So, Vivi dies in the end?

So, Vivi dies in the end?

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yeah user,

but he does learn that fearing the inevitability of death isn't the point of life, it's the journey, and he told his little Vivi kids all about his journey with Zidane so his legacy lives on

Yes the English script is kind of ambiguous about him narrating the ending but its very clear in the Japanese script that Vivi has died.


wish I spoke the master language

How did a genderless clone have genderless clone children with a frog monster?

No, he just needs time to recharge.

You realize Black Mages are literally machine-made and there's several full factories for the purpose.

We all do user

so you're saying quinna stole baby black mages and raised them?

Doesn't Zidane also have a limited lifespan, too? Like Kuja?

Yes, he proudly sacrificed himself to defeat 3 senile old fucks.

Watch your fucking spoilers you goddamn asshole

Cananonically vivi Is a she. Don't ask why, but the pronouns used are she and her.

Who cares?

Vivi was literally a non-entity. God, IX's cast was shit. Not a single good character in the entire lot.

Sorry, Tidus dies too

Get a load of this fag.

Literally everyone has a limited lifespan.

Yeah, spoiling shit in these games isn't good. Like, what if someone doesn't know Aries dies in FFVII?

Yes, but if you finish the game with a Hammer (13 Stellazzio coins found) in your inventory, you'll see 3 new Vivis during Sarah & Zidane's wedding.

>Zidane touched Garnet's butt XD
>Vivi peed XD
>Freya is my waifu XD
>Steiner XD
>Eiko a cute XD
>I unironically like Amarant and Quina XD

kys my man

Worst FF ever, not including spinoffs. FF3 is right up there with its quality of writing though.

The pronouns in the Japanese version? Why would they change it to he/him in English then? Calling bollocks

What does it mean?


>be me
>completed this game twice
>you missed this though cause you don't into japanese
just desu my shit up senpai.

6 was the same, Celes clearly suicided. scene cut.

>the games Sup Forums used to lovingly discuss are inorganically shitposted by witless teenagers who don't grasp that the memes they're repeating were used facetiously in the first place

and yeah Vivi supposedly passes away in his cave before the epilogue.

Vivi was the best developed character followed by Steiner

you want to talk about cast being shit? mention Eiko or the red guy who joins your party for no reason

How does anyone miss this? They show you clearly through the game and make it a big point that the black mages have very limited lifespans and that Vivi has maybe a few months to a couple years to live.

I think it was fucking obvious when you see 80 vivis walking through Alexandria

Or Freja, who started to have a story, then they were like nah.

Hey, man. I want people to be able to enjoy this game if it's their first time. Learn to use the spoiler tags.

Convince me to finish FFIX.

FFIX had the best supporting cast ever.