i dunno music I guess
I think 3 at least came with different surprises adn the dialogue was spaced out enough.
Plus I liked the characters and the looming atmosphere a lot.
P4 was comfy but I feel like I was playing the same copy and paste month afte a while because it was the same set up with people getting kidnapped, having those people face their shadow and then becoming really useless for the rest of the story.
P5 was very much like P4, but bigger. But bigger in bad ways too. Story is sluggish, character interactiosn are way too long etc.
Tokyo was a boring setting too. It always is. Until it becomes Neo Tokyo...Or Tokyo 2...
>at least in IS
Aside from Maya turning into a non-character, I think I liked the EP cast more. They're both fantastic though.
P2 overall easily has the best casts in the series.
5 is pretty much a remix of 4's plot but with better characters and theming
5 > 4 > 3 one of the only series where every sequel consistently improved everything
>ITT: let's make out as if 4 is the worst because it is by far the most popular one and normies are bad m'kay?
Persoana 4 is the "FFVII" of the series and rightly so, rightly so.
No because 7 was good
P5 is going to turn out to be the FFVIII, a total mess that only hipsters praise because of a shitty story they think is deep
Okay user, why is the clearly popular and oved Persona 4 with spinoffs remasters, tv shows and toys "shit"? Why is Persona 4 NOT good?
>Shit plot
>Shit villain
>Exactly two good characters (Narukami and Kanji)
>Worst soundtrack
I played it several years ago untranslated on PSP without even understanding Japanese
What the fuck was I thinking
On replays I kinda get it, but what was going through your mind back then?
>Worst soundtrack
5 does everything better when it comes to gameplay but I enjoyed the setting, characters and story a lot more in 4.
Let's just do this the correct way.
>Reach Out To The Truth
>Pursuing My True Self
>Burn My Dread
>Midsummer Knight's Dream
>Light in The Starless Sky
>Battle For Everyone's Soul
>Massive Destruction
>Memories of You
>Rivers in a Dry Land
>I'm a Shapeshifter or whatever
>Whims of Fate
>Our Beginning
>Last Surprise
smug tatsuya is best tatsuya
It's the game with the most casualized and watered down everything.
The setting is good, the characters range from ok to thrash, the direct control was a step up, but the combat was really watered down.
The pacing and story could be described as comfy, but it is also full of questionable plot holes.
Oh man imagine all Persona protags meeting up. I need to see this now.
This reminds me that the "Fool" bullshit is dumb.
It makes sense for MC, but both Joker and Narukami would be better fit with other Arcana.
Serious question guys, and this isn't about best girl, or best game, you don't have to like her, but answer this question honestly: Is there a more iconic Persona character than Chie? Again, this isn't about liking her best, but i can't think of a character who's style and pallete colours are more memorable and recognisable than hers.
I recognised Chie long before i even knew what Persona even was because her style pops out. If i had seen an artwork of yukiko posted over and over again i think i would have never remembered "generic anime girl" but Chie and her tracksuit are just super iconic i feel. Thoughts on this question?
Joker's arcana should have been Justice, would make more sense.
>but it is also full of questionable plot holes
You mean like how a god pretended to be a beautiful boy working as a gas station attendant in the bum fuck middle of nowhere?
Narukami has the Chad Arcana
>Nocturne, arguably the Pinnacle of Megami Tensei combat.
But that is IV:A, boyo.
>get to final dungeon of P5
>two hours into it
>ambushed by three wandering revivers, entire party brainwashed on first turn
>they all murder Joker next turn
>take a month break out of frustration
>come back to it this morning
>same thing happens within 30 minutes
Fuck it, I will never beat this game. This is fucking misery.
I do too, I can't imagine what a 40 year old naoya would look like
That was bullshit, but I could understand it.
The entirety of Naoto is a lot worse.
Then equip anti-ailment accessories, you silly.
What difficulty are you on user, because that sounds ridiculously painful.
Which persona game is the best overall, not counting 3, 4, or 5?
I can't leave the dungeon to buy any.
I was on normal, I turned it down to easy after the first time to get back to where I was.
The original translation of Persona 1
Whats the best persona game over all, not counting 1-5, or the arenas?
>getting ambushed
3 > 5 > 4
But those ages aren't accurate.
Rise is like only 20 or something and it was mentioned Yuka-tan was still in college.
How do you avoid it when you complete the first floor puzzle? Two shadows spawn behind you and one in front.
does anyone else actually like trinity soul?
3 > 4 > 5.
5 isn't as good as the previous games. It's wholeheartedly better than 1 though so I have to give some credit.
Yalls crazy
>better than anything
>1 not being the worst. despite still not being a bad game
>3 better than 2
holy shit nigger what are you doing
SJ has better dungeons and Final has better combat.
so if 4 isn't better than anything and 1 is also the worst....which one do you consider the worst
desu tho
2 duology>3=5>4>1
5. Best party, best levels, best gameplay, best music. The only people who don't like it are contrarian fucks who wallow in nostalgia and hate the fact that it's popular.
Granted, the finale was both rushed and way too long at the same time, but it was infinitely better than 4's twist, and more interesting than 3's December of Nothing
Justice would be more Yu fit. For Joker reversed Devil makes most sense but they don't really use reverse arcana in persona games