That feel when nobody likes Tactical RPGs with cute girls in them
That feel when nobody likes Tactical RPGs with cute girls in them
im sure there's still disgaea and ff tactics threads sometimes here
where are the cute girls?
That's pretty much all I've been playing.
Lady Agrias Oaks of the Lesalia St Kanoe is A CUTE
>playing indieshit
No, i like SRPGs with good gameplay nigga
I do though
>that heterochromia abomination
Any good modern tactical rpg?
bonus if they are similar to tactics ogre and ff tactics, but they can also be like shadowrun returns
does X-COM count?
if no, Fallout Tactics is decent
already played them, I meant new with modern, not the setting but thanks anyway
>look this up because it looks like it has some minor chance of being okay
>art direction for environment is beautiful
>art direction for characters, in a story driven RPG, is bottom tier tumblr "fanart of a fanart" garbage
Into the trash it goes.
Fear not the dank, my fried. And let the memes begin.
what does it feel like being unable to function in society?
He said tactical rpg not trash
Cute final boss girls, yay or nay?
Is there a speed up button?
Does Eiger qualify as cute?
Isn't that the point of modern fire emblem though?
Space Hulk Ascension
> Zodiarcs
> Cute girls
Nah OP, I'm not gonna waste my money like you did. Nice try though.
Careful what you wish for.
Silent Storm, that one redheaded Russian sniper
Even with its shit graphics she's still a QT and really fucking good too. I always hire her as soon as I can afford her steep price in Sentinels
she looks so soft
Pic unrelated.