You guys have a list of worth PS3 games? I have started playing video games recently and i don't want to bother with the recent games right now. Please, send me anything.
You guys have a list of worth PS3 games...
Other urls found in this thread:
>I have started playing video games recently
what were you doing all your life?
>white ps3
D i s g u s t i n g
Google "best ps3 games"
very ikea
since you don't seem to video games much, I'd recommend the last of us or portal 2 or some shit
Watching movies, having sex with random MILFs, watching football and sumo.
What's the difference? I don't have a white one, sadly.
Can i trust that list? I wanted to hear you guys...
You play video games a lot, right? Help me, buddy.
>watching movies
you should check out the metal gear solid series
>black ps3
Try google and the archives.
I will put this two on my list.
>since you don't seem to video games much, I'd recommend...
Why do you said like that? The new people that start to play videogames don't like the old things? Don't worry, i can play anything.
Just play want ever that is in my collection. There alot of good 7th gen games for ps3. Both multiplats,Indies and exclusives still hold up well on ps3.
I highly recommend the uncharted trilogy, tomb raider trilogy and 2013 reboot, sleeping dogs, remember me, infamous 1 and 2, dead space 1 and 2, bourne conspiracy, God of war trilogy and last of us.
How fucking shallow are you that you need people to tell you what to play instead of forming an opinion yourself by looking at gameplay footage?
This is 2017 Sup Forums. Fags here are so cucked they need to watch e-celeb faggotry in the background just to stay focused.
Video games are just an entertainment. I will not take this thing too serious in my life, so i don't have a reason to do that.
If we were talking about life choices, i would have understand you, but in this situation? No.
Thanks, buddy.
MotorStorm Pacific Rift
Demons Souls
>buy a white ps3 controller thinking it'll look so cool
>over time, skin cells and sweat and natural oils and dust dye it piss yellow
I'm a clean person, too. I can only assume a white ps3 would similarly turn yellow over time.
>not taking video games seriously
you're in the wrong place
I think you're right... i will not buy a white case for mine.
What about a silver PS3? A friend of mine gave a silver PS2 to his son in 2011.
I'll post old PS3 vidya pics, please forgive the Xbone3shitty shit
Jesus user, you need to invest in another shelf or something.
>Why do you said like that?
>>I have started playing video games recently and
also it's not about being able to play whatever, but that the experience be enjoyable. Those two games were exceptionally enjoyable games for me, although TLOU took a while for it to get there
Sup Forums has garbage taste.
I understand now.
Only contrarian faggots dislike The Last of Us. It's a good game.
You might like the Uncharted games. They're very Indiana Jones like. InFamous games are alright, you play as a guy who gets electrical superpowers and goes around his city.
If you can stomach cartoony stuff I'd recommend the Ratchet and Clank HD collection. There are a few other PS3 games if you enjoy them.
Red Dead Redemption is an open ended Wild West game which is good.
Grand Theft Auto V might be something that you like but I'm unsure how well it runs on PS3
Deus Ex Human Revolution is a stealth game where you play as a guy who guy who gets mechanical limbs which give him powers like super strength, hacking abilities and a bunch of stuff. As long as you don't run head first into enemies you'll be fine.
People have recommended The Last of Us but I haven't played it so I can't comment.
Will think more and post if any come to mind.
A quick visit to metacritics brought this top 6 list of ps3 games:
>GTA 4 and 5
>Uncharted 2
>Batman Arkham City
> Little big planet
>Red dead redemption
Your mileage may vary on how good those games really are
You welcome. Also check out brutal legends and resident evil 5. There alot of fun game out there that are worth playing. Also i recommend the call of duty games if you like shooting games in first person with the movie like feel. Everyone calls the series overrated and rehashes but there fun, engaging and addictive. The multiplayer modes are still active in the games. Try getting the call of duty modern warfare trilogy or blacks ops 1 and 2.
If you like God of war's hack and slash game play then try out the darksiders series and dante's inferno.
i know, no heavy rain anywhere
If you love batman or loved the dark Knight movie trilogy then check out the batman arkham games. They are the ultimate batman sim experiences. The combat and stealth section are very good. You can use all sorts of batman's gadgets to fight and solve puzzles.
Absolute shit opinion, I mean go on with your opinion but Jeez.
Play RDR
Demons souls
Heavy rain since you said you liked movies
Unsharted (uncharted) 1,2 are good maybe 3 if you're a pleb
Persona 5
Fuck there are a few