You have exactly 10 seconds to express your level of hype for this year's GOTY

You have exactly 10 seconds to express your level of hype for this year's GOTY.

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A fucking expansion labeled a game.

>A fucking expansion
With more unique content than any historical TW title.
>year's GOTY.
Wrong picture warhammer kid

>shooter trash

Fuck off EA shill

It's the same amount of launch content as WH1 though

What races are playable? It better be every race in the first including dlc plus a few more.

SWBFII looks alright, but its not going to be even close to game of the year if its like the other one. How young are you?


It's base game + 4 new, but if you know the lore, only the new 4 are in the new continent, Lustria

>What races are playable?
Lizardmen, Elves, Dark Elves and Skaven.

>It better be every race in the first including dlc
Why? Because you are a subhuman third-worlder who wants free shit? The amount of unique content on launch is the same as in TWWH1 and more than in any historical TW title, the full price and the title are completely justified.

You'll be able to play the other races you own with the new races when they release the large joint map shortly after the launch of the new stuff

>Lizardmen, Elves, Dark Elves and Skaven.

I feel like this is going to be a tough sell for the majority of people that don't already own the original, there's absolutely nothing vanilla like Empire and Dorfs for normies, it's all a bit of a niche.

The combined map with all of WH1's races will be awesome, but as a standalone title I can't help but feel WH2 will fall a little flat in the sales department.

>still no aelfs
>AoS is unpopular
>New models for 40k will be most of the time only new Space Marines

It's going to have the old races in some degree on the new continent, just not nearly as much as the new races obviously.

Normies will have vanilla elves and the game is guaranteed to do just fine financially, because the first game already has an established, active fanbase that isn't going anywhere and, since the second game integrates into the first one, you can expect sales similar to those of the first game.

But this is just speculation at this point, we'll see how the game does when it's out. For all we know, it may trigger a resurgence of strategy games if it becomes more successful that the first game.

Have they shown the combined map, I'm worried they are gonna fuck it up and simplify it a lot

High Elves will probably play that role.

Here's an analysis of what has already been shown regarding the map by some literal who:

They have shown it a bit yes, and described some of the new stuff it's going to have like the fortress gates, so if anything it's going to be more deep than wh1

milkandcookies is actually one of the biggest if not the biggest TW youtuber lol.

More, actually. Since you get the WH2 campaign as well as the big sandbox campaign that combines both games.

If you own the first game, all races you already bought (including DLC) will be playable in WH2. If not, they might still appear on the map but you won't be able to play them.

That's the campaign map, not the combined sandbox map.

Give it time. AoS came out only 2 years ago. We'll all make it Sup Forumsro

>mfw all the hype for Settra's return in end times amounted to fucking nothing

>total war warhammer 2
what the hell? Is it that long since 1 came out?

>>AoS is unpopular
>Give it time. AoS came out only 2 years ago. We'll all make it Sup Forumsro
Good luck guys

>mommy buy me this new demon mask now
>no son you have to kill aaaaallll these high elves first
>oh ok I can't say no to mommy's little imp
>mommy give milked

This is the mind of the dark elf player, I'm suprised this game doesn't come with a pacifier

Shhhhhhh... no tears, only codexes

>He hates /OurGuy/, Based Motherfucker Malekith

Salty Teclis-cuck detected



I hope they reduce the amount of heros everyone gets, I just ended up save scumming in TW1 because there are usually 37 chaos heros running around when the End Times invasion begins and the game would probably be over before I wounded/assassinated them all.

>I just ended up save scumming in TW1 because there are usually 37 chaos heros running around
The number of agent lords running around might have been a little too much in TWWH1, but they are still an important part of the gameplay. You should just build your own agent lords to counter them.

I wont pay a cent for dlcs

>End Times
You mean Storm of Chaos?

What are you poor?

Enjoy your Pay2Win shooter that gets forgotten in few months after release.

0,2$ have been deposited.
Keep up the good work.


>Pay 2 win multiply player online only game
>DRM out the ass that constantly rapes you
>Origin only
>Lock on soft targeting in base coding to aid bad players
>Good at anything

I wonder how you move about with sich a large cock in your mouth. Do people stop to stare often?

>the full price and the title are completely justified.

IT'S AN EXPANSION. Should never have been more than $40 not matter the content, because it is rehashed content.

>Same maps, enemy models, same trees, same water, same building, same army lay outs, same camera controls, same UI, same unit/army controls, coming out less than a full year after base game (11months n due date)

It's an expansion for every definition of what an expac can be. Shieet son, if this is a new full game then so were the Starcraft 2 expa- sorry, sequels. I'm going to get it too in time, but there is no fucking I'm going to be paying $60 for an expansion. The DLC for Total Warhammer 1 is already more than the base game. This is extremely high magic teir of jew'ing, that I'm not going to be a part of. IF it Total Warhammer 2 isn't on sale by Christmas for -20% off, then I'll just wait for the summer sale. Maybe by then the DLC will be out for it and be on sale too.

>same camera controls, same UI, same unit/army controls

Why would any of that be different?

I can't even tell if people who post shit like this just don't know what Total War games even are

How big are the units?
How big are the battles in this piece of shit?
How long?

Are they just another mindless, pointless grindfest where everything is over in 3 minutes and fuck you to any semblance of strategy or tatctics you may have thought of?

You can call it whatever you want. If it has as much unique content (i.e. non-rehashed content that was not present in the previous game) as the first game, I don't see a problem paying the full price.

>because it is rehashed content.
Except it isn't and that's the whole point. Different races in TWWH have different unit rosters and those different units have different models with different skeletons that require different animations. This isn't a historical TW title where every unit is the 327567657-th reskin of the basic spearman model.

>It's an expansion for every definition of what an expac can be.
Except it's not. It's less of an "expansion" than two consecutive historical total war games.

>The DLC for Total Warhammer 1 is already more than the base game.
And how is that bad? Are you one of those nigger mongoloids who thinks he's entitled to free shit? Unless the content has been specifically cut from the game to be sold as DLC, which is something that never happened with TWWH1 (even with Chaos), there's nothing wrong with making and selling DLC for a game post launch. To argue this is literally to argue AGAINST more post-release content for the game.

>everything is over in 3 minutes
There will be mods to balance that out, m8.
Vanilla battles are for normieshit scum who don't even know how to enjoy a proper armchair general experience.
Or are you dumb enough to play any CA title after M2 without any mods at all?


>Are they just another mindless, pointless grindfest where everything is over in 3 minutes and fuck you to any semblance of strategy or tatctics you may have thought of?
I love when some dumbfuck who has never played a TW game stumbles into a TW thread and starts posting nonsense like this. Hey, fucko, if TW battles are "mindless" and "lack any semblance of tactics or strategy", why don't you join the multiplayer and BTFO us peasants in skirmish battles with the power of your tactical genius?

I'm I've never played mp. I play tw games for the immersion they're supposed to offer. MP afaik is just meme tactics that would never work in any real combat scenario.
That being said, can you really compare the battles from Roma Surrectum 2 or SPQR or Stainless Steel to the battles of vanilla Rome 2?

>sperging about MP when I'm asking about battle and unit size


>the full price and the title are completely justified.
I'm getting it for free.

RS2 a __best___



>This isn't a historical TW title where every unit is the 327567657-th reskin of the basic spearman model.
I don't understand why that is a problem now. If you compare the options that you have in the older titles with TWW (and the potential that fantasy have) you can see how shallow it become with everything automatic and already done for you. CA really dropped the ball in the battles they are better mechanically(finally, after 20 years) but unit size got much more smaller and once they clashed each other, they fly like there's no weight.

On release
You can fucking see Skavenblight on the map already

Im pretty exited I just hope they dont pull a chaos with the rats.

I don't give a fuck just give me Skaven
