Female characters in Japanese game are WHITE

>Female characters in Japanese game are WHITE

Is that really true?

To me they look more like Eurasian, not just a single race like "Asian" or "White" though.

Technically Solid Snake ain't white either but you can't tell half the time in japanese games. They make people they want to look like so it's a combo of white and asian features.

Asian women all want light coloured skin, this has been around well before the invention of video games and even regular contact with white people.

from top left


>all asians look the same
>so all their video game characters look the same

Did you just say Eurasian?

Depends on the style of game, the character designers, the setting.

White, black and asian characters can all look like unrealistic anime characters or hyper realistic people. This argument is stupid as fuck but it never dies.



Well at least in Marie's case she's Swedish or some shit, so of course she's white.

Then where did the 25% asian come from there?

So why do Japanese devs like putting Asian flavor in their female characters when they are clearly non Asian?

Even the perfect Swedish girl Marie Rose can disguise as an Asian just by wearing black hair wig.

You've got those pointed the wrong way.


>Sun Shang Xiang
whoa, the character based off Lady Sun of Eastern Wu and Shu Han from the Chinese epic Romance of the Three Kingdoms is Asian? Really makes you think.

japs have no idea what non-asian people look like

and apparently they refuse to look at photos

Well the BLACKED loli is literally Swedish, and the small Lightning doesn't even have real world race equivalent. Why are we doing this? You don't believe those Sup Forums "muh anime are white" bullshit right?

This is the dumbest thing I've ever seen

marie is swedish

sauce on the top right?

>single race like "Asian" or "White"
I fucking hate Americans

>Draws a nose line on a face with literally no nose

Well in Marie's case she is just an obviously Asian designed character who was made to be Swedish as a jab at Sweden for classifying one of the DOA games as child porn because the girls were under 18. fuck Sweden

what's with everyone trying to be white? it's fucking creepy desu

>white crackas actually believing they look like anime-fuccbois and girls
dat delusion

It's almost like most people have "white" or light skin you fucking retard.

Japan loves white people. Why do you think they sided with Nazi Germany you stupid fucking niggers.

White people are beautiful. Especially their eyes.


most people are non-white, why so triggered friend?

I'm not talking about race, I'm talking about skin color. Asian peoples skin is light and is closer to skin that is white than dark.

There's something wrong with that website's algorithm.



The beauty of the irishman

white supremacists at it again! reeeeeeeeee!

White people always win, baby.

That's a lie, Sweden doesn't classify fictional depictions as child porn since it would equate real human lives to drawings.

When you say stupid shit like people are "trying" to be white, you are the one that is triggered by negro.

tbqh, seems more like a lot of mixing


That's retarded, unless it's ultra realistic you can't compare real life people to drawings

What did the asian chick look like before half of her jaw was removed via plastic surgery?

Why do Asian girls like white people so much. I'm mexican but I swear I look white. I have olive eyes and my skin is as white as any other person, it's not dark. Yet Asian girls can almost see right through me. One of the girls in my summer school class chose this lanky loser white guy over me just because he has blonde hair and blue eyes.

Bottom middle and bottom right look like real people, the others are either clearly stylized or look like crude renders of "realistic" people. This is why I don't like Japanese "realistic" graphics, they just look off, at least for women.

>the algorithm pointed out asians, whites, and some hispanics within these girls
>with no black

what a racist.

now post the non edit version lmao

>why do asian girls like white people so much.

I don't and majority prefer their own race...
Stop believe bullshit rumor.

t.Japanese girl

>those bottom pictures
>line drawn on blonde woman from a different perspective than the Asian one
>her mouth's open and smiling widely, therefore cheeks are like that
>Asian mouth is closed

Low self esteem, loser white guys tend to gravitate towards loser asian girls.

That's true but if they were to date or marry outside of their own race they usually choose white guys.


I'm mexican but I swear I look white. I have olive eyes and my skin is as white as any other person, it's not dark.

You are trolling too hard mate.

>dating with a guy you're not going to marry
That's how you identify a slut

>jap girl
Prove it

Whats with this "WE BE ANIME N SHIEET ASIANS LUV US LIKE GODS" that Sup Forums keeps parroting?

Best Girl

Not trolling. Even my own people don't see me as Mexican. Anytime I go to supermarket or restaurant employees speak to me in broken english even though I respond in fluent spanish. My cousins once explained to me they did it on purpose because they see me as a white guy, not a Mexcian guy.

I had no idea Nakazato was real.

user, mutilating your penis doesn't make you a girl

Give all the girls in the picture dark eyes, dark hair, and a yellow undertone in their skin, and they look completely Asian.
Lighter skin and features is a preferred trait not just in Asians, but in humans in general, it doesn't have anything to do with Caucasian influence.

looks like you're stuck in no man's land m8

Only one who looks Eurasian is the bottom middle. The rest don't even look like real people except maybe the Type-O girl, but she looks white.

Don't know, but love going to Japan and having so much casual sex. Seriously why does it seem japanese women love having sex compared to American ones? In America they are worried about pregnancy or treating them as objects and Japanese girls just like to have fun.

Exactly. I'm not even mixed. Both my parents are mexican. This must be what happa's feel like.

every countries having sluts girls.

But overall, Japan is conservative compared to US at sex.

>majority prefer their own race...


In 1998, 46% of female asian newlyweds in the US married a non-Asian husband (almost exclusively White.)

So which one are"more" White in general, male characters or female characters?

>import niggers into your countries
>they drive the illegitimacy rate up

Really cooks my noodle.

I think this is really outdated. Japan media seems to be pushing stories about a lot of Single mother's in japan past few years.

i need new uggs

Female. Most male characters in Japanese games look Japanese.

still better than 1998 data.

And the other 54 married their own race.

Hi Goldbergstein. Sup Forums is at misc

Fearmongering about perceived negative changes in a conservative society!? Shocking!

I can't tell what race they look like. Besides the color of their skin, the faces are so weird that I can't tell.

>people having children before they are married
this has always happened, but before they hastily married before the baby came
>muh sluts

Everybody wants to be white

It's the most attractive race

If you don't agree with this statement you're just delusional

>In America they are worried about pregnancy or treating them as objects and Japanese girls just like to have fun

I just refuted this opinion.

Niggers have nothing to do with it. I wouldn't be surprised if they actually more likely to stay married.
It's as simple as women starting to work and stop being housewives.

Sluts suck, user. I hope you get aids from one of them.

so Marie Rose is finish?

Most westerners idea of "asian" is the typical slant eyed chinese. People don't seem to realize that the Japanese are a mixed race.

they're not white you fucking retards
they're asian but the artstyle enlargers their eyes so they look western,it's like this for every japanese thing with anime artstyle

I believe on a subconscious level they, like the negro, know that white is superior. Look at all the Negros getting skin lightening cream/treatments. They will hold onto these pursuits until those black knuckles turn white.

Jomon is clearly masterrace here

>Japanese are a mixed race.

The Yayoi were a mistake,

Post cute japos.

okay that was adorable.


Marie and Rem are both supposed to be white. Serah is the only ambiguous one, so this analyser does a good job.

>Solid Snake ain't white


>Female. Most male characters in Japanese games look Japanese.

Only side characters or elder people do though.

Kiryu from Yakuza doesn't look Asian at all.
He looks like Italian or something.

They are always from a fictional race unless they actually mention real life races.

Technically he is. Have you even played a MGS game before?

Literally the perfect wife.

lol, if they look cute and/or hot then who cares?