Get worse random weapon drops than the enemy

>get worse random weapon drops than the enemy
so this is the game the kids are all raving about...

Other urls found in this thread:

Get good

>get a level 1 helmet, a pistol, and compensators I can't use

>get sniped by faggots on a mountain who got a SCAR and a 4x scope through luck

>China number 1
What did OP mean by this?

If you win do you get to find out who the unknown players is?

>Be pussybitch untill you get enough weapons
>Enjoy fine cuisine

There's an abundance of good weapons in this game op. you just have to get good.

These threads are so shit
It's like annoucning that youre retarded

also fpbp

>get worse random weapon drops than the enemy
feels good not being shit at the game


it says in the end its Hideus Kojimbo

one of the worst games i've ever played, don't understand why people like this shit.

>get shit loot
>still be good so kill others for their gear
>get good loot

not everyone is an emasculate teen I guess

>Run in a straight fucking beeline through an open field instead of zig-zagging/moving from cover to cover
>Get insta-killed by headshot


I'm legitimately trying my best to be aggressive and fight people but I cannot fucking find anyone, I just drive around the middle of the circle for 15 minutes until I get sniped and killed by someone a mile away

Protip: people hide when they hear a car driving by 9/10. The other time is when they have a geographical advantage, like that sniper.

how the fuck do I get this game to run at 1080p 60fps

I have a 1070 and an i5 6600k

>I just drive around
Cars are a fucking trap my man, its a great way to get fucking blasted.

Thats what I fucking hate about PUBG. Its fun as fuck playing agressive and fighting people but your punishes for being agressive and become everyones target while being a little cuck shed camper for 20+ mins is boring as sin but makes winning so much easier.
Who ever makes the first move in this game, loses.

better cpu

Find a defensible spot and hunker down. Dont move unless you have to, and when you do move, run from cover to cover, not in a straight line to your destination. Dont wait until the last minute to move, because then you have no agency. Also, cars are loud as fuck and immediately spotlight your location.

you don't, early access trash like this is always unoptimized

This is going to sound retarded but this game put me off joining the army
>be killed by some cuckshed camper out of nowhere without even knowing where you're being shot from or who's shooting you

Yeah nah, fuck that. vidya games for me instead.

fuck you

>it's a "die on touchdown because you got a frying pan and the guy next to you got a rifle" episode

Get an i7.

>Who ever makes the first move in this game, loses.
only winning move is not to play

realy makes you thnik

I like the game, but they really need to fucking optimize the game. No matter what settings I run the game on I can barely get 30fps. Low everything to ultra everything is just constantly 25 or less with dips everywhere.

I'm not saying it should run at 4k 144fps on my toaster, but like god damn man, this game runs like horseshit. I couldn't give a fuck what the game looks like, I just want a stable FPS without dips.

Exactly, I stoppes giving a shit about winning in solo after doing it 3 times. Now I just fuck around and make road blocks on bridges or try out meme shit like moltovs and pistols.

He said hes being aggressive looking for fights. Everything you suggested him is just more camping shit.

Frying pans are 1 hit

Just dodge, dip, dive, duck and dodge

I'll let you in on a secret. You can't get shot underwater.

I've won so many matches doing this.

>gameplay emulates hide and seek
>surprised when running around making noise like a retard doesn't work
You should go try and play literally any other shooter, it'll be a lot more to your tastes

When it comes down to the last few circles it's a total camp fest. Before that you can find people by dropping in the 3 super hot zones of Containers Geogopol, School and Military base apartments. After that go for drops as people try to go for them. Plenty of action then.

>get 200fps on ultra in Doom 2016
>"dude just upgrade your CPU for this fucking indie game shit"

>DSP plays PUBG

>do my best to win the game
>forget that everything is calculated and processed client side
>this happens
>guess I'll just have to get better

>Run around for +15 minutes
>Only find level 2 helmet, M16 and a shotgun
>Enemy lands
>Immediately finds Kar98 and SCAR-L and level 3 helmet and level 2 vest within 5 minutes
Yeah this shit is annoying OP.

If you don't find a backpack within 5 minutes, just quit and queue for another match.

>ask how to run the game at 1080p 60fps
>get told how
>call the game shit and tell everyone to fuck off
Clearly, you had an agenda with your initial post.

Whats more fun to do in games is
>play duo/squad
>Look for other people as soon as possible
>kill 1 or 2 of their team
>then run off and look for another team to do the same to
>those players then have to wait for their teammates to kill themselves or finish the game

Knowing that i've done this makes me happy and makes game more enjoyable

if you want action just drop at hot zones at the beginning of the game

if you make it out of one of those places alive you're pretty set for the rest of the game, anyway. my friends enjoy that more since it's more fun to gun down a bunch of people and then die later, rather than just land somewhere secluded, loot and hide for 25 minutes, and then get shot in the dick running into the circle without having fired a single bullet for the whole game

>get worse weapon

What's that even mean? Git gud git friends git operating.

>Playing to win

You just get XP for winning user.

>get tricked into buying an amalgamation of the culling and day z sans zombies
>pretend it's a good game and not a generic deathmatch twitchbait early access game that will be forgotten and replaced by the next one in a few months
>best seller during the summer sale despite being 0% off
ok is it actually shilling? like there is no logical reason as to why everyone gives a shit about this, do people fool themselves into thinking it's great because
>it's fun with friends hurr
not realizing any given mp game is to some degree fun with friends even if it has no real merits because the people you're with are providing the entertainment

Turn the settings down, you degenerate pleb.

there are so many hackers in this game

I have everything on medium and the game still goes down to 30fps in towns

>degenerate pleb
??? kill yourself you mong

Solo is literally luck based on winning or losing. Play duo or squad, those wins are actually worth something

In my opinion, getting the dinner feels pretty nice.

>enter an empty building
>alone in a room, no windows, door closed
>killed by headshot
epic haha


>people enjoy a fun video game
Fuck dude theres gotta be a conspiracy to this

Have have worse specs than you and get 100fps average in towns

>i3 ????

I really dunno what to say then

it's not my setup. I have no framerate issues in any other game.

I most likely the games fault

I remember people who played dayz standalone with 2k pcs would get less fps than those with lower specs

lighting dogshit on fire can be fun with friends, that doesn't make burning shit itself fun it's your friends, so why give money to an early access jew to play his boring game do it

>Find shitty weapon
>Surprise someone with good weapon and kill them
>Now have good weapon

WOah dude


Found the eurocuck. Shouldn't you be fluffing Ahmed and Muhammad to run a train on your pre-pubecent sister, faggot?

no thankyou, this dull, camping snipfest is NOT for me

fuck OFF shill!

I want to get this game but does it suck playing solo?

Is it terribly optimized?

>straight beeline

Do you even know what a beeline is?

How many solo wins you guys at? Got my first one last week.

yes it sucks

everyones just camps

duos and squads are a bit better in that regard

But it's literally an RNG based shooter, based on which house you loot first you'll either have good weaponry or not.

or op could just stop being a retard and go to the military base/gun range every time.

it's fun solo but it's shit optimized

I have a 1070 and an i7. I can run the game 60fps 1080p.

It really depends on the situation, you need to be able to play both passively and offensively.

>have fun playing solo
>decide to play squad mode last night
>get matched with 2 guys and a Chinese guy who likes to say nigga
>find vehicle
>"oh shit. you find car? i come to you nigga" in broken Chinese accent
>we keep bantering back and forth, ending every sentence with the word nigga
>we all die
It's pretty fun.

how to solo:
>go to military base
>find one good gun
>hide in the cuckshed
>wait for a fully looted out guy to come by
>gank him
>take it all

There's a video of a guy who picked no weapons and won by driving people over with cars. Your argument is moot.

Turn down shadows
It's not very cpu heavy

don't get it if you play solo
hell don't get it even if you have friends, play gta 4 or something

I do dislike how the final circles are always on a big empty field with a mountain somewhere, anyone who got 8x scope early won

the game should have a higher chance of having the circle close in on city areas to make it less sniper oriented

Because it's fun user

It's based on the least populated part of the map now, so the chances of that ever happening are 0.

But that's made up bullshit

Anyone else go squad, turn off auto matching and fuck up squads all on your own because you don't have any friends who want to play with you?

>land on top of building
>good starting loot
>start receiving incoming from adjacent roof
>take cover and return fire
>this starts a 5 minute roof vs roof battle
>hear some of his boys coming up the staircase to try and get me
>knock them all out and execute them on top of each other
>there's 3 dead loot boxes
>can't get to circle in time
>me and survivor of the bloodbath both die outside the play area.

I legitimately think I may be the best PUBG player in my town, how do I figure this out?

well that sucks

anyway I've made it a habit to always land in city areas because then you drop directly into combat instead of spending 10 minutes running around doing nothing, if you die early then at least did so before those aforementioned minutes filled with nothing

If you don't have the afro hairstyle you aren't a real nigga

Except it's not.

youre the kid whining about it

Provide source

>can run super-demanding benchmark AAA game maxed at 200FPS
>plain looking fps won't run

if you want it different, why not play bf4 or an arena shooter if you want action. The game is this, accept it or play something else, is not that hard bro.

Don't go out in the open you idiot. I run around like crazy in pubg and I never get sniped

>hardly any open spaces
>stuck in small areas
>not many enemies on screen at once

Can't wait for first person only servers. I hate it when the last few circles come down to people staring at each other completely safe from cover and just losing because of getting unlucky with circle placement.

>Still think you're amazing

Imagine having an ego like this.

anything can be fun, but that doesn't run you 30 dollars and force you to gather up a posse then sit around for 15 minutes doing nothing because either some mlg twitch streamer got an 8x scope and picked you off or you're preventing an mlg twitch streamer with an 8x scope from picking you off
not to mention early access buggy unoptomized mess that does nothing other games haven't already done

It's almost like games can be badly optimized.

That doesn't sound retarded.

War is awful.

Lurk updates more.

>see post on Sup Forums
>immediately judge the posters ego based on it.

You're a bit of a cunt.

The problem with the game is it requires zero skill or aim

I just won a game with one kill


Just by walking around to see if i could do it with none

Armour does nothing and is irrelevant
Bullets make no sense and damage is completely off, recoil is random and often has no pattern

You can be stacked level 3 and get one tapped

wat? not him but I think it's pretty satisfying if you're going 1v2+ and you end up taking out at least 2 of them before you die.

>Adjusted the play area to spawn more evenly within a circle, so that the play area does not appear in the center so frequently.
Nothing about player density

Feel free to continue shitposting parroted memes about games you have never played while I will be having fun

That's not true, I've had a level 3 helmet save me a dozen times.

For the bullets making no sense I agree, revolvers need to be buffed.

It was a pretty sound judgement.

Get gud faggot