How do you make a proper Superman game if the character is unbeatable?

How do you make a proper Superman game if the character is unbeatable?

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use Batmen as enemies

An army of enemies covered in kryptonite witg kryptonite shoting guns I guess, nothing else fucks him up.

Make a weakened version of superman (hell even make it a plot point.) Maybe you take away his fly at the start of the game. Set him on some other planet with a different sun and make it level based. I think you can make a decent Superman game but your going to have to rain him in a bit.

make it like metroid where lex Luther traps superman and uses kryptonite bullshit to zap energy beams and take away his powers. Then as you progress through the game superman collects "powerups" that revert him back to his original form. No flying though.

I take checks.

he's only unbeatable because of decades of shitty comic book writing

make it a 3d fighter with enemies just as OP as sups (like Doomsday, Darkseid, etc.)

>if the character is unbeatable
When has he ever been unbeatable? One of his main rivals is just a really smart asshole.
Kryptonite shenanigans, equally strong or stronger enemies like Doomsday, Darkseid, Zodd, Bizarro, Brainiac, etc, and he's weak to magic so you could use a number of characters with decent magic abilities (even have some some good guys like Fate fight him after he's been fucked by red kryptonite)

You have to save everyone in a crisis or you lose. Find a way to save everyone and catch the bad guys or you lose. Like a big puzzle where you're a godlike being. Have some villains that can actually contend with him for big battles. Pretty easy. Just no one tried to make good cleaning anymore. Hopefully Spiderman isn't shit.

make over the top action game
let platinum games develop it

In the original Metroid games you don't lose your powers in the beginning.

That only started in the Prime games, which aren't canon.

>he's only unbeatable because of decades of shitty comic book writing

didn't they already make a game where his health bar was Metropolis?

>one event where he didn't actually die

Kill yourselves fucking casuals before you embarass yourselves some more

Make him the bad guy

Make it a high score game.

Virtual reality with kryptonite fog

do it like bayonetta with him doing fantastic punching planets flying through starts and escaping black holes

Superman vs Superman final boss.

Superman is very beatable retards.
He's weak to Kryptonite, lightning, magic, psychic abilities or just beating him up.

But if you must make him weaker than usual, use his younger version.

>trailer is better than the game

Not to mention red sun radiation.
Hell, do what they did for the Supes v Aliens book. Have him get chucked onto an alien world with a red sun. So hes depowered and fighting for his life like normal.

Didn't he come back because apparently his soul was so fucking strong it managed to relocate and reunite with his body? Or some shit.

And it is that very reason why Superman sucks.


Certain parts of the soundtrack and a few cinematic shots were the best part.

make him fight a army of doomsdays. That should even the score.

>human enemies are Intergang/Lex Luthor/other supervillain-level thugs using high level tech like red sun cannons/energy beams that are capable of injuring him
>boss fights are the usual type of villains Superman fights, e.g. New Gods, villains in power suits, characters that can actually square off with him in a real fight
>keep battles interesting by adding objectives to protect civilians and minimize damage instead of just mashing attack/counter/grab/stun(god help us if it's just BamHam combat on steroids) until the enemy dies

This is the most obvious, but also the most shitty and boring way to do it. You could just as well switch Superman for some other, less powerful hero then. If I'm playing a Superman game, I want to feel like a god damn Superman.
This is a much better way to do it. The fact that you almost can't hurt him, doesn't mean he cannot lose.


Dr. Fate could rag doll him

Literally is weak to magic


No, he was just on the verge of death and slowly recovered in his fortress.

>game where you play as Superman
>tries to weaken him to normal guy levels

are you guys autists?

Just make him killable by normal enemies, you just gotta suspend your belief for a minute. Kratos technically takes on armies by himself yet can get raped by a regular mob. Masterchief usually takes on entire armies of aliens by himself yet one grunt in hardmore can shit on him.

What's wrong with Superman being beatable? Specially by shit like giant robots and other bullshit

Because if Superman can job to goons that aren't armed with kyptonite and the like, then it's not a superman simulator.

turn him into a spic

>Start out as a kid with almost no powers at all
>beat low life criminals
>Slowly gain new and stronger powers
>In the end you can fuck shit up so easily
>Last boss is Braniac
>He fucks your shit up
>You die
>The end after credits a scene with you rising from the grave happens

By making Lois his weakness.

Who would win?
Superman vs Majin Buu

He has enemies that are equal or stronger than him.
>Lex Luthor

Have the game use those characters as bosses. Make it play like the DBZ games that have flight so that the player can still feel powerful.

have his health be based on something in the plot or something. if he gets beat up enough he gets knocked out, if he gets knocked out the world gets destroyed somehow

Superman wouldn't be fighting random goons though he'd be fighting giant robots and Superpowered foes. This isn't Batman here

you dont make a superman game, you make a justice league game aimed at couch co-op that has superman playable

>make him fly through rings
>game over if he doesnt

They got this shit figured out decades ago bruh, you're just looking at it the wrong way.

No, it was because he's basically a Saiyan.

That would be a game with nothing but boss fights which can't carry a AAA game.

How do you make a proper Wario game if the character is unbeatable?

Dark Souls like game with bosses like Doomsday, Brainiac, Darkseid and Luthor in his powersuit.

not really

Lex Luthor makes army of giant robots

there I just made up a foe

>dark souls like


>I haven't played Injustice


Make it Open world. and i mean open WORLD. a 360 map full of cities and shit

you have to protect the entire world all the time from robbers, aliens, demons and stuff like that

every time some one dies on the other side of the planet people will blame you and call you a murderer

Dude in most of the fiction Master Chief does his killing by sneaking around and cleverness. He never singlehandedly fights an army in the open. That's dumb

The problem i have with a metropolis health bar is i feel like it would devolve into boring ass missions where you have to swoop down and save retarded citizens from burning cars over and over, that shit isn't fun, it's busy work. In all honesty i just dont think a superman game can be done well. You either have a gay as fuck city meter or morality meter or some shit, or you have cheap enemies that have magic or kryptonite, so superman is just any other protag.

Buu, magic can fuck his shit up and I don't know if Supes has anything to deal with his regen.

Make it a puzzle game.

Time attack

The only way to really do it, is to make it a story telling game like The Walking Dead.

By giving it a strategic element/making it a god game. You can do anything but not everything so you have to choose your priorities.

ring sequences

that's stupid and you're stupid

Are you on your period or something

How about:
>Open world Metropolis with free roam, you can normally fly around and shit
>You have randomly happening crimes which require you to actually stop them in time
>Also some more elaborate side quests which put you against smaller scale, but already kind of dangerous villains, or provide a danger to the city which you must stop
>Main story puts you against actually dangerous bad guys, which can easily hurt and kill you
Basically some encounters require you to do something in time or not let something happen or just don't let enough damage happen, but aren't much of a treat to Supes himself, while some require you to actually not die. Some do both.

Why does everything has to be "beatable"/killable?
Gameplay is not limited to fight dying killing winning in every video game.
It's your fault if video games are shit.

For what I know a No Superman's Sky would be nice for example. (fuckoffhellogames)
Or crushing thousands of billions of aliens.
Or drawing thing with your LASIK.
And more.

How would you make a game where you play as a Speedster? How could you solve speedforce mechanically? You can cut some over the top bullshit like going so fast you cross dimensions, but it has to actually feel fast.

you move faster and everything is slow mo

Make it a power trip game like inFamous or Prototype.

Porn game made in flash with Lois Lane.

generate speedforce by circling mouse/analog

The Superman Returns Game was kinda "good", at least it was one of the better games with the character, it was open world, I think they had a system where Superman lose if civilians die or something like that.

Make him fly through rings.

How do comic book writers create suspense for Superman if he is invincible?

You make a Supergirl game instead.

>everyone here plays shit video games
>No Superman's Sky would be nice
Worst post ITT.

they dont make comics about fighting OR give him equally op enemies

He either gets outsmarted/outplayed, put against something which can actually hurt him or the stakes are much higher than his life/health.

>they dont make comics about fighting

Then what does Superman do in his comics?


him helping people by being a good person. look up superman and the jumper

literally just this

and everyone who says that Superman is invulnerable doesn't realize that:

>a) he's not literally invulnerable and there are plenty of enemies in the comics who can fight toe-to-toe with Superman


>b) it's a fucking video game; it doesn't have to adhere to power levels or logic for the sake of fun

3D sonic game.

Superman is the most boring Super Hero ever created.

Most his actions have various control bars which you have to time to get right or have to press sequences of buttons. Get it wrong and you cause collateral damage. You can win every fight easy the goal is to reduce the damage you do to everywhere else. Also pick a move more powerful than required and you also do collateral.

Has any game attempted this scene?

He's not even human, so how can mankind look up to him?

Who wants to be play as a weak superman? Keep in mind supes is like a regular guy when he's being weakened by kryptonite. Fuck that.

Have you seen gameplay for beyond good and evil 2 yet? It's possible for Superman to fly anywhere now. What about crackdown 3? He can destroy the whole the city now too. We're getting into a place technologically that'll make it easier and easier to make things that seemed ridiculous last gen or impossible the one before to happen.

I'd say we're maybe one console generation from being able to pull off a real superman game. We already have the capability to let sm do the basics. Like fly out of earth's atmosphere on a whim, or provide large scale destruction.

Ladies, it's simple.

Kryptonite poisoning.

Sincerely, LL.

>literally lures Superman to an area with gattling guns, firing a fuckton of bullets at him for no point
>but the kryptonite gas does make him human level for some reason instead of just killing him cause its literally inhaling death
>all of is just decoy shit to get him to a kryptonite spear.... even though he could have just made kryptonite bullets
If you thought this movie was deep, you are a genuine retard.

We don't need any more male power fantasy games sweety x

That was ripped directly from the comic.

I'm not saying the comic or the movie are good. I'm just saying it was in the comics.

>Superman got super cancer and needs to find a cure
>some villain made the Sun red
>everyone has kryptonite
>everyone uses magic
>you are penalized for destroying too much of the city or letting civilians die

There are a bunch of ways to put the stakes against Supes.

>he has an alien disease that is slowly weakening him over time and you need to find a cure
it may be a dbz rip off but it would be interesting

It had good music...?

Get a studio to do what Tell Tale did with Batman, but competently and not shit. I'd love to see a scenario where you could try to take down Luthor as either Clark Kent or Superman, or something in between.


Remake of Hulk Ultimate Destruction but with Superman.

You faggots need to watch Superman: TAS.
He has plenty of rogues that can fuck him up.
Here's just a few off the top of my head
>Darkseid and his minions
>Lex Luthor

>openworld like Spiderman 2
>make some BS story about how some Kryptonite is being planted into the ground
>first mission(s) are about stopping this
>the amount of Kryptonite is enough where Superman isn't invincible, but can still fly (although not at the speed of light), he can still punch hard enough where enemies fly (like Spiderman 2, where he can still shoot lasers, etc
>city says that they're working on finding all of the Kryptonite and expect to be done in a few months
>rest of game turns into larger story about Lex Luthor, etc where they try and commit some big crime while Superman is in his weakened state
>side open world missions where you stop different types of petty crimes and earn points for it
>use points to upgrade powers and unlock new ones (like Spiderman 2)

I don't think that most people here realize how often Superman's strength changes. Comic book characters are constantly being remade. There pretty much is no such thing as canon. In one series a character is white, in another black, in another a girl, in another a girl with a dick, etc. I'm sure that there's a series where Superman can travel at the speed of light and where he can pick up the Earth with his pinkie, but I highly doubt that the "current" Superman can do that. So just come up with a reason for him to be slightly weaker than the standard, and you're set.

Make it so that you lose if you cause too much collateral damage.