Can we have a Civilization thread? I just start playing CiV5 and learning the game.
Can we have a Civilization thread? I just start playing CiV5 and learning the game
What do you want to talk about?
Reminder this concept will never be revisited because the game flopped
Alpha Centauri is allowed in this thread.
Well, which civil is good for a newbie?
Just pick a Civ you like and play on settler to learn the basics.
The best way to learn Civ is to start at a lower difficulty, play that difficulty until you can easily win any game you start, then move up to the next hardest and repeat.
doesn't really matter
just play on easy and follow tutorials then when you know what you're doing you should be able to pick whichever you think will be based based on their bonuses
Rome is a good beginner Civ.
I don't think they really expected it to do amazingly, hence why it was a low budget BE-team game. I wouldn't put it past them to make BE2 just to shekel about it before Civ 7.
What to do with city states?
This is good only if you don't bother with going multiplayer. If you're going multiplayer, start with V, as VI needs another expansion to be good. But if you're looking for the best Civ has to offer, go IV and ignore the rest.
How's IV the best?
Befriend them. Warring with them yields far too much negative reputation with other major civs, so it isn't worth it. Military city states for me are the most worth it, because they can gift you unique units from other civs.
At the start of the game, steal their workers. Nobody will give a shit and it gives you an early boost.
Also, PLEASE tell me your bought the two expansion packs. The game feels really dull and empty without them, especially BNW.
IV is just as unplayable as the others without expansions, don't kid yourself.
But with expansions it is indeed the best Civ game
With Rhye's and Fall of Civilization which BTS comes with it has some of the deepest mechanics of any Civ game in regards to nation complexity with the most notable mechanic being revolutions and nations splitting apart, and with CtC or RoMK it gets even more autistic.
Yeah I have both expansions.
I wish I was better at AC. There are so many layers of activity going on it becomes overwhelming once I reach midgame.
It's pretty much automatic on Sup Forums if you're talking about previous Civs, you're talking about with all expansions. I forgot he was new to the expansion though so I forget to mention he needs expansions.
I thought it did pretty well for what it was (a reskin of civ5)
*new to the series
CtC or modded FFH is something i still play continously; it's so fucking good.
Too bad if I wanted to play RFC, I'll be itching to play /gsg/'s instead