Fuck you Deathevan

Fuck you Deathevan
Fuck you Infinity
Fuck you encounter rate
Fuck every fucking detour I needed to make to get to this point
Fuck this fucking game
I loved it

2 is good, but 3 is better.


I was going to start it up next
Oh and fuck having to back track out of Infinity to re-fuse.

What about IV ?

Also good

I know you are gonna feel retarded now, but you can teleport back and forth between last dungeon and surface.

Why does he have five cocks though?

Being evil has its perks.

Oh well, I never bothered to do it any ways.
Scrapped Bad ending from when you could have five party members at once.

too bad he is one of the easiest bosses in the game

At least it took all my fucking vitamins and wisdom seeds to bring him down.

i don't think i could beat this game again today so kudos. out of curiosity, did you like the story and characters? it was my first RPG and I loved them, but maybe it's because i was easily impressed at the time

I blame this game for planting the seed for loving town/settlement building in games.
somehow 3 and 4's faerie village did this more indepth, something about picking a housing style or searching out unique residents left a bigger impression on me

Yeah I liked them; Sten and Prince Frog are my favorites. It's a shame they are worthless in combat.
The story was good, minus some silly moments like everything involving the Diet wizard.
Also, building up you're very own town with multiple combinations of citizens was amazing.

Also, R.I.P armadillo mama and the pig loving little sister.

loved Sten and his story with Torubo. I also got emotional at some scenes (Mina and Nina, Rand and his mother...). i'm glad it still holds up

okay, what was that bullshit organ puzzle or whatever it was around Rand's hometown that gave you some endgame item?

i never ever managed to do it so i can't tell. i even recorded that shit back then, did it seemingly perfectly and it didn't work.

Honestly, the only really off-putting aspect of BoF2 was the ludicrous encounter rate.
Everything else holds up fantastically, and in some places I'd say better than what you'd find in Final Fantasy or Dragon Quest.

One smaller example I could think of; bosses were able to still be a relative threat without having to take more than one turn at a time.
It's petty, but it feels fair