This game is overrated.
This game is overrated
Not really, in fact so many neo-Sup Forums hipsters dislike it for retarded reasons that it has come around full circle and is now underrated.
Gonna post this before someone else does
he sounds like a bitch. i can hear the estrogen. probably ate too much soy.
impressive how much shit he gets wrong
He doesn't sound too different from the average Sup Forumsirgin here.
>HL2 is overrated
>cant name a better FPS since HL2
i see it all the time. I bet you think farcry or Nudoom is a good FPS
This game gets shit on so much here that actually liking it seems to be the contrarian opinion.
>the same dude who made the serious sam videos
Stop shilling your shitty channel here.
Not my channel. bud.
Sure but it's still fun.
like every popular game on Sup Forums
>Follow Freeman
This chapter can go to hell. All your team does is get in the way. Even if you try murdering them to get the job done faster, they'll just keep spawning in your face. Not to mention you can only kill them with explosives, which they stand in the way of you throwing them half the time anyway.
For the love of god, if there's ever another update for this game, disable the collision detection on all NPCs... Fuck.
Perfect post desoo. So many kids think it's too old and too many bitter old fags still complaining about the vehicle sections. And neither extremely vocal camp acknowledges the perfect pacing, level design, gameplay variation, and art design.
This is one of the worst videos ever made
Titanfall 2
Republic Commando
Wolfenstein The New Order
That was difficult.
Half life as a whole is overrated. Bad floaty shooting, stupid puzzles, driving levels that try to ape halo but do so miserably, and a story that full blown nonsense.
It gave us gmod, nothing else of value
>almost no alien enemies or enemies that aren't dudes with guns
>combine soldiers make up the bulk of the game and are stupidly easy
>boss fights are mediocre on-rails enemies you pump full of rockets which are conveniently unlimited because of ammo boxes
>none of the interesting guns from hl1 are carried over, only unique weapons are ar2 which is a better smg and the gravity gun
>long sections of being stuck in rooms while npcs talk with zero player participation
>retail game only has about half or less of what was originally planned
u are retarded if this isnt bait
>>long sections of being stuck in rooms while npcs talk with zero player participation
This was what I hated the most. Kills replayability.
Yes it is.
So much driving and wasted time wandering around doing nothing.
pick up turrets with the gravity gun and they die fast. unless they patched that out.
So you can't refute them? Okay.
He has like 2 valid arguments. 90% of the video is just 'it's bad because it's not Half Life 1'
lol all of those are mediocre apart from FEAR which has to use the exact same environments the entire game to make the AI work
>it's bad because it's not half life 1
It's a worse game with less content.
It's a pretty mediocre shooter. Take away the graphics and no one would have cared.
Everything he said is 100% subjective. Shit vid.
Republic commando is shit. Titanfall 2 is only good because it's a budget half life title
>Top 100 games list
>Half-Life 2 is above Half-Life 1
This is an automatic pleb filter because someone who truly appreciated HL1 would know why 2 is shit.
Holy fuck this video description
>Quod erat demonstrandum, motherfuckers! I know, the truth hurts.
>If you thought this video was too confrontational, suck it. I work for a living, I don't have time to mince words on the internet! So let's rock and roll, say your piece in the comments section, I know it may not seem like it, but I do want to hear it.
End me Pete
Not even going to click this shit.
It's that autistic *awkward pause* kid, isn't it?
Not him but fear is more like hl1 than Hl2 and crysis for me is an unofficial half life 3
>2minutes is a long section
>there are maybe 2 or 3 5 minute long sections in total
>this kills replaybility
He is literally a child with autism.
>30 minutes long
please keep video game "rants," ""essays,"" etc. to under 20 minutes, maybe like 10 minutes, or 0 minutes. much easier to watch.
Love this video.
>it's bad because it's not Half Life 1
>video is called 'Half Life 2 is a bad SEQUEL'
he doesn't say it's a bad game.
I love Half Life 2. I was obsessed with it at release, thought it was the pinnacle of PC game design and storytelling. We were all young once.
HL2's faults primarily come from its irritating, minutes long segments focusing on Story over Gameplay. Yes, it was cool to see these digital actors interacting with each other, the facial animation and voice acting was superb for its time, but the game becomes a slog on replays if you're not in the mood for the constantly extrapolated plot.
Half Life 2 is the kind of product these OATS studios people should be putting together; immersive setpiece-driven experiences, instead of 21 minute live action cutscenes.
I can't believe this kid is above 16, 20 at the most.
Say that again faggot
it brought the golden age of modding and revolutionized gaming with superior AI, facial animations and advanced physycs integrated into gameplay
I honestly pity gen z for being too young to experience both gaming and internet at their best
Looks and sounds like an lesbian.
holy shit it's young kleiner
>it brought the golden age of modding
That was HL1, kid.
>advanced physycs integrated into gameplay
And by that you mean plagued games with silly ragdolls and physics puzzles that barely worked.
it is, but its still good
Man, I fucking love Kolesov and Antonov work. Both HL2 and Dishonored have this art style I adore so much. These colors are so damn sexy.
I always thought the gunplay was unsatisfying. At the time I hated that the game lost it's sense of claustrophobic horror in favor of dystopian sci fi eastern Europe.
In retrospect I give them credit for pushing the game in a more interesting direction, unlike say, Doom 3.
I still think the gunplay is unsatisfying though. Really a problem in an fps.
A Red Letter Day is 9 minutes long
Black Mesa East is 15 minutes long
In the most optimized tool-assisted speedruns, there are still moments where the player is forced to wait for cutscenes to complete.
Long, unskippable cutscenes in a series that previously didn't have any is bad, yes.
>In the most optimized tool-assisted speedruns, there are still moments where the player is forced to wait for cutscenes to complete.
They got around the cutscenes by using save/load to phase through walls.
This OP is underaged.
Wolf and FEAR, totally.
>See this
>Read all the negative replies.
>Realize it's because this guy out nostalgiafags even Sup Forums.
You literally dislike him because he hates HL2 for the exact same reasons you faggots hate anything new.
It's fucking hilarious.
I agree OP. It's a solid 7/10 experience. When you first play, you're drawn in by the story, the high-quality vocie acting, the tense feeling of being pursued and the gunplay, but as the game draws on it turns into an absolute chore. The game starts to introduce unfun, reptitive mechanics like the bugs, the shitty driving sequences, the AI allies, etc. It goes from being focused and well-paced to a fucking mindless slog. They could have cut this game in half, removed all of the shitty parts and it would be a vastly better game for it. I still enjoy playing it once in awhile, but it isnt' the 10/10 godsend that people pretend it is.
>cant name a better FPS since HL2
There were already vastly better FPS games made before HL2. Like Perfect Dark.
Is it because the gameplay is bad and exposure keeps pausing the game? Because HL was directly responsible for that trend.
>OATS studios
>Because HL was directly responsible for that trend.
But it wasn't nearly as bad as it was in HL2 and other modern games.
i know perfect dark is better, which is why I asked them to name games since HL2
I'd say Timesplitters: Future Perfect pretty much destroys HL2 also.
both games are trash by default as you have to play them on a controller
If you were a kid when HL2 came out, please shut the fuck up
I never finished this game. Portal was much better.
Yeah, the gameplay is dated but the atmosphere is unrivaled. It's just so unrivaled when compared to other games, especially the level of progression shown when the Combine chase you down chapter to chapter.
It's a comfy game man.
>environmental storytelling is bad in a series that invented it
Sounds and weapon animations have a lot to do with it. Valve's gunplay is good from a gameplay perspective, but the presentation has always let them down. Get stuff like this:
and they're very satisfying to use. Also, mod up damage via the sk_dmg_inflict_scale (I set it to 1.0 for both normal and easy) and sk_dmg_take_scale (1 for normal and 2 for hard) in skill.cfg, so you aren't so tanky and the enemies aren't bullet sponges on hard. You'll actually have to use every medkit you find and cover angles when fighting the combine.
The only parts of HL1 that were anything close to that long were the intro and the ending.
>(I set it to 1.0 for both normal and easy)
Meant to say set it to 1 for both normal and hard.
Only unskippable cutscenes in HL1 are the resonance cascade, and when Gordon gets kidnapped. One can be skipped by starting at Unforeseen Consequences, and the other is like 10 seconds long.
HL1 > HL2
if you cant see this, why even bother having an opinion on games?
I agree, the vehicle sections drag on for too long and the gunplay is meh. I do think that the citadel chapters near the end make up for it though, that was top notch
Yeah and there's only 2 long sequences in Hl2 as well
I kinda liked the soul crushing and dystopic noire vibe of the RTB HL2 world more. Not to say the final product wasn't good, just that I liked one more than the other.
They're were many things that I thought were stupid though (like children in factory, or manhack arcades) that I was happy were removed.
But the overall aesthetic was something to behold.
>thinking any of this is wrong
Fuck off plebs.
>red letter day
>black mesa east
>citadel pod ride
Halo 2
Their MP7 has to be the most retarded gun ever. Where the fuck do the grenades even come from? Also, the AR2 never really gelled with me. Maybe it's because the reload and ammo capacity always felt off.
does smod work with half life 2 update?
>it's a boat chapter
>it's a car chapter
>it's a wait for the conversation to end chapter
>it's a destroy the gunships chapter
>it's a fight hordes of enemies until the plot progresses chapter
>it's a mines everywhere chapter
>it's a follow freeman chapter
>it's an antlion chapter
Playing a lot of source games drained how unique Half Life was so I couldn't get into it anymore
Boat and car were awesome though.
>""""""boat""""" chapter
>you're not even driving the boat most of the time, since you constantly have to leave it and look for some switch that opens a gate in order to progress while fighting tons of enemies
>"""""car""""" chapter
>you're not even driving the car most of the time since you constantly have to leave it and use the physics gun to disable a forcefield or clear the way from all the destroyed cars while fighting tons of enemies
The only real problems with HL2 is how claustrophobic and linear many of the levels felt (especially some of the earlier levels). It wasn't bad in HL1, because you're trapped in a top secret science facility, but when you're outdoors, it becomes very noticeable. This is mostly fixed by the time episode 2 came out, and I'd say that that was the only HL2 game to really live up to the hype.
I disagree because HL2 does have open areas
If HL3 came out, how'd they fuck it up?
>Sup Forums's opinion
>mattering at any time
The AR2 model was originally going to be used as a combine flare gun, but they changed it into an assault rifle after the OICW was cut.
HL2 may not have been a bad game but I don't think it lived up to the hype
the gravity gun physics thing didn't revolutionize games, it's not as fun as just shooting people
Is there something to help me like this game enough to play through it? I really want to but just can't. I tried playing it after I learned about it from gmod but I got bored after the boat ride felt too long. I tried again about a year later and stopped again. Twice I tried it on gmod with add-ons but I didn't even get to the boat. I play half life and now my interest in 2 is just completely gone now.
It feels like the main gimmick of the game, the physics, isn't as amazing since I've already played with it in gmod.
Just force yourself to finish it, it's not even that long
>there are people who played gmod before hl2
>they probably don't even know it was a free mod that ripped off another free mod
What another free mod?