Post favorite demons

Post favorite demons

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They are called personas.

There will never be a better demon than this


>not using a comp to summon demons

* Lesser Dog has gone where no Dog has gone before.

Her and Cu Cuhlain are always in my party regardless of the game.

Always thought they looked cool as shit.

My boi right here carried me throughout the last segments of P5

They are both great
You will never get the friendship of her thighs

Child-bearing hips.

Best battle theme

Playing SMT4, my first smt game. How does fusion work? I've noticed that after creating a fusion, the demon I made can be fused to make one of the monsters it came from. Now I'm too paranoid to fuse baecause I'm worried that I'm going backwards and making some shit tier demon.

Best girl

pay attention to the demon types

certain races can be used as ingredients to make specific races like megamis or avatars and such

haven't played SMT IV yet so I dunno what's good

The fuck
How did you get those skills, stats and level?


A lot of time macca, mitamas and sacrificial fusing

I hope she makes it back in SMTHD.

Best dad fusable when?

I hope that most of Doi's demonsand Minotaur make an appearance in HD.

The horse does it for me.

Maybe they'll use concept art Dagda in different games.


we wuz mitama and shiet