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>4 Backpaddles are still not an industry standard
The DS4, Switch everything, and Xbox (unless you pay 150) can't use 2/3rds of the controller buttons without sacrificing control of the sticks. It's retarded.

Both sticks are clickable.

Fuck knows then.

The Joycons are clickable.

its nintendos fault that third parties won't su-

They are clickable

>games journalism

it's because there is no market for it. nintendo makes childrens toys.

>devs being lying nigwads again
You could just come out and say you don't want to bother with Nintendo or their underpowered hardware, guys.

>playing console shooters
>supporting cliffy b
>believing blatant lies

And to think there are children on this board who will buy it.

The real answer is they don't think Lawbreakers is going to do well, and investing in a Nintendo version will only put the company further into the red. The game isn't looking to good and there's no pre-release hype behind it.

You know this would've been the perfect game to show that gyro FPS games can work.


literally who

Did anyone figure out how to use the joycons as a PC controller yet? I want one for my living room PC setup.

>But the joycons have the same amount of buttons as the DS4?
No tough pad.

Isn't it funny how that is always the answer? It's always people on the verge of bankruptcy laughing at the idea of publishing on Nintendo consoles, same thing happened with Titanfall 2. Successful companies are always polite.

But PS4 has gyro too

>But the joycons have the same amount of buttons as the DS4?


It has a select button and a seperate share button equivalent

No it wouldn't, trying to control a twitch shooter with gyros is fucking absurd.

>and there's no pre-release hype behind it.
This, I didn't even know it existed before these threads. I'd think most of the west would have learned by now how important marketing is since their games aren't actually good enough to stand on their own.

Do yall think we'll someday get a hardcore Switch title that forces you to hold each Joy-Con separately, so you can use the side buttons?

Switch couldn't handle Titanfall. This is just Cliffy's company placing the blame on the controller.

>says ZR button twice on the right joycon

So does the DS4

I'd buy a Switch if I could FUCKING FIND ONE FOR MSRP

Speaking of cunts and their tanking companies, I'm eager to see how Ninja Theory's new abortion turns out.

LawBreakers is fun. Better than new Unreal Tournament

t. whoever the fuck is making whatever the hell this game is

but shooting in real life is just like shooting gyro so.....

The touch pad is effectively the select button, or in the case of the joy cons, minus button. I doubt they require you to swipe on the damn thing for the game, there are hardly any first party games that do that.

The touchpad also functions as a clickable button

The only way this could be true is if it uses multiple inputs with the touchpad, which means Xbox wouldn't work. Otherwise, he's a fucking liar and a dumbass on top of that.

>ctrl f "analog triggers"
>0 results
Why is Sup Forums full of shills?

Amazon and Walmart had them in a bunch of times in the past week. Not hard at all. I've bought 7 and sold 6 so far.

Clearly a typo user

Anything you need analog triggers for is best played with a different controller anyway like a racing wheel.

>console FPS
>literally have to move either your moving hand or your aiming hand off the control sticks to do some kind of swiping motion

Just like it's better to play more powerful games on powerful consoles.



Sure, but graphics don't affect gameplay in any meaningful way.

>the state of game developers.



It's probably the lack of analogue triggers and the touchpad that's making up the difference. The touchpad can act as 4 buttons as well as having slides and flicks and shit.

And the xbox controller then? But seriously, if a shooter ever needs all those buttons, you've gone and fucked up.

But why?

I think it's less to do with buttons and more the controller being novel. Dualshock is an old design, people are used to making games around it. There's probably this perception that the joycon set up has less precise control which may be true. I can imagine playing Hitman with them.

Yes it does, else you wouldn't need so much power on the Switch.

No it doesn't

They tried it with Killzone, but I don't know if it did anything in multiplayer. I mean, ultimatly we're talking about console FPS games, so not much else they need to do to make it even more gross.

Nice comeback.

Don't need a particularly creative comeback for a nonsensical post.

right? i looked up gameplay and it just looks like some copy/paste titan fall garbage

Fuck i'm trying this other one it was with a developer who knew nothing about the switch at all and was saying stuff.

why did this person do this? it really doesn't need it.

Graphics meaning "amount of triangles" or art style?

They can keep it. The game fucking sucks.

I like the idea that you can use the controller in separate hands so you can play in any position you want.


What company is this and why should I care?

>bullshit excuses
And why are you surprised?

Amount of triangles, resolution, muh fancy particle effects. Graphical fidelity.

Art style isn't dependent on power in the least and would be the same for a given game across platforms.

A lot of developers are coming up with overly polite reasons why they can't port to Switch, without just outright slagging Nintendo.

Like every reason a dev has given has always sounded like a bullshit excuse not to have to say "their console can't run shit with those specs", the worst is companies who don't just immediately say 'no' to a Switch port

like Square is pussyfooting around the idea of porting FFXIV to Switch (like they need that shitty idea on their plate with so many major multi-million dollar projects already going on), when any idiot can look at that game and see, it's not going to happen unless it gets significant visual downgrades, like for fuck's sake they can't even get a rocksteady 30fps on Zelda.

Every single new game on Twitter now gets these chirps from retards for a Switch port, whether it would make any sense whatsoever or not.

From the voices of third party devs:

>Nintendo Switch's ARM CPU isn't powerful enough to handle our games vision. We would have to downgrade how many enemies visible on screen, reduce draw distance for usable objects, and tone down how much spell effects that are displayed at once.

>Nintendos publishing policy for the Switch is more restrictive than Steam or PS4. The licensing fees are higher if you want to make a physical or digital release, there are certain quality assurance meddling that Nintendo does which delays our games, and they don't give us as much developer support or marketing support as other competitors.

>We would love to make games for the Switch, however we fear that they will not sell as well like on other platforms. Nintendo consumers tend to prefer first party games over third party games, this is especially true if any third party game launches near the same date as a Nintendo title. So we must delay our games to avoid that competition or hope that Nintendo has enough consumers that are interested in third party on their console than PS4 or Xbox One.

>Titanfall on the Switch? FUCK NO

>it's another "we can't be arsed to make a port so we will use excuses" articles episode

If you get two controllers, can you use both left halves on them as the two sides of one controller? I think the asymmetrical stick design is stupid.

Who the fuck are those lying cunts and why should I care?

Nice art style bro

Why do people care so much about ports at this point anyway. It's a fucking handheld. It should be getting handheld games.
Nobody complained about Skyrim not being on the fucking 3DS, did they?
But that's gonna be slow going because the switch is too expensive to develop for handheld devs.

Except they can't. It's business talk, by saying the hardware is too shit to run a game it would negatively affect switch sales. You don't want to ruin your potential business partners by first negatively affecting them through a dumb statement.

But the Xbone doesn't have a touchpad, and they said they're considering releasing for it down the line. So why the Xbone and not the Switch, of both controllers effectively have the same number of buttons?

Yeah the art style is the same, show me where these graphical changes make the gameplay more engaging

The DS4 touchpad actually has 2 "buttons" inside of it, basically L4/R4. So technically the Switch is missing 1 insignificant button.

>Nobody complained about Skyrim not being on the fucking 3DS, did they?
Trust me, they'd do it if they could. They made several prior attempts at taking Oblivion to portable hardware, it always got canned (Oblivion Travels PSP, Oblivion Mobile)

>like for fuck's sake they can't even get a rocksteady 30fps on Zelda.

that's not an hardware problem, zelda has been in development for 5 years and made to work 100% for the Wii U architecture that used a widely different language than switch, we are taling PowerPC vs Arm which is like saying japanese and arabic, it's incredible enough that they ported zelda in under a year considering it wasn't even built for the switch to begin with and even then it STILL runs it better whan Wii U.

>Nintendo Switch games news: You won't believe why THIS game isn't coming to Switch

Fuck you for not archiving
Fuck you for making me look at this you horrid cunt

So then why is Nintendo charging home console price for both the hardware and software if it's just a handheld?

So why does Mario doesn't look the same from 20 years ago if the gameplay is the same?

Businesses don't interact like autistic children on the internet

Doing so benefits literally nobody

Hardware power doesn't have to equate to graphics. Ai, amount of objects interacting with eachother on screen, physics related mechanics, there is tons of wys that gameplay can benefit from hardware power.

Don't care. You get a 15% discount if you preorder the games.

The gameplay isn't the same though.
A dev can change both graphics and gameplay in a new game user.
Sometimes they will change one and not the other, for example the Four Swords has the same artstyle as Minish Cap even though the gameplay is very different.


Sure but that's not what they said at all

It won't sell well on the Switch. That's what they're trying to say. Who the FUCK buys western third party games on Nintendo consoles?

>mario doesn't play the same
Now I've heard everything. Next you're going to say CoD doesn't play the same too. Oh wait, musous doesn't play the same right?

>Defective on launch,bricked if you got bad luck
>Barely portable, doesn't fit in pockets, you have to take a bagpack just to play a game outside
>Joycons are extremely fragile and with range problems
>Can't put stickers on joycons, you can on the ps4 and xbone controllers
>No browser
>No voice chat without smartphone
>Pro Controller extremely expensive
>Can't play while charging, cable gets in the way, have to buy a stand that is sold separately
>Stand is extremely faulty
>HD Rumble increases the price while not doing anything
>No worth exclusives
>TV mode hinders FPS performance
>UI sucks really bad with the minimalism trend
>Comes with dead pixels you can't fix
>Screen is TN, not IPS
>Huge bezel, screen is way too tiny
>Can't use Ethernet or USB ports, only unstable Wifi not suited for online gaming
>Hard to buy it due to artificial scarcity
>Paid online
>Continuous Wifi connectivity problems due to Security Protocols incompatibility
>Looks like a fisherprice toy, you'll be ridiculed if you play it outside
>Outdated graphics
>Underpowered hardware
>3 hours battery max
>600$ on 3rd world countries, unlike the competition which is half the price and includes games
>Save states are locked on console, if you lose it or it malfunctions you will lose all your progress.
>32 GB internal memory is very little for more than 5 games, competition has 500 GB minimum
>Uses cartridgers instead of discs
>Still uses friend codes
>No AAA support, only indies and nintendo support
>Can't do 1080p
>The dock can scratch the screen really easily
>Cables melt after long hour sessions
>Game cartridges taste horrible
>Straps are extremely hard to pull out of the joycons and can get jammed and actually cut you
>Single Joy cons are extremelly uncomfortable and small
>Cases are innecessarily big for no reason when the cartridges are too small
>Can't charge it with your Mac Laptop, it charges the Laptop instead
>Hard to buy games fromother countries

Wait, they have only 3 grams in weight differnce??
Right joy con R feels way heavier than joy con L.
Or am I just beeing weak and/or over sensitive?


So Super Mario World plays the same as Mario Galaxy?

The gimmick of the Switch, the initial reason it was supposed to appeal more to 3rd parties, was because it supposedly runs any code you put in it very easily without choking, like Wii U did when you tried to port to it.

There's also evidence to support that they deliberately gimped the wii u version to make sure it didn't end up being a better choice than the switch version (due to gamepad focus and two screen function)

What's wrong with it

Stick for looking, gyro for precision. It makes the best twitch shooter. Takes hella getting used to after so many years of just twin sticks only.

>Didn't pay attention to any of the pre-release articles

You realize games like Dark Souls 3 and Resident Evil 7 have been confirmed to work on the console right?

Go to a rural Walmart.

they did gimp the Wii U, but not from a performance standpoint.

> it supposedly runs any code you put in it very easily without choking
This is confirmed. RE7 and Dark Souls 3 were ported just as test projects and worked out well. UE4 even just has a button on it that says "Cook for Switch" that basically does most of the porting for you.

>Game cartridges taste horrible
damn, i was hoping to add them to my dinner.

I'm not sure why "I wont believe" a certain game is not coming out to a dockable tablet console

and a game no one even cares about yet

RE7 is a game where there is hardly ever much onscreen and there are a bunch of low-graphics settings a switch port could use.

DS3 switch I would have to see to believe, as in see on a store shelf for sale, to believe