New patch dropped! Kanker ganking is now nerfed

New patch dropped! Kanker ganking is now nerfed

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fingerbox :)

The real question is will Johnny ever be buffed?

> post yfw maining ed with alien suit

Johnny is only a support class.
You are supposed to group up with some Planks to be good.

Then explain his watermelon man set, if the devs want him to be truly support then why even give them a set that encourages offense

Not maining fish ed for increased water damage

but on the upside, Kankers are recieving a model update


Lee is best girl

This patch better have fixed that glitch where other characters get rolf's buffs.
>ed main
>just grinding for jawbreakers when i suddenly get "son of farmer" buff
>cant use any of my abilities because i apparently "dont have dead fish equiped"
>die moments later

About fucking time, i was sick of that beta test model. Whats even more jarring was that newer gear would look better but they'd still have their busted ass heads on top.

Did they fix the ship in a jar drop rate or is that still rage inducing?

Good joke.

>Jimmy main
>BTFO almost anyone with Nerd Rage
>Ed comes around the coner acting like a hothead
>lose all my gear
>lose all my job
>lose all my house
>lose all my GF
>tfw cucked by Ed
>i have no face
>lose all my face

ok real ralk when is someone going to actually make this for the memes?

Kill yourself ban-evading Argentinian

>been having EEnE Online threads for who knows how long
>still no authentic EEnE Online game made yet
What the fuck

I would totally be okay with it being an ugly unity game

>jimny main
Thats your first mistake. The new jawbreaker combo just destroy him in outright dps

Whoever mains Rolf needs to be banned. All they do is spam the Son of a Shepard buff while spamming the almighty three shoe beating

The idea is more fun than the reality

Looks like they gave Eddy mains another chromosone

Tf why is Mary such a world apart from her sisters
The other two's dads must have been ugly as shit

look man that's how the game was designed
it's perfectly counter-able, if you don't then it's your own fault

>says the rolf main
The only reliable way to counter Rolf is to use Ed's mattress eating buff to increase defense and just tank it out

Kill yourself ban-evading autist.

quick sketch. Fighting game like smash melee?
I tried to emulate the style as much as possible

STR >>>>>>>>> INT
Ed main since version 1.02

How can i play this game? It seems very fun and comfy

those webms are pretty good

Gimme 10 jawbreakers and I'll gift it to you