2007 was the PINNACLE of Video games

2007 was the PINNACLE of Video games

>Call of duty 4
>Halo 3
>God of War 2
>Mass effect

All those vidya machinmas and series on early YouTube and other sites.

>Arby and the Chief
>Halo matchmaking
>Rise of the Mushroom Kingdom
>x-play on G4

What went so right?

I don't fret on the past, I look forward towards the future to which I will commit suicide, because good things will never last.

Holy fuck, I forgot about these videos.
The guy that owned Video Games DC died. I'd feel a little bad if that site didn't give me a shit ton of viruses back in the day.

We talked about this back in the GG days, but gaming as a industry went to shit around 2007, when tons of journalism degree graduates flooded games journalism despite not actually being interested in video games.

This is why games like Bioshock and Mass Effect were praised mindlessly as if they were the best thing ever in spite of being nowhere near as good as the titles that had come out during the sixth generation.

The community itself suffered a similar blow. People who used to create content on Newgrounds and YouTube for fun became primarily interested in making money in doing it, which led to a decline in quality and passion. Pic VERY related.

The best way to combat this? Buy a NIntendo Switch and play it with your friends. Don't bother with online communities or the gaming media. Just do what you love.

Gaming culture, sure, but not video gaming itself.

>just remembered watching all those Mario NSFW XXX sprite work flash videos/games on newgrounds

pure pwnage


I remember posting back in like 06 about how the horrible future of this board would look. We were terrified at the ime that babies would grow up and call massive shit like halo and cod the GOAT games, how you cancer kids would talk about shitty youtube clips and flash garbage and say all your shitty cash grab dudebro shit was amazing.

The future is now and it sucks. XPlay sucked shit, btw.

>Buy a NIntendo Switch
Miyamoto please.

>has image of Mario
>doesn't even fucking list Super Mario Galaxy

You ruined your own thread faggot

Is it safe to admit Halo 3 and CoD 4 are good now?

got nothing better to do than LARP as an oldfag?

Yeah there's a few I missed. I'm at work faggot

>gears of War
>super mario galaxy

Halo 3 the halo community was at its peak. Mass effect 1 is unironically the best mass effect. There's no denial that the gaming community was at its peak during 2007. You're just being a cynical faggot

LARP my dick

I don't know about that

*Ahem* you missed the burning crusade.

Also, infucking love rise of the mushroom kingdom

Now we're getting kids that think those games from 2007 are actually good, and not mediocre titles that threw the industry into a tailspin we're still recovering from. Nice.

I was born in 1992, so fuck off

>Call of Duty
>God of qte
>system shock for retards
>Shit effect
Kill yourself.

>r9k encounters DMCA

Good one

>Shit Effect
Damn, can't refute those excellent points. This type of clever, informed commentary is what keeps me coming back to Sup Forums

If you don't see why they are bad, you obviously haven't played enough vidya.
I don't want to waste time explaining to you.

>Puts Shit of Duty 4 but not Crysis.
What a shit list.

This is what neo-Sup Forums actually believes. Wow I hate Generation Z

>2007 sucks cuz i hit puberty :'(

10 years ago you'd have been crucified for that post.

c'mon son

Good post

>The best way to combat this? Buy a NIntendo Switch and play it with your friends.
Is there really enough space in your skull to do flips like that?

>>Mass effect
The only ones in the list which matter, and even they were just spiritual sequels to greater games.

I miss Randy, his sprite animations were fucking GOAT

flash is dead kiddos

Born in 90'

Every era has its good and bad, we just forgrt about the bad games and cherish the good. Thats why in another 10 years youll have anons saying "2017 was the best year ever. Persona 5, Yakuza 0, BOTW, Mario Odyssey, Tekken 7", and I wouldnt fault them for it.

>Arby and the Chief