Nintendo handheld with the best games library?

Nintendo handheld with the best games library?

without BC, of course.

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DS > GB > GBA > 3DS > GBC > DSi




I think everyone who isn't a 90s born GBA babby can agree that GBA babby nostalgia is some of the worst in the history of video gaming.

Whats the 2009 ds called?


>implying GBC was better

Color exclusives were rock bottom and only had a few gems. Literally was the MUH COLOR HANDHELD meme system.


Oh my god, Purina and Iams, dog food companies, test on animals?

The horror.


Point out where I said or implied that.

There's a reason why GBC nostalgia barely even exists. GBC being more shallow doesn't negate GBA nostalgia for an only slightly better handheld library being the most awful shit around.

t. GBA babby Redditor.

What's your preferred handheld then?

GBA if you include GB and GBC with it but DS+GBA is is even better.

The Nintendo handhelds each have an extremely strong library depending what kind of games you like.
GB/GBC may feel archaic to some or many and do have the least exclusives.

GBC has the best handheld RTS ever in Warlocked.
Metal Gear Solid GBC was great too.
I'd say it's superior to the GB library.

But it has fewer gems than the GBA or DS.

GBA and DS have by far the biggest library of quality games.

Although wouldn't say it only has a few gems, just not as many as the others.
There's enough quality for a lot of hours.

I don't have a single preferred handheld because being a warrior is retarded. But the GB and DS, a system before it and one after it, both have much stronger libraries. And the Game Gear and PSP if we're moving beyond Nintendo. GBA never lived up to the hype and it's just a shame that it killed the NGPC and WSC, since both of those actually started off putting out a strong selection of good titles in the short periods of time they lasted.

What do you think about the 3DS?

GBA then 3DS

Also hardware awards go to GBASP and DS lite.

The original and it's not even close. 10 years of 10/10 games from day 1 to the last day.

The only platform in video game history that you could own for three consecutive gens and it would still be considered current.

>GBA if you include GB and GBC with it but DS+GBA is is even better.
OP straight up says "without BC", so you have to pick just one.

It's alright, better than how badly people shit on it constantly. About the same as the GBA for me, they're both right in the middle between GB/DS at the top and the GBC at the bottom. Not sure what drugs that other guy is on, but just a quick glance at the original GB library will find you more good games than an entire expedition into the GBC library will. The GB is a monster of not only good mainstream games but hidden gems and jap only stuff too.

My favorite after the original Gameboy. Monster Hunter has a lot to do with that, but shit like Kid Icarus and Bravely Default, Mystery Dungeon and Kirby were great too.


I would agree. I think it's fair to consider the GB and GBC one platform, as you you for DS/DSi and 3DS/new3DS games, and as such, that's 11 years of fucking incredible games from start to finish.

I'd say only the Neo Geo rivals the platform for being longest running and having such an incredible legacy, by the GB library is just so much more replete.

Plus it was affordable. It just has 10 of everything. You like Mega Man? It has 10 of those. RPGs? 10 of those. Too bad you couldn't charge it while playing.

>have a gbc
>lost or sold all its games over time
Lads what's a good super cartridge with multiple games that I could get for it?

>Left all my vg shit at home when I moved out
>Destroyed in a flood

FUCK. I even had the rarest gameboy game ever made, in the box and everything.

>RPGs? 10 of those.

And that's being modest. It has about 40 good rpgs. Although in fairness, the majority didn't make it out of nihongoland back in the day.

What are you favourite GB games?

Just wondering why you rate the GB so high, for me it always seemed a little interchangeable with the GBA and GBC in terms of quality.

>get 3ds
>buy r4
>hack the 3ds
>now i can play 3ds, ds, gba, gb/c, snes and nes games for free and on the go
The amount of games in my pocket is beyond overwhelming

>went on vacation one time and somehow lost my GB/GBC shit

This thread is rife with tragedy.

Which rare game, by the way? Amazing Tater?


The Welback Mega Duck or the Watara Supervision.

Where to start? Gargoyle's Quest is a huge platformer with cool RPG elements. Mega Man IV is the best Mega Man, Belmont's Revenge is the best Castlevania. TMNT II and III are both really fucking good for different reasons, the Zeldas and Marios are always good for a playthrough, even some of the ports were great like Earthworm Jim. Hold on, let me get a list.


Point of case:

GB has better platformers like Gargoyle's quest yea.

But I'd say GBC beats it when it comes to RPGs and the Zeldas are better too.

Super Mario Land (GB) is better than Super Mario Bros. Deluxe yea.

I'd say it's just a case of platformers vs rpgs

Metroid II, Pokemon Gold, Wave Rave, Tetris, and Super Mario Bros Deluxe or whatever it was called.

Remember that RPGs wasn't an accepted genre in the west at that time, like 95% of all RPGs never left Japan. Final Fantasy and especially Pokémon changed all that.

Dog, as a 90s born GBA babby, literally everyone can agree the GBA doesn't win shit compared to today's handhelds

Not rare, just listing the collection I had and lost

Pokémon Silver is the only game I have left, two copies - One real and one bootleg with the most infuriating translation of all time. One enemy trainer just says "FUCK YOU" before fighting and there are signs everywhere taht say "IMPORTANT MESSAGE:" followed by four empty text boxes.

Gameboy had some great stuff but on average, I feel that most gba stuff tends to be more polished and playable. Original gameboy games often tended to be pretty short when they weren't rpgs, and a lot of titles like the licenced games played rather slow. I dont believe there's a single game for original GB that plays as fast as something like mega man zero. Original gameboy games also tend to be rather basic in comparison. It was a different time but still. Each has their own selection of great titles but I feel that GBA has more titles that are fun by today's standards.

>I dont believe there's a single game for original GB that plays as fast as something like mega man zero

How about faster?

Pretty sure it's harder to find a GB copy of Ultimate Canine Caper than. Bamse, but that's still pretty

Canceled games don't count. If they did then I'd play the fuck out of Mega Man Mania, which was actually the sole reason why I bought a GBA in the first place.

That wasn't the first nor last time I was joint-fucked by Nintendo and Capcom.

People shit on it? Quite the opposite from what I've seen.

>there are people who buy hardware for unreleased games

GBA was great on it's own merits, but it was padded with a lot of Super Nintendo ports. DS is pretty great, too. 3DS is fucking overrated. Not only is the library slightly worse than the GBA & DS on it's own merits, but it's far more padded with ports. It easily has just as many ports as the Vita, if not more. But no one ever calls it out.

IkariI no Yousai 2 is better than Metal Gear GBC

They had screenshots, man. Screenshots! Why would they cancel it?!

GBA & DS has no 3DAction that doesn't make me want to kill myself like KH and Elements

It's because 3DS has exclusives and vita doesn't

Yep, vita is all ports and multiplats I think.

Which is a shame, because the PSP had OC up the ass. I don't know who to blame, really.


the original fat DS could play GBC, GBA and DS, so that wins

US version was canceled. PAL wasn't. I've seen people pay nearly 4k for it, as it's virtually impossible to find. You can pretty much always find a Bamse to buy in the 2-2.5k range. I just figured if we were pulling out Eurotrash games and all.

>testing on animals

as opposed to...?

no it can't

RE:coded is great though

I own that game and day to day, Its certainly not faster


Looks like there are two gameboys between GB and BBC. Gameboy Pocket and ???

not the story

Gameboy Light

GB Light


>Also hardware awards go to GBASP and DS lite.
>GBASP and DS lite
>good hardware
>the only two that were 50hz shitters downgraded from the 60hz original versions

This dumb meme needs to stop being parroted once and for all. Fat DS or 3DS are better for playing DS games. Micro and Player are better for playing GBA games.

Even the backlit sp?

No, best hardware is the N3DS not the phat one


It doesn't matter. Any version of the 3DS is better than the DS Lite. The Lite is the shittiest hardware in the DS/DSi/3DS/2DS/N3DS family.

>bigger battery
>brighter screen
>bigger, too
>smaller, lighter, overall much less ugly
>but it's shit.
I dunno that sounds contrarian as fuck.

Of course, they are like 10 years apart. Are you high?

So what are the best Nippon-exclusive GB/GBC games?

>bigger battery
>brighter screen
>bigger, too
>smaller, lighter, overall much less ugly
>downgraded from 60hz to 50hz with ghosting
>but it's shit
>as in, legitimately straight forward downgraded shit


Downgrades sold as upgrades aren't good to anyone but the mot hardcore of toddlers.

Wasn't the 3DS released in 2011?

DS by far

found my oDS the other day and holy fuck is it bulky. I don't remember it being this huge

>fat DS is better
No, and that's why it's nuked TWO year after launch and basically replaced with lite. Lite is what the original DS should have been.

If Lite was released first then the fat one came after with "MUH SUPERIOR 60 HZ" you probably shit on that and praise the original (Lite) as the superior one because why the hell would anyone think 60hz is better than superior battery, ergonomics, form factor and of course, BETTER screen. (even with 50hz)

Don't pretend you know shit about technology. Parroting about muh 10 hz shows you don't.

GBC > DS > GBA > GB == 3DS

I couldn't care less about jrpgs

It's not about being a console warrior, the question was simple what's your preferred handheld and instead you decided to shit on gba out of nowhere, for someone who claims not to be, you sure seem like a console warrior to me.