Have you been treating her right?

Have you been treating her right?

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Lala > Taru

Literally the exact same thing

Clearly you lack taste, for tarus are the best.

What is that pose?

lalas are cuter

taru a shit

When's FF XI remake

They already tried that with 1.0
Almost killed SE

NIN has handsigns
MNK has speed
SAM has resource juggling and shinten weaves
What makes DRG fun?

whatever happened to that FFXI mobile port they announced years ago? did it become vaporware?

>people are still throwing around the meme that 1.0 had anything in common with XI except the races being the same
You're only giving away that you never actually touched 1.0

You jump really high and then you sleep on the ground for the rest of the fight

nexon was stated to have been handling it, so it may as well be dead

also it wasn't really a full blown remake of XI, it was meant to be a more digestable way to play its story for casuals, it was never meant to appeal to the fans of the original

gorilla mashing

>What is that pose?

It's a classic. You should try it sometime.

I wish this translated into actual encounters Lining up shit for your DWT/Bahamut burst phases is so hard when you have to deal with mechanics.

They really need to buff DRGs jumps. It's ridiculous that SAM's gap closer has the same range yet it's a 10s cooldown instead of 30s to 1 min.

I want XI though not poverty XI

I'd play XI even now if the expectations for players weren't so retarded

You can't even play Paladin unless you grind out your Aegis and Ochain first because nobody wants you otherwise but goodluck doing the second of those two alone or either within a reasonable timeframe

Not soon enough.

>SCH getting buffs
>WAR bar doesnt get cut in half anymore

Its a good day

other than the relic/mythic/empy grind, ffxi is easier than its ever been, and has great horizontal progression in place

just play runefencer or some shit until your paladin gets caught up. Or scholar, you literally can't go wrong with scholar, its the god king of the means to an end jobs

>YoshiP says holy spirit will be nerfed
>WAR dps getting buffed
>no more beast gauge penalty
>shake it off will be adjusted

Is WAR officially going to be back on top again?

So what class has the highest DPS? BLM? SAM?

I played recently and mainly was just depressed by how empty 90% of the zones were even though it's normal due to all the new expansions since I originally last played in WoTG

I remember those past zones being littered with people doing campaign and it feels so lonely now unless you're in the new expansion zones

I feel like the best way to play at this point would to be just convincing some friends to play and starting from level 1 and treating it like co-op

As much as I loved FFXI more than any other MMO, I'd much rather their next Final Fantasy one either be something completely original or something that already has a recognizable, sizable amount of lore (such as Ivalice). Seeing that FFXIV was just going to be renanmed Vana'diel was a crushing disappointment for me, especially when they tried shoving in jobs that weren't the iconic FF ones at first.

PLD still has more utility but WAR is at least out of the shed.

I wish they'd just reduce the MP cost of Adlo and Succor back to how they were instead of trying to shoehorn this crappy RNG trait that makes aetherflow come off CD quicker, which it sounds like is what they're doing. This sort of thing happens so often, where the fixes for job complaints are really simple but they instead choose to go about them in a really roundabout, obtuse way.

>tfw you will never revive your dead waifu for a few seconds just to tell her how sorry you were for not giving her all the love you had

Depends on just how much they buff WAR and whether or not your group needs pldbby hand holding.

She's a better looking miqo'te than basically every player made one.

>when you work hard creating actual gameplay content but all gaijins only ask you about butt sliders and glamour

The question were far better than before though

So, PLDs, how does it feel going into the shed? Us warrior are back and stronger than ever. I'll warm up my spot and leave the keys for you while I top DPS charts with 7 cleaves and maximize mitigation. Come DRKs, let us prepare for savage.

How does breeding works cross races? Is it possible?
Isn't loving another race kind of taboo?

So, is tenacity finally useful? Should I meld it in my gear with crit?

We know at least hyur x elezen is definitely possible, and hyur x au ra and hyur x miqote are hinted at.

He losing it
>Why my dps class doesn't have strong heal while rdm got one, will you add?

Interracial relationships are a huge taboo in Eorzea. They can crossbreed, and the child comes out as a mix. Hilda in Heavensward is a Hyur/Elezen crossbreed, and a Stormblood sidequest talks about a Hyur/Au Ra crossbreed that looked like a Raen with less scales.

Probably do the generic fantasy thing and it just comes out as the race of the mom unless there are already cross breeds in the game and I just missed it

RDM just confirmed to be meta if there aren't any nerfs. With this glitch, you'll be able to pull of SAM DPS numbers utilizing what is posted in the image. BRDcucks can get the fuck out now we just took the 4th DPS raid spot

wait until the next fanfest where people ask directly why their account is locked after not playing for 3 years


Stop skipping cutscenes.

yeah, but that is to be expected from a game that is 15 years old nearly and had to shift from party to solo oriented or risk the game dying due to being unable to draw in new players. I miss the old days too, but I don't miss sitting in an xp party for 15 hours, it was great for making friends but its hard to play shit like that as an adult.

It's amazing its still profitable, honestly. And yeah, I got a few friends from wow to start it up and they loved it, friends is literally what XI was always about, if you can / want to go at it like that, its recommended.

I don't get it


Do you imagine flying across the globe just to answer retarded questions like: Is there gonna be male bunny outfit?

I fucking love Yoshi-P, but he needs to decide if he wants to be a producer or a director. I think doing both is killing him due to how much work he has.


Based YoshiP

mana glitch where you can get off the melee combo faster, quote from the post where the image is from

"You can get into your melee combo much faster like this. You shit out dps.
Imbalance numbers with which you can do this are
52, 53, 54
if you cant do it this early you do it with
65, 66, 67, 68, 69

Japanese dps forum knows about it already, so I assume it will get fixed before omega savage. Most here dont seem to know about it so they assume rdm is OP when the logs and parsers of top rdm are due to this."

RDM and SAM are in a good spot right now and feel right to play. What they should be doing is buffing older jobs so they're on par with RDM and SAM.

no worries bb, you already do that for me ;)

pls explain i dont play autism mage

>Let me spend hundreds of dollars to go to a fanfest event for a game i havent touched in years just so i ask the producer directly why my account is locked

totally forgot this character existed to be honest

Protip: If your alliance has only one healer, stay near the healer.

any news on class changes for 4.5?

My bot plays for me so....


Is it just me or is Susano EX and Lak EX retarded easy? I remember Rav EX being a bit more challenging when it came out in heavensward.

Blue mage will have increased potency across all emenity generating skills

Isn't that a DPS loss though? When the meter is not balanced (jewel glows white or blue), your gain slower mana in the opposite color. This means that you're delaying your melee combo.

I'll cover you with blackest night my nigga and provide sick deeps

Tanks buffed except PLD. PLD nerfed.
MNK, BLM, MCH buffs. NIN nerfs
WHM, SCH buffs. AST UI changes.

Lak is hard for idiots who can't into mechanics

Susan is fine where it's at imo

>SCH buffs
oh shit are we out of the shed now?

WAR is the OG tank again, DRK str buffs, whm buff, sch buff, pld nerf, nin nerf, possible GS 4 stack if mnk doesn't perform as well in savage, DRG is being watched for now so no major changes for that class yet.

tether range buff :^)

really thats it? fucking hell square

There's other stuff too

Reminder: Tonberry are canonically lalafell that were mutated by a virus, all tossed into an ancient stone city, sealed up and flooded to keep the virus from spreading

>sch was stupidly good for all of 2.x and 3.x
>not as good not even a patch
>bitching and whining
fucking schs man

WAIT is Shantotto in FFXIV now??? Sorry I haven't played in a year. I loved her so much in FFXI.

No, there was an event for FFXI's birthday like 3/4 years ago when she showed up.

my fairy and my tonberry drill sergeant are gonna doink your ass

she had her own event a few years back. remains one of the few items you can't buy in the cash shop, the wind up mini shantotto

This makes no sense though. Enchanted Riposte uses 30 white/black mana, Enchanted Zwerchhau and Redoublement uses 25 white/black mana each.

If you have 100 white mana and 54 black mana, riposite will put you at 70 white/24 black. which means that your zwerchhau and redoublement will NOT be enhanced meaning that they have less damage and a higher GCD.

If only all Lalafell were sealed up...

>The introduction of “Miasma II” as a job specific skill.
>Changed the cooldown of Emergency Tactics to 20 seconds.
>Indomitability [stay tuned]
>Strengthening Excogitation.
Good I had no reason of using that skill
>Changed the range of Fey Union to 15 malms.
Decent, but I'd still rather be a gradual heal over time rather than a burst heals over time
>Aetherpact has been changed to increase Faerie Gauge even when Aetherflow actions does not inflict an effect on the target.
>Introduction of a trait reducing the cooldown of Aetherflow.
Are they gonna make that one passive not be RNG bullshit?

>Good I had no reason of using that skill
Excog is more powerful than Lustrate and you can fucking precast it before a pull. Why wouldn't you use it?

>more powerful
>a measly 50 potency

>use it before a pull
>wears off before its used

dude what? are you high?

>roe x lala

forgot to add
>on a cooldown

You dudes seriously can't be this retarded, even /xivg/ has caught onto the mana glitch. Get with the times

I see. thanks. I really wish Squeenix would make official 75 cap servers. Except keep the things like glamours, more storage, etc. Quality of life shit.

/xivg/ must be huge shitters then if they think using a non enhanced melee combo is a dps gain


I can't lie. I would fug this green potato.

She takes over the BLM trainer in the Stormblood quest line and then you fight her.

She keeps kicking my ass, any ideas?

They could fix Excog by making it give 10 Fairy Gauge instantly, and then a bonus 20 when it goes off. That would actually reward intelligent use of it, and make up for the fact that it can't crit, and would also fix the fairy gauge recharging so fucking slow.

Shatotto isn't Shantotto, she's just a reference.

susano ex is harder than bismarck ex and ravana ex on release. lakshimi on the other hand is easier.

whoa that's pretty cool. I remember in FFXI you had to fight Maat as whatever your main job was to break the level cap. BLM was my first high level job and he kicked my ass so many times. Getting the item you needed to be able to fight him was already a hassle to get in the first place.

Anyway as blm you have to sleep him then nuke the fuck out of him with your agas and then sleep him again , use manafont and hope you kill him before he wakes up and instant kills your ass. I kept failing the 2nd sleep because no elemental seal. My enfeeble skill was too low I guess. hardest maat fight was red mage though. That shit was hax.


You obviously haven't even tested it yet you fucking dumbass, I just pulled off the fully enchanted melee combo with my mana bar at 53/100. It's a glitch


800 potency

>Those MCH changes

They really don't know what they're doing.

Making heat gauge harder to manage and buffing useless skills that will remain useless even with the buffs isn't going to be enough.

Even if it is a glitch, you're still delaying your melee combo because you gain the opposite color so much slower when the meter is not balanced. Also you would be purposefully using weaker spells to get the mana bar to the proper numbers.

Lalas are for pedos and tarus for moeshitters, it all depends if you want to fuck them or not.

You only gain the lower mana slower when they're unbalanced. So once you have it at the appropriate spot for the glitch, you just raise the other one.