Any good stories/major fuck ups

any good stories/major fuck ups

or just plain funny moments

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>99% to hit
>*le miss
that's XCOM baby xD

i got into a situation in which no matter how i would reload to a previous save one of my soldiers was gonna die. it was like being tom cruise in edge of tomorrow. anyway i quit the game soon after because the rng wasn't very fun, same with darkest dungeon

darkest dungeon is not made to be "fun"
it is rape and you gotta learn to enjoy it

Moved one tile too much and triggered 3 groups.
And at that point I uninstalled long war.

>Can't win even with save scumming

Holy shit man.

>milions of people trip and fall with no injuries
>someone trips and falls and dies
that's real life baby XD

>Not having a save when you start the misssion
anata wa hontoni baka desu

I recently started replaying and I want to get to the point where I can work up to iron man. Is the early game strat still guerrilla tactics into just building as many grenadiers as possible?

i had 100% once and still missed not even joking, i was pissed to say the least

Sounds about right.

wtf I love X-com now

not XCOM 2 but

>long war
>ship touches down, don't know what class it is
>early in the game so squad is mostly rookies and a SHIV
>ship is crawling with floaters and chrysalids
>naive to how many aliens are actually present so after I kill a few and move up I run into twice as many as before
>turns into a slaugher and everyone dies except one guy
>bolt him back to the skyranger and gtfo

that wasn't even as bad as the time I ran into a sectoid and a giant fucking chrysalid

games like xcom and darkest dungeon are about risk management

unless you have a 100% chance of something working, it's all about making contingencies and then contingencies for those

if all your strategies revolve around hitting a 65% shot or having your squadmate die, you are basically bad. sometimes you'll have to roll the dice on a shitty situation, but those moments should be rare

>not sucking it up and accept the fate of one of your soldiers is going to die with honor and believing he or she died in battle and after the battle is over the deceased soldier is brought back in a coffin with the other soldiers showing mourning for the loss of their comrade and after they return you hold a funeral and their memories and their names are put up on the wall to remind them of the losses and sacrifices it took them to get this far in the mission of liberating humanity from the disgusting alien race and as well have the loss of the brave soldiers serve as inspires for the young recruits to practices hard and be better while the ones that served with that soldier drink in honor of their lost friend and fuiling their rage and damage against the alien scum bastards
>being this much of a triggered pussy faggot

learn to play XCOM like a real man you faggot!

Yeah no. Video games are played to have fun. I dont play video games where it is required to read and learns weeks of information just to beat it. Thats stupid and that information is not going to help me in real life.


Holy shit this sounds like a perfect opportunity to make him a badass veteran of a mission that was a massacre and make him strong and powerful and a leader as well him being haunted by the loss of his friends at the early mission so he dedicates himself to make sure his rookies stay alive at all cost and make sure they live to fight another day even if it means sacrificing himself to prevent another massacre to happen to his men again

You got yourself a badass survivor so make sure you make him into a badass survivor!

>reading weeks of information to beat XCOM

wtf nigga u can beat xcom by not being retarded

I bought 2 during the sale. Should I wait for the upcoming expansion before starting?


Don't play it at all, ask for refund.

but why

You have a lot of game anyway, and the expansion is going to change a lot of stuff.
You may want to give it a normal playthrough to get the basics down before it.
Also, a fuckton of great mods already set for it.

What's the difference between 2 and the upcoming expansion?

What's the actual differences between first xcom and enemies within?

is the dlc a continuation of the game or is it like the first game where it just added a ton of shit

The upcoming?
Looks like the enemy within variant for 2.

it's like Enemy Within, so it's just adding a ton of shit

if you check out their youtube channel, you can see some of the things they are adding.

I think it's reasoning is that since the expansion is going to go out soon, there is going to be a GOTY edition or something like that, i waited for the expansion because companies always do that shit.

This shit happened in the unmodded version as well.
>Graveyard mission
>Zone in, move first unit 4 tiles to the nearest cover
>Sees and activates enemy pod
>Aliens scatter and hide, revealing another
>and another
>and another
>I just started the mission and moved 1 unit 4 tiles and I have about 12 aliens most behind full cover all with LoS of my squad

One of the few times I actually abandoned a mission. Wish I still had the screenshot

I did a new commander run recently where I tried to rush psionics by the second month, and I'm actually really loving it. Gigantic null lances and dominations from TWO soldiers before you even have the second tier of weapons and armor is legitimately amazing.

If this is a subtle war of the chosen shill thread- that game looks like hot fuckin' dook and you have to be a drooling imbecile to be excited over it

who cares, it's too expensive for what looks like a Destiny crossover

>alien rulers keep spawning on extract VIP missions

Yeah. Why they're doing this again I have no idea. It robs all impetus and excitement from the announcement. Move the fucking story forward instead of selling this overpriced, overhyped DLC, Firaxis.

>long dong
He'll die on the next mission

Not once War of the Chosen is released. They've got a lot of new features that prevents explosives from being your "get out of fucked free" card


i dont mind the rulers
Exept that one flying fucker that casts Devastate on your whole squad and you have to choose wich lucky fucker gets to stay Conscious to try and fend off against a gate keeper and 2 Mutons
Seriously, fuck that DLC

You're playing classic + ironman when this guy jumps behind your team and slaps the hostage's ass.
What do you do?

How is this game? I want a strategy game for console. Is it like the warhammer games on pc?

i bought xcom 2 during the sale. should i wait for the DLC before starting it? i have other stuff to play but i'm getting more and more eager to kill some aliums

>one viper left
>soldier 1 has 95% to hit
>soldier 2 in the same turn has 12% chance to hit
I didn't know whether to be angry or not

So I just read about War of the Chosen and apparently your soldiers can be kidnapped and will sometimes disobey your orders because of personality traits.

>be in elevated position and hunkered down
>cpu still hits you

The game has so much bullshit that it's not funny.
Or the classic overwatch ambush.

>encircle cpu
>entire squad set to overwatch
>alien runs into open

Well fuck you too buddy!
I literally missed 8 overwatches in a row!


This an X-com thread not an Overwatch one. Fuck off blizzdrone.

personality traits only arise as a result of sending out fatigued soldiers

Being this new

i think it was an attempt at a joke


Nah, XCOM2 is solid on its own.

WOTC looks great though.

Someone please answer me

Hasn't this game only been out like a year? Why does it have a graphics upgrade in the deluxe version? How bad are the graphics in the original"?

Even more ways to get fucked by RNG, great!

>Put missions/objectives on a timer
>Stealth is poorly implemented
>RNG out the ass
>Get asshurt at the community when the overwatch turtling you tried to get rid of is replaced by running through the entire level and blowing up everything with a team of grenadiers

Maybe they should just let the players have fun with whatever playstyle they like.
This isnt a competitive game.

>Put missions/objectives on a timer
What are mods. Anyway their not hard if you learn the game
>Stealth is poorly implemented
Pretty subjective but yeah I'll give you that one
>RNG out the ass
In a game about rng management, my average shot percentage is 70%. i might only lose 1 or 2 missions in a whole campaign, rng is not a reason for being bad over multiple missions/campaigns
>>Get asshurt at the community when the overwatch turtling you tried to get rid of is replaced by running through the entire level and blowing up everything with a team of grenadiers
What are mods? What are casuals?

>One soldier left in my turn
>Viper is the only one left and my soldier has a 100% chance to hit it
I fucking hate this mechanic.

>>Stealth is poorly implemented

Stealth is essentially a scouting mechanic. It does exactly what it's supposed to do.

Nothing like trying to start an ambush with a concealed sniper's 100% deadeye shot with serial activated, only to have the first target dodge graze out of an attack they had no idea was coming. Dodging shouldn't be fucking possible for unaware targets.

>what are mods
>implying you have to mod the game in order for it to be good
Why do PCfags always use this retarded 'argument'? It always backfires.

>Advent has all their computers and resources in transit set on a timer to blow up for no reason

They fixed that though. You can't get a graze if your chance to hit is 100%.

And when you're in concealment.

I'm not sure but I think they patched that after a while, Dodge is still a shit mechanic though and what you said should never have happened in the first place.

Had a mission where the king viper screwed it over and I had three turns to evac along with swarms of enemies coming in. It would have been fine if not for the stun lancers as well.

Sat there for hours thinking of a way to complete the mission without losing anyone. Near impossible with only one winning move that barely worked by getting all my units onto a rooftop and killing the king viper in two turns. I blocked the way to the roof by placing a soldier right on the edge so the stun lancers couldn't climb up.

I know it's a bad story.

If your butthurt about the timers you can remove them and add in some cheat guns for you to use. Unless you got the game on a console in which case your retarded, if you refuse to get good or learn the game then don't casualize the game to people who do know how the game works. They give you ample to time to complete the objective. I have to have longwar on cause vanilla even on legendary ironman is easy

Grenadier spam is overrated. As is overwatch crawl.

Grenadiers are mostly useful in the early game for guaranteed damage, but Rangers are the class you never want to be without as they get 100% shots at close range and can scout ahead.

>When you think the timers are just right in the base game and still have fun with them

Sometimes your meant to evac it's why the game gave you the portable evac as oppposed to the one in EU at your spawn, except for a few select missions or story/dlc ones you can get away easy

>Not just randomly destroying your own stuff

Is it still possible to reset the Avatar timer entirely by letting it go down to a few hours and then complete one of the Avatar missions?

Rangers are so fucking sexy
>spot enemy
>run and gun
>dead ayy
>run to cover

>decide to try a difficulty above easy and stop savescumming
>can't beat tutorial mission

Was a escort the vip mission. I was too determined. Somehow landed 3 or 4 shots under 30% which was a miracle.

That could only possibly apply to the data mission. But even then, the explanation could be ADVENT is going to transfer that data and it will become inaccessible soon.

All the other timers make perfect sense.

Full cover
Height advantage


I try to put that into consideration but then my full cover height advantage unflanked soldier gets crit by advent in half cover

Long war firebat voice pack and all the fire perks is fun

The first mission is probably the most difficult on Legendary or whatever the most hardest choice is. You have to kill three packs which includes one ayy without taking any damage.

whatever the hardest*


I saw a video where a guy killed the Archon King with the fucking repeater on pure luck

Gatecrasher is unironically and hilariously the hardest mission on Commander/Legend. Because it's pure RNG.

>rookies have such low health they can get 1 shot in cover
>rookies have 65 base aim so a flanking shot to the face is still only 85%
>rookies have low will so any damage/death means a panic
>basic advent dudes have 4 health so it's not a guaranteed kill with a grenade
>cover is indestructible near the monument so if an officer gets behind it it's difficult to kill him

>back and forth conflict in building complex
>useing explosives on walls etc
>comes down to a 1v1
>finaly outmaneuver the alien
>99% chance to hit alien
>get one shot
thats xcom.

I'm okay with the timers for the most part, but not for those missions. You start them in concealment, enemy doesn't have any clue you're there, yet blah blah "self detonating charges" get activated while the enemies casually stroll around something about to explode for no reason. Would've been more interesting to play and sensical with a shorter timer activated only after breaking concealment.

>Band of alien eating hardass guerrila fighters
>Militia of genemodded alien defectors with grappling guns
>Cult of zealous psionic knights

You can only choose one

It's going to be a tough choice, it'll depend on their looks and abilities.

In a pure shoot out you'll win. A basic trooper at some sort of mid range should be getting around 30% to hit. You should be getting around 50%. Given a height advantage that's around 60% and if you blow his cover it's around 85%.

The only thing which might change this is the commanders targeting thingy

But I thought the whole thing about WOTC is you're uniting all of them together?

Reapers because Marina Sirtis.

>You can create your own propaganda
>A new mode called Photobooth lets you create custom propaganda posters for your soldiers—including bonded pairs—which you’ll see plastered up in levels later on. I’m not sure if this has any benefit besides being fun

Time to post sneks being raped as propaganda.

I had this happen

Does constant crashing that corrupts save files count?

Nope just fun, bonded pairs will though they can give eachother moves

The shitty journalist said they'd be able to do more than just moves, I hope it'll be a good mechanic to counter the heroes and their abilities, especially if we also have tons of zombies to kill at the same time.